If most modern pop uses diatonic harmony, why do they not use just intonation...

If most modern pop uses diatonic harmony, why do they not use just intonation? That seems like it would give a more pure sound that would suit pop music.

What are you trying to say?

sorry i took my xans did i write something wrong?

Doesn't just intonation have more or less pure intervals depending on the key? It's a non equal tone temperament if I remember right so I would think that would be the case, but I was never interested in it so I might be wrong.

Do you expect faggots to listen to good music?

It has more pure intervals if your instruments are configured to that key, very simple if you're using a daw, like pop does.

i expect the lowest common denominator of music to listen to ear candy, music that is compositionally simple, but with amazing, pure production. i think this tuning would benefit

Edgy Facebook photo

post patrician dupstap please.

holy shit how can someone be such a tryhard yet fail so miserably

#1 - pop does not use purely "diatonic harmony" you dumbfuck. the proper term is pandiatonicism anyway. it's full of modal borrowing and secondary dominants et al.

#2 - just intonation is incompatible with pop because of the above.

kill yourself OP, git gud instead of spouting bullshit you don't understand like a dumb retard

Not him, but is it really commonplace to see modern top 40 music utilize modal borrowing?

cool, i didn't know scientologists posted here

lmao yeah

one of the most common is the major 7 (i.e. (b)VII)

it's hilarious how people think that pop is super simple

Fuck are you an idiot? Most top 40 does NOT use secondary dominants, let alone borrowed chords. It almost always stays with a simple progression with I, IV, V, and vi chords (maybe the occasional ii or iii)

How would this not work?

you mean the minor 7? that gets used sometimes. on the occasional song with a mixolydian flavour, like Bang Bang or Royals

no, I mean the major seven. You flatten the 7th scale degree and boom, you have a major chord. (think Bdim turning into Bbmaj)

it gets used all the time. you really don't know what you're saying man, read up some more.

LMFAO holy shit retard, actually analyze some of this fucking music

like i said, (b)VII gets used all the fucking time, and secondary dominants are common as fuck because, guess fucking what, they can be almost purely diatonic (what's V of IV and IV of V? basically I you massive retard, that's why they can be used, 7ths add nice flavor)

bridges are filled with this shit too

If you're talking about a secondary dominant that is diatonic, it would work with just intonation. If you're talking about something else, it's rare. You barely ever see V/V in pop music, SOMETIMES you see a V/vi, but even that's pretty rare in top 40.

No one calls the bVII a major seventh of the tonic, that's just silly. It's either just a flat-seven major chord, or a IV/IV (double plagal cadence)

can you post some examples from the last 7 or so years?

can you 7777777?

Now I'm no expert but don't people tune guitars to just intervals?
And with regards to computer based music, wouldn't it be easier to just make it with 12TET? Ease is a huge factor here.

Skream!, Goretech..... those are the only good dubstep acts I know.

>No one calls the bVII a major seventh of the tonic

Never did that, I have no idea how the fuck you inferred that from my posts