Why is Dubai so rich then?
Tell me if Arabs are so stupid and cant do civilisation or build peaceful prosperous nations
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war and oil are profitable
All the architects and engineers are from OUTSIDE hadji-land.
Because civilized nations give them money for their oil, you eternal shitposter. And before you ask: NO, arabs did not design or build their own city; they used Western architects and Indian slave-labor.
Now, let's read about how centuires of severe inbreeding has left the muslim world with an average IQ of about 70:
the liquid jew
Dubai is rich because of oil and they use migrant workers as literal slaves. They put them straight away into debt, and can't leave the country until they work themselves out of it. A lot of them kill themselves.
Before oil, Arabs were into international shipping. They are located at the crossing point of three continents.
Travel outside Dubai to anywhere in the UAE and it's shit.
How do we get rid of oil dependence? It's such a vital input in our economy.
Everything wrong with the Arab world today can be attributed to Islam becoming increasingly fundamentalist over time.
will be fun to watch them burn
Smart thing: do what Norway is doing with their oil money.
Idiot thing: do what your pic does; gold plate skyscrapers.
>Be born on top of oil
>That makes them not stupid
Wow. Who would have known. Seeing how everything they own, they live in, ... is made by westerners despite all their money, they sure seem retarded to me.
Without talking of all the durka-ing between various muslim movements (shia, sunni, ...) creating wars all over up to now.
They pay western companies to build their houses, islands and cars.
Their just buy our stuff while not producing anything by themself or have any significant universities/research/technology etc
They just have Oil-Dollars
>oil money is from foreigners
>architects are foreigners
>slave labor to build buildings are foreigners
They haven't produced anything of value by themselves. Take away oil dollars and it's right back to goat fucking.
75% of their population is slave labour....i mean sure if thats rich then thats cool
arabs are genetically practically the same as jews.
You can say the same thing about Monaco
they get to have pooinloo slaves without no one shitting on them
Gold plated towers are nice and all, but how does your average saudi goat farmer family fare?
Abu Dhabi is richer than Dubai, and has most of the Emirates oil reserves tho.
Arabs aren't stupid. They're muslims.
All modern infrastructure in Dubai was built by whites.
If Dubai didn't have oil they'd still be 7th century goat fucking nomads living in tents.
Oil and slavery
monaco isn't build with oil money, it's a richman lair
We're seeing it right now. Demand for oil has been falling substantially over the past few years (that's why it's so cheap now)
>Muh Oil monie not a REAL economy
Russia, Norway, and the Dakotas essentially have the same economy, and no one gives them shit.
It was built by Persians
Oil reserves that are massiv win relation to the native population and its a tax haven for multinationals who bring tons of money to the country.