Only black people chimp out

>only black people chimp out

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>mfw UKIP is sending our white trash into Europe to make them say bad things about us, thus ensuring a Brexit

Farage is a genius.

pastie chimpouts are almost as bad as nig riots, but they do it over sporting events.

anglos are the white niggers

being a nigger is a state of mind, not a matter of color...

Don't you have some Arabic bull to prep for your girlfriend you stupid kraut?

english are the niggers of europe


thing is,for us it takes alot of alcohol to get to those levels.for nogs?every fuckin day.violence to them is like breathing.

>they dindu nuffin



and russian?

this is how real crusader looks like

>threw a few chairs and forcibly bathed a french nigger

Try harder

Football is a game for leftards and niggers. Do you see this kind of chimpout in hockey? I thought so.


>Do you see this kind of chimpout in hockey?

>white people disregard laws
>muslims disregard laws by raping, molesting and muderering people
Refugees welcome :)


lol poor europe is trying to speak can't hear you over your pleb status

>Do you see this kind of chimpout in hockey?

>cherry picking fallacy

at least you tried


Niggers chimp out over anything and everything at any time and at any place.

stupid cunt

I don't see those Brit boys sacking convinience stores, Nike stores or walking out with flatscreen tv's. Anyway, you're a fucking nigger.

>Thinking I hold non-whites in the same regard as Whites

Get out of Western countries you shit skin fucks

>drunk lads having fun
>get provoked by french muslims or russians

all our hard lads are already banned from travelling etc so of course they get rekt by russians no surprise

The English fans were minding their own business then 30 locals threw bottles and firecrackers at them. Of course they fought back. The Russians said before the euros they were gonna cracking skulls and provoked attacks. You're seeing people in a foreign land protect one another and defend their compatriots. It's a shame that even our own politicians and fa place blame to English fans straight away


look at this specimen, regular thicko

I'm asian

it's literrally nothing, there is only 5 hurt people, and they didn't even attacked the cops or the windows of the banks or shops, contrary to some antifa that regularly break the town center of Rennes (in Britanny) or even Paris and nobody talk about it, or when migrants flood Calais and attack locals.

Are they actually throwing glass bottles at people?

Russian and brits are one of the same clothes. Fat inebriated pasty pigs who fight each other in a classless manner for entertainment. They're also the only kind of people who fight so dirtily, with glass etc.., ready to scar themselves for life over a football match.

brits are getting btfo so hard right now

Difference is niggers chimp out sober & cause far more damage. If that was a group of darkies people would have died.

>English hooligans fighting muslim locals and trashing a shit city
>Russians doing the same
>English and Russians wanting to fight eachother for bragging rights


It's just football bants. Wait until the poles come, they will show us how it's done.

who are the best/nice fan?

Some people are throwing bottles at the french locals and Russians who were attacking people in the street

webm related

Reminder that England never won anything even though soccer is their national sport.

>refball in 66 doesn't count

Probably Croatians. Fantastic players too



Based Russian has been severly wounded
English are walking dead

French, Spanish, Portuguese, Scandinavians & fans from Asian countries are usually cool.

Rugby fans from England are usually cool too. It's just the football ones who are always moronic. They also stay packed together everytime they travel to another country, never talking to a local except if they want to beat him up.

Oh, and Americans are surprisingly cool too.

Black people chimp out on a daily basis. Check out "don't make the black kids angry."

white people chimp out for a reason, blacks chimp out because of non-existant police brutality. Congrats on proving whites the more rational race.

Seems like you two just got coaxed into a snafu.

>nice fans
This must be a joke, or you are the canadicrat. Ever heard of BBB?

Oh, kek


And who are the worst fan? Brits? Polishs? Russians?

White people chimping out for a reason, aka more rational than blacks. Good night chong.

Russians, Ukrainians, Polaks

They chimped out for a reason. Go to /lgbt. die a slow death from AIDS. HAVE A HORRIBLE DAY, FAGGOT.

>English fans getting attacked by niglet and arab french youths
>Being helped by dirty Russians
>Sup Forums sides with the scum

typical desu

>for a reason

there is no reason stupid cunt

>They chimped out for a reason

>Football is a game for leftards
What the fuck are you talking about my pine tree vodka drinking brother? In here Easter-Europe the football hooligans are the MOST nationalistic and AGGRESSIVE motherfuckers you can meet!

They're not chimping out. Just having a bit of fun.

Its all about the banter.

looks like the bald cuck is ready to blast off, all system are go m80s

For a ffootball match, which is more reason than the niggers. Fuck off back to lgbt , fucking fags. You mae your disease ridden ""choice"" now go die of your diseases and leave the sane in peace.

Here's a joke you can tell your hiv positive allies. What do you get a faggot for his birthday? Something light, he hopes hahahaha.

That guy sat on the bollard just trying to catch 40 winks.

Blacks chimp out.
Whites riot.
Mestizos turba.

ayy cheeki breeki

Is it true that Russians are banned from Sup Forums?


They are just indulging in their culture, you racists!

>And the best thing is Sup Forums still doesn't know that they are being anihilated from within.
Yeah. Bacuse the tons of shitpsosting and SJW threads lately are not fucking obvious.

>chimpout and degenerate are oaky
>impying I like both

Anglos are honorary niggers.

You have to understand that people who go to away football games are usually the worst type of people. The ratio of normal fans to hooligans who like fighting is very bad at world cups and euros.

Same in England, football has always been the working class mans game where he goes to let off steam and anger from a week doing shit jobs.

All of those niggers in Baltimore and Ferguson chimped out for a reason too.

Thanks to remind Sup Forums that they're retarded cunts

kek and nice

This is true. At a normal home game you have your bunch a retards, just like any club. An away game attracts a fiercer kind of retards.

Why are you looking for excuse. Your fellow countrymen were behaving worst than the worst niggers in Detroits or LA.

it's not chimping when whites do it.

No mention of the muslims that attacked the Brits thinking they were soft white French faggots.

Made me laugh seeing them run behind the police begging for safety from the "WHITE MALES!"

Football violence it's our culture faggot.

You don't live in Europe, don't you?
The country named in this thread daily chimp out in CH too, but police take care of them swiftly... and there is a news ban on those events in CH. So you never hear about it.

remember this classic from the last year?