Dont wanna pay for Music

I have an Ipod 6 I just got for my birthday. I used to have a much older Ipod, but its gone now. Does anyone have any ways that I can get Music onto Itunes for free? $1.29 for one song is horseshit when you have to pay for an Itunes Membership.


Any other Apps? Ive used MP3 Rocket in the past, but Ive heard its gotten worse

I'll tell you when you're 18, kiddo.


How old are you? 12?

>asking how to pirate music
>photo has your fingerprint in frame
kek how badly do you want to get v&

Get firefox and get the youtube mp3 add on
I've noticed lots of new songs have stupid 2 minute long intros if you come across one of these just search for song + lyric video instead to skip that shit.
Youtube downloader for desktop and tinytunes for Android

Touche, Sup Forums



i could send you some albums from my library what kind of music do you like?

1- iPods are awful and outdated. Good luck trying to resell that in 6 months.
2- iTunes is garbage as well, converted mp3 files that sound like they've been downloaded on limewire.
3- You are right though, people are gonna stop paying for music. Do you know Spotify? It's actually much better using that. Create a free account and use the web player and an ad blocker, and you'll have all the music you need.
4- If you decide to buy music after that, buy it for the sole purpose of esthetics and paying the artist.
5- And if you really like this artist, pay to see him in concert. This is really the best way to contribute to his work.


You brought up some good points. Yeah, I'll just buy the music.
I have seen the capabilities of Sup Forums and thier amazing sluething skills.

download soulseek peer to peer, high quality recordings and great selection. Got it a couple days ago and its bangin !

Mfw when Im about to get my broke ass shut down by Sup Forums

dont buy from itunes, they are getting rid of the option to buy music from there by 2019 anyway, just use streaming services like spotify/apple music, you can download if you have premium and its only like 10 dollars a month

Could I just Jailbreak it?

Dude click the post number to reply to people, no one knows who you're talking to

>OP uses a name
>Doesn't know how to reply to posts
>Got an iPod in 2017
>Doesn't know how to download music

How old do you think he is?

How old are you so we can help you?
Either 12 or bait thread

Im just a scrub to Sup Forums.
Youre gonna want to kys for how much of a dumbshit I am. Im 19

Thanks for the tip.


>using scrub in 2017
he’s definitely 12