I get "connection error" if I try to post with my home IP in Russia even with a 4 chan account.
Is Russia banned? WTF is going on?
I don;t want people thinking I'm a gypsy posting with this dirty fucking flag.
I get "connection error" if I try to post with my home IP in Russia even with a 4 chan account.
Is Russia banned? WTF is going on?
I don;t want people thinking I'm a gypsy posting with this dirty fucking flag.
No. Russia is banned only in quick reply window.
Why? What is the point in that?
And good to hear!
Someone ddos'ed Sup Forums from Russian servers.
Typical Sup Forums tabs
Ah fuck. So we all have to suffer? They can't just ban IP ranges?
Mods this is shitty.
pass holders should be exempt form this shit.
20$ is like 8 years wages here assholes :)
>connection error
It's just Sup Forums being iffy, happens to me too and we're too irrelevant to be banned.
No, this is not real ban, it shows "connection error" instead "you are banned" and pass doesn't help with it.
It's on all networks I tried though (home, neighbors hacked wifi, work and on my mobile).
>They can't just ban IP ranges?
kek m8, they did exactly this. The only thing we know is that happened because of pyблeтpeд. Fucking /po/paшa.
Пpичём здecь pyблeтpeд?
Пpи тoм, чтo мaть твoя шлюхa, a ты coceшь хyи y Aхмeдa, cocaчep eбaный.
I had the same problem yesterday.
Today it's normal
Test. I am not even Russian but fuck this shit.
is this bait screenshot?You can't be that ertarded
It's not your connection, it's Sup Forums's server, it'll be fine in later.
have you seen not bait screenshot with shown tabs?
I couldn't post from germany on Sup Forums a while back, and I don't know why. I guess this just happens once in a while
I think it was the Ruski government, all the talk about Putin liking little boys I bet
>Sup Forums helps Russian army
>a day later they get banned
wash your flag
The russian government found it too difficult to get its citizens to stop browsing Sup Forums, so it resorted to DDoS so tha Hiro would be forced to instigate it for them.
a bunch of jews they are.
пoтoмy чтo oн paкoвый и зaeбaл вceх нopмaльных cocaчepoв, вы eгo eщe и cюдa пpитaщили.
>kremlin ddos Sup Forums
>from Russian botnets
I don't think they are that stupid
The people that went after 2ch attacked this chan to get the refugees from there? Is that what happened?
Stupidity or hubris?
1/15 094
You're a rare soul.
Shill detected
R u CIA?
Stop using our flag you ugly mongoloid drunktard
It says the source right there in the pic you fucking lazy Faggot
after 4chins went down, I wanted to see what 2ch looks like (never been there) and it was taken down as well so I suspect it was a concerted op by the RU gov't
upon refugees' arrival here in the beginning of the week, there was some bot spamming incredible amounts of cyrillic gibberish, presumably random chunks from a Russian language corpus because it was all nonsense
It was FBI creating a distraction to nab all them filthy pedos
oh its work
I can post, but not with native extension or 4chanx enabled. Hiroshimoot probably forgot to turn some api thing back on
You're a Muslim Nigger. That's why
براز في الحمام
Begone beggar shoo shoo
Not banned tho.
it wouldn't be the first time
Russian govt has leveraged the... informal sector in several well documented attacks
russian cybercriminals and mafia in general are hand in hand with kremlin
How do we know you aren't shill?
2ch.hk clearly went away because of shills.
I don't trust Ruskies.
So the pic is from the last Russian poster?
At the moment Quick replies aren't working. Or any cross-domain requests for that matter.
It's done to stop the bots from coordinating their DDoS;
You're gonna make it Vlad
hmm test
>tfw won't be able to keep up with E3 threads
ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded ertarded
also checked
I wonder why russians would want to ddos attack Sup Forums?
You don't have to be Russian to guide a Russian botnet
Lend lease guilt
No, it was just a weird error.
Hiroshima Nagasaki banned refugees from dvach. I guess, you were so many, that it was frying servers or smth.