How do we get rid of them?
>They have the same flag as us
>They shitpost under our name
>Try to sound as retarded as possible
>Give a bad name to Canada out of hatred
Can Gook Moot just region ban or something? They are cancer on this board.
How do we get rid of them?
>They have the same flag as us
>They shitpost under our name
>Try to sound as retarded as possible
>Give a bad name to Canada out of hatred
Can Gook Moot just region ban or something? They are cancer on this board.
I would be in favour of Quebec getting its own flag.
osti la
Get out scum.
Dude weed LMAO
They have mostly been assimilated.
criss de calice de tabarnak d'osti de sacrament de trou de vierge la
Those fucking frogs I swear. Since one of them and his filthy friends banged my ex gf I cannot stop thinking about how we should try to kill them.
Hehe cuck.
You got cucked by one of them? They look like trolls, what the fuck is wrong with your face?
retarded bc/ontariofag detected
go back to china/india
indian countries for indian people
chinese countries for chinese people
white countries are for everyone
white self-hatred is sick
stop white genocide today
They're mutts. A mix of frogs, natives and potato niggers.
I agree. Quebecois aren't Canadian, they don't even want to be Canadian.
>tfw our PM is in all but birthplace Quebecois
Some Quebecois girls have their uses.
Pic related.
Anglocuck spotted
Why are you trying to deny the whiteness of a group, anti-White?
This is a common response in those complicit with the crime of GENOCIDE. Simply claim that whiteness doesn't exist, or that the group in question isn't white. You seem to know very well what groups are white when you're insisting on your anti-white assimilation and immigration programs. Do you support mass foreign race immigration, FORCED Multi-racialism in EVERY White area and ONLY White areas?
Do you support White geNOcide?
>Implying Frenches are whites.
You are 50% white, at best. Even Slavs are whiter.
Frog false flag posting...
Not surprised really.
The French aren't our issue it's all the nonwhites.
QC here, this.
Stop divide and conquer, we have bigger problems.
That's funny, because I'm a slav and not a frog. I just despise cowardly little rats like you who have the nerve to badmouth their betters. Take your shit back to india omar.
Exactly this d&c shit is getting out of hand we are European bros and need to address real problems.
Quebecois aren't Europeans.
>But muh language
It's nowhere close to any European language, it sounds idiotic and something a tribe of Africans would come up with.
>hating the people of your country who are the most red pilled
They let in thousands of Muslims in, yearly.
Montreal is the biggest ISIS recruitment center in North America
Tell me how they're redpilled?
Fuck off shill.
I will stand beside my WHITE French brothers any day of the fucking week.
Can you even imagine how great of a country we would instantly become without Quebec?
Let's make Canada great again.
Quebecois bring up the overall quality of canadian posts you faggot maplenigger
the guys I met personally were pretty cool and red pilled
Vive le quebec libre !
>we want to leave Canada
>we stay
>Tell me how they're redpilled?
Journal de Montréal
Radio X
Jeff Fillion
They're all bullshit and they give far right wing a bad name but they're better than getting cucked
>Non White
Please, whites in Quebec are so white they can't even stop turning into strawberries every summer even with 3 inches of sunscreen.
I hope you boys are saging because this is nothing but another d&c thread..
Hence you know why Federals want to annihilate Canafrogs
Thanks Wallobro
Down with the Flemish
>nothing but another d&c thread
Like the rest of Sup Forums, right ?
>Journal de Montréal
What? I wouldn't even wipe my ass with that.
>Radio X
No clue what that is, to be fair
>Jeff Fillion
He's alright, but he's also from Quebec city, which is the only conservative place in that shithole.
Like I said this nothing but a d&c thread are you expecting me to agree with other d&c threads...
Canada must be divided, it's not an actual nation.
la la do kossé la la?
youre fucked canabro. i have been talking to a grill from france over 5 months. she moved to canada for a while last month, to live with family and find a job. this is what ive understood:
>quebecois live in a parallel society like arabs in europe
>they push their horrible language everywhere
>they see themselves as "french" and are horrible diaspora faggots with french flags and what not
>they dont care if people cant speak french and will shit talk about people in french when they know people dont understand them
you need to kill those horrible faggots, although only pieces of shit as cringy as them seem to hold up against the eternal anglo
and you let hundred thousands muslim each year.
I love how your impotant rage makes you blind to your own shortcomings
typical anglo cucks.
Watch out aquafresh, this little province is probably already stronger than your country internationally.
If we become a country I am sure France and the EU will turn a blind eye to the sudden acquisition of NEW QUEBEC!
godwillend the white race will cross the atlantic and exterminate you scum
I'll house every European willing to exterminate people in Quebec.
Maybe in the same level as Somalia.
BEADY anglo get OUT
All of Canada should speak French, and Gaelic.
lets do it
The way my grill puts it, these roaches dont even see themselves as canadian, just french. I hate diaspora faggots so much
They don't even claim to be French. They pretend to be a whole different nation. These fucks think they're worth just as much as any other country there is, while they're just disgusting vile creatures on welfare.
i like Quebec for their ethnic nationalism.
better hurry up before your entire nation drowns in a pile of poo
>mfw Pahjeet Chang say I am not white
>mfw we cuck Canada as a revenge for trying to assimilate us
>mfw they are always butthurt because we don't give a fuck about them
>mfw they say we are assimilated but we are 8 millions
>mfw my province GDP is higher than lots of countries calling us a shithole
sounds like walloons in belgium, who always vote commies. the only reason walloonia doesnt look like somalia atm is because the duch belgians give them gibsmedats
my grill said yesterday these roaches were watching the romania - france game and painting french flags on their face. french people are like russians and arabs, they spread their horrible culture of decay everywhere and cant be assimilated
They're also a bunch of commies. It seems we both have a French issue.
Genocide when?
>mfw oilfaggots will come to us in tears in the next decade to ask for money
its time to work together my anglo brother, we need to cleanse europe and the new world of all french """""people""""
fucking french fags i cant tolerate them, my wife s son speaks french he thinks he so fancy because he reads the ''best litterature in the world'' a chance for him i am prepping the bull for now
>Implying you won't have spent it all on corruption
They also like to mingle with Arabs and niggers, it would be a three birds, one stone move.
every place with 2 french speaking faggots has to be bilingual with signs and whatever, everywhere where they are a 50.1 majority, they try to ban all other languages. theyre just like arabs
the leaf is mad :^)
I don't know about your situation, but here, they speak English correctly. So why the fuck do we need to put up French signs?
You should have raised your bastard child.
must be hard to write on the keyboard with Trudeau's cock in your fucking mouth, Ahmed
Quebec created Canada. You're not happy, then leave the federation.
Tick Tock. 20 days before you can afford that second hand buttplug.
In belgium, they are a 40% minority but refuse to learn any word of dutch. The dutch need to learn french to communicate with them, lol. At the same time their entire region survives because of Belgian Dutch money pumped into it. They turned Brussel into a francophone city by banning it's native language (Dutch used to be banned nearly everywhere, even in the army, causing many to die because they didnt understand French commands). One day we will tear all their signs down and lead these niggers into their mass graves
I'm coming to Ontario for the job, I will always speak in French only to annoy people like you
no passado eu até me preocupava no dia dos namorados, por não ter uma buceta pra sustentar com presentinho. mas agora que eu conheci essa merda dahenlena eu faço questão mesmo de não ter namorada, porque eu naoquero outro retardada como a minha mãe abusando de criança e falando merda do meu lado.
Don't you have a fire to put out, or too cuck to go to work and let niggers do the ""job""? Even south africans don't give a shit about your province lol
Sorry I wasn't born that time. :^)
rio and northeast ruin brazil too, like this animal here
100% sure he lives in either rio(its part of northeast they even have the exact same accent even being far from eachother) or northeast
Here it's the opposite. Educated Anglophones send their kids to French immersion schools.
They're pretty disgusting. Brave soldiers died because of their "pride" in muh heritage.
Good luck ordering your pizza and mountain dew.
I'm ok with quebec breaking off and sending all the immigrants to toronton.
Fake fagot. We never finish swearing by saying "la"
That being said, apart from Montreal, Quebec is based as fuck.
So it's the French fault if you're a beta fag?
Don't worry, I will let your sister order for me. :^)
How will she understand you? Once again, your low IQ is showing.
anglos are retarded in general, so don't be surprised if they can't fight like men. Typical british genetics, also their teeth are equally as bad as those queensuckers
Putain les Canadiens
Vous etês cool
Also Quebec is better than Canada.
>What language I am writing right now?
Je suis vraiment désolé de voir un de mes compatriotes être tellement limité intellectuellement qu'il pense que je ne parle que le français.
Except you said you'd only speak French. :^)
my father did
As always the materialistic anglos berate us for our poor economic skills and because they can't grasp our lifestyle, fools ,they don't know any better. Quebec is based as fuck there is no competition with those who sold their culture and identity for some mapledollars.
Well played kek
Being lazy, refusing to work, and smoking all day isn't a particularly smart lifestyle choice.
Life in the south is better.
Perfect webm.
Anyway, it was fun.
Je voulais juste rigoler un peu ce matin. Vive le Québec libre, mes frères.
Quebec is shit, man. Sorry. I lived there for about 3 years and it's basically just muzzies and that disgusting maplenigger patois. Anglo Canada is the true Canada.
Why such a baiting cuck though?
>Quebecois aren't Canadians
You are truly retarded they are the original Canadians.
Les humains ont tendance à s'unir face à l'adversité.
En anglais
On est su un board anglais alors ecrit en anglais.
Adversity unites people.
I don't have a cuck name.