What are some blue pill ideals that you still hold on to?
What are some blue pill ideals that you still hold on to?
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FPBP. Came here to post this.
You guys understand that you're just depressed and this might not even have anything to do with society, right?
Hope that West may survive without a bloodshed and death
The Holocaust happened and Jews were rounded up and gassed.
yes goyim, take your meds
I would like to fuck a cute girl with a femenine penis in her boipussy
Meds aren't the only way to treat depression.
I like to think the world would have been better if Nazi Germany won.
I'd be pro choice in a world where whites weren't being heavily outborn. I'm very pro choice for nonwhites.
faggotry isn't a choice
tax isn't theft
You're an idiot.
Our generation is doomed.
There will be a big to-do.
We will die violently in it.
That costs us nothing since we're doomed anyway, and it's better than dying of old age with type 2 (or "fake" if you will) diabetes in front of a video game console, but also that sacrifice will re-ignite the torch of Western masculinity.
The generation that cones after that sacrifice will have normal sexuality and white families.
You can't just flip a switch and go back, huge changes must be made.
No racism
We are different, not superior/inferior. BUT that is a good thing and there is nothing wrong with being proud to be different.
None. I completely rejected the blue pill.
The daily stormer and stormfront are no no bad places and I'll become a Hitler if I go there.
Thems fightin words kike
No holohoaxes allowed here
Gays are cool. They can be so funny, I love how bitchy they get.
I enjoy some aspects of black culture.
Not completely sold on your holocaust denial yet but I am open to the possibility that it could be bullshit.
No, you kys.
>Hurr durr just talk a walk and all your problems fly away
Summer is here
there is nothing inherently wrong with being a cuckold
DUDE I still enjoy boro glass art and like to dab
I still want to believe people are genuinely good inside instead of it being a desire to fulfill a subconscious altruistic meme in their heads ('helping others makes me happy').
>tfw you start seeing how others act solely to make themselves satisfied in their heads
jews literally did nothing wrong, and that jews are the masterace. Idk if that's bluepilled, or just the truth desu
individual liberties
>satan's trips
>ask clueless anons about their ideal
This isn't a trap to sign a pact with the devil at all guys ahah.
World isn't run by interdementional reptilian entities, that fear crosses and the name Jesus Christ, proving they are demons.
>You guys understand that you're just depressed and this might not even have anything to do with society, right?
What do you recommend?
I want to die fighting for my race
African Americans are people like everyone else
I see people here with chimp this and nog that
But I work with black people every day, I went to school with many black people they are just like everyone else
Jewish world domination is a meme.
Love, goodness of spirit, Europa.
I grew up in rough neighborhoods with mainly Blacks and Mexicans and I know a lot of them are really good people
If you're ever in the U.S you can sleep in my oven anytime kikelover
I still want to have sex with women.
How come that the first post is always the best post?
There is one big hole in the theory of jewish control for me
We all know that Israel hates Muslims, kills them all the time and takes their land
Sup Forums tells me the Jews control most or all media and push a pro immigration propaganda,
Why would the "controlling" Jews want Muslims to spread and grow throughout the western world? Don't they want Muslims to go away and decline?
It makes no sense
Killing is wrong.
To weaken both sides in europe when they start to fight each other
I hold onto the Ideal that not all Jews are Zionists.
But the wealthiest ones pulling all the strings are.
The Babylonian Talmud is Satan's bible.
That since subjective value is the only value in this nihilistic universe then the mechanisms that help subjective value prosper are themselves valuable
It's the only way I can rationalize not dying but I'm starting to see holes in my logic uuuuuuuh
Honesty got me to where I am today, I know it's my biggest weakness, I'm going to believe it is the best policy for discovering truth for a while longer before I become a hypocrite sellout for pussy and money.
>Fell for the the depression meme
>Took the meds, tried all of it
>Dick didn't work from them and felt that shitty I attempted to off myself
>After hospital lost job
>Found Sup Forums
>Became red pilled
>Realized nope, I'm going to strengthen my mind and my body and not be a bitch
>Realize now I'm just a realist.
eu não sei se você sabe mas eu vendi minha conta do gta online porque eu não quero mais encontrar com aquela helena retardada, muito menos com o bando de pedófilos amigos dela.
Hi comrades, Blue pilled master race reporting in
Normies want a redpilled and conservative world like me.
Do you not know your European history? The Jews were the ones who literally opened the gates during the Muslim conquests of the 8th and 9th century
This is a free country
Pretty much this. Also, even if every Jew suddenly disappeared somebody else would take that position. Greed and corruption isn't exclusive to Jews.
Well, There's black people and then there's Niggers. Black people are just black but they are as smart as whites. Niggers are monkeys.
Homosexuality isn't degenerate in and of itself.
>Black people are just black but they are as smart as whites.
There are probably well behaved dumb people.
The Confederacy deserved to lose.
All men are born equal and then it gets real. If you are on this planet it's not your fault. It's your parents' fault for bringing you in this world. So we should treat everyone with equality.
I'm not sold on fascism. I like parts of it, but I like freedom and I feel like some of the people I've come across who are pro fascist yet hate sjws and complain about how they want to control everything. It's as if they think fascism is ok only if it aligns with what they agree with.
Global warming
Chronic depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. And simply taking a walk or breathing fresh air with not treat it,
Source: I'm a fucking psycologist
122 here
yep just keep prescribing seizure meds that do nothing but rot someone's brain while happily taking your bill every month
The meds we give are never meant to be permanent, only to be given for 30-90 days and see how the patient feels, if we determine they are stable, we tell them to stop taking the meds
We don't make ANY money when we write the scripts...that's a fucking myth, I encourage as many patients as I can to take the generics over the brand name because its the same shit and it costs 50% what the brand name does ,. I'm paid by the monthly salary by the clinic I work for, I don't make any money at all from giving out meds, and I seldom do
I rarely give out meds, I mostly advise changing their diets and cutting down on fatty foods because HFCS can and does cause imbalance in the brain
And if people want to drink soda...I encourage they drink the Mexican bottled coke
1. It's actually better for you
2. Real sugar
3. It's tasty as fuck
Whites are the biggest obstacle for the Jews.
The Jews are merely using the Muslims as a catalyst for getting rid of the whites, then the Jews will easily deal with the Muslims.
To destabilize the government's who will waste resources and efforts trying to appease the immigrants and mudslides to the point that they are close to collapse financially and just give up , then the Jews will "offer assistance" and take over and basically make it hell on earth...the Jews can get rid of Muslims with a snap of their filthy little fingers, ISIS is childs play to Israel
Regular sex is not at all degenerate, it's the most pure form of expression.
At the end of the day nothing really matters apart from yourself being happy.
We complain too much while not realising how good we have it. Despite the corrupt system we live in.
Also, I think it's good to have a faith. Somehow I can't get into it though.
I believe that everyone regardless of race, creed, gender, or sexuality is capable of thinking for themselves (retards are a grey area here) and can think critically, yet some don't because they're afraid of the truth and are willing to consciously and then subconsciously delude themselves into believing in the romanticized works the left wants to portray.
The Earth is round
Mexican coke, and Mexican 7-up are godly! And glass bottles don't impart done odd flavor to the soda add well. Canned sodas always have metallic flavor