It feels like he doesn't add anything original to his latest memes. He is not really providing any more details on the Wall or on ISIS or on deportations or on fair trade. It is getting boring.
It feels like he doesn't add anything original to his latest memes. He is not really providing any more details on the Wall or on ISIS or on deportations or on fair trade. It is getting boring.
Hillary is leading in the polls. Trump is finished.
He's waiting to absolutely obliterate Shillary in debates and ads. It'll be fucking glorious. She can't debate for shit, and has, now, at least 3 serious, campaign-ending scandals he can use as canon fodder.
But Trump is scared of debates. He agreed to debate Sanders and then chickened out.
Meanwhile he seems to be gearing up to announce Sessions as his running mate.
Fucking Jeff Sessions. Does he even want to win?
he's taking care of his "dirty laundry" now
getting the racist stuff and the trump u stuff out of the way in one go
right now it's about rallying the GOP and getting them to stop being cucks. things will heat up again in about a month or so
>dominated all the debates he participated in
>afraid of them
pick one
jeff sessions is assassination insurance. newt could have worked but then he showed his true colors by stabbing trump in the back.
there's really no one else out there that's suitable for office under a trump presidency
He's just using a checkpoint, stocking up on elixirs, and making sure his party is leveled before the final boss.
It it it it it it it okie doke? And his twitter haven't provided good enough memes for you this week?
He might as well debate Gary Johnson. He needs to stay focused on the actual competition, not go off on tangents for the spectacle of it.
>there's really no one else out there that's suitable for office under a trump presidency
Who is Bernie Sanders?
Who is Condoleeza Rice?
Who is Jeff Bezos?
Who is Larry Page?
Who is Michele Bachmann?
Who is Joni Ernst?
Who is Kelly Ayotte?
He announced a speech against Hillary Clinton for this Monday.
Claims he's going to cover just about everything she's done wrong. Also implied he's going to bring up things that aren't in the news cycle or have been suppressed by the dishonest media.
It's going to be a blow up, big league.
Hell no muthafucka, ain't no breaks on the Trump Train and its of the track and still rolling.
Believe what you want like the sheep you are.
Trump 2016
Nothing new has popped up.
I'm so excited
Hold me
>Who is Bernie Sanders?
Old kike who would rather die than work with Trump
>Who is Condoleeza Rice?
Someone who would guarantee the death of Trump(she worked with fucking Dubya)
>Who is Michele Bachmann?
Nutcase that doesn't have anything in common with Trump
>Who is Joni Ernst?
Vp pick McCain is shilling for
>is the steam out of Trump's campaign
People have been saying the exact same thing every week for months as he has kept on winning and only getting more steam. He has to constantly fight off attacks from the Democrats (and the GOP), while gearing into General Election mode..
HIllary was leading by about 10 points a few weeks ago, the gap in the polls has kept closing and fluctuating since then (from outright beating her last week, to being behind by only 2-4 points now, nothing he can't surmount in 6 months).
Take your concern trolling back to lebbit.
Yeah hes stumped. Really makes you wank...
I am now a #HillaryHarpoon.