President elect Donald Trump talks TDKR!

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Wow, I never realized how far back he was basically doing campaign speeches

I remember this shit, kys OP

Our guy!

>Dark Knight Rises review
>spends 40 seconds talking the movie
>the rest of the video is unrelated bullshit

Pretty accurate youtuber review.

>denounces Anthony Weiner 4 years ago
>Uses him to defeat Hillary
Is this election Kino?


he also called it about weiner having the emails

He's a big president.

>It was really fantastic

It will be remembered in the same vein as Ed Wood movies.

This guy talks like a stereotypic construction worker. How is this your fucking president?

Construction in NYC was controlled by the mob when he started out in the 70s and 80s. He's always had to have this gruff demeanor to get shit done.

Donald Trump reviews Ghostbusters

>Incoming Donald biopic by Nolan


But he sounds like a total retard.

>graduated from wharton
>stereotypic construction worker

fuck off, retard

There are people who trust this man's judgment

He started in 2000

Straight to the point

No dumb intros

No bad attempts at jokes

Is he the greatest film critic of our time?

>Trump is a fucking pleb

> Presidents must sound upper class, white collar, college educated

Just another reason he won.


>the cinematography, what they did was incredible. you couldn't have done it 3 years ago.

Wtf is he talking about? This sounds like when people who dont know anything about film try to sound smart when talking about movies.

>college educated is bad
wise but uneducated might have worked in simpler times but with the population we have now there' no reason to settle for one and not both.

Presidents should be able to talk. They have to talk about important stuff.

terrific movie. very good. good movie.

> Trump
> Unable to talk
Okey dokey. Guess he won solely on substance, right?


>Presidents should be able to talk
>one of the best orators of our time

i agree

>Wtf is he talking about? This sounds like when people who dont know anything about film try to sound smart when talking about movies.
Funny how he sounds like that when talking about anything

>losing your citizenship if you go to movies alone

with obamer and trumperino we are gona have 2 prezez not part of some political bloodline im content

the worst they can do is send some marines somewhere otherwise they are irelevant

>really impressed by the cinematography
kek he's a good lad

he's talking about the plane scene

>>one of the best orators of our time
Only Hitler was better

>I met Hitler, he is a nice guy. Very nice.

He won on promises to drain the swamp which he already reneged on with his cabinet, promises to build a wall which he's been backing away from since winning the primary, killing obamacare which he's reneging now that he "googled" it, and racial division.

The only thing he hasn't lost is racism. Which is fine and all but unless he's going to go all in on race warfare he's going to manage to disappoint every coalition that supported him

we've had aerial shots for decades though

>implying you need a college degree to be educated
You can learn anything on the internet these days.


won't make it till inauguration day. vote recount is in its way.


>drain the swamp
he will

>promises to build a wall
he will

>killing obamacare which he's reneging now

>racial division
literally non-existent

nice try, shill

>CTR and Hilldawgs still this delusional.

Loved how you all disappeared from Sup Forums in an instant once the results came on.

Ho, boy are you in for a treat. People like you seeing it all fall down teary eyed are the silver lining in all of this.

because we don't want a president who talks like a fag

From The Desk Of Donald Trump: American Psycho when?

>sounds like a retard

the great irony here is that you're an actual retard for basing all of your assumptions on him using something as superficial as how he "sounds"

The absolute madman had it planned from the start.

The silver lining was watching faggots like you get triggered on election day. MAGA is just the cherry on the top.

very true

He won't make it until next year though. Cocaine scandal. Very scandal.

>not want a president who talks like a fag
>not want a fag
Enjoy the video swingers orgy leak Putin releases with him and young men the second he steps out of line

>still believing Trump will drain the swamp whilst all signs are pointing to his cabinet being swampier than a cabinet has been in decades

but his "gruff demeanor" sounds more like a whiny child. he also has no knowledge of history or policies or even how to construct a coherent sentence. he's obviously a moron. why are you so defensive over the guy?

>no one posts true Trump movie review kino

>Da gubbamint is da imbordand sduff

Reminder that this whiny little bitch is going to be president for the next our years

don't you find it ironic calling people shills when you're a dedicated shill yourself lying for a reality show host you don't even know ?

He is our guy

>implying that the problem is how he sounds, rather than the fact that he talks total bullshit.

is that a direct Trump quote?

are you actually retarded or pretending?

If someone said that about ebonics you would have a shit fit

If he is a moron how come he is President elect of the United States :^)?

ITT we review movies like the Donald tweets. I'll go first.

This flick is all talk, no action. Boring stuff!

because he's a reality tv star, he knows how to entertain flyover plebs like you

Because there are a lot of stupid americans and on top of that the political infrastructure favors the GOP so much that they've won two of the last three elections they won without the popular vote

Thats why people like him. You can vividly picture him catcalling a broad with a nice pair like a construction worker would down at the job site.

First time you saw this you dumb motherfucker?

>he's not actually retarded he just sounds like it because he's such a tough guy
lmao the cult of personality runs deep with you drones

He is being humane. He is draining the swamp but saving all the pepe frogs in it.

If leftists are so smart how come they can't exploit stupid americans then :^O?

Cool meme, buddy!

Yes. How can you not love his brookyln accent?

because uneducated people in flyover states voted for him, so he won despite losing the popular vote by 2 million because the gop controlled legislatures gerrymander the districts in your bumfuck villages every 10 years

How is this not a 24/7 Sup Forums golden meme lmao

>Talks about how impressive the cinematography is
>Doesn't talk about the plane scene

You had one job Trump.

they do, they exploit the uneducated minorities and republicans exploit the uneducated whites. substantive discourse is lost in the process

more like
>this movie is the best star trek movie ever and it's so wonderful like really i mean they have great hair like it's crazy and complicated and some charactahs are orange which is great for and another thing is that the bad guy dark meow is dumb name by the way he's terrible and uses this laser sword and anyway I didn't see the end but it's the best movie I've ever seen and George Lucas is the best movie maker ever except for me of course my campaign videos got more views than anything and yeah terrific movie I've never been a fan of space I think we shouldn't make documentaries about aliens

You are telling me the Dem base which is full of non whites with a high school degree or less are intelligent? The GOP and Dems both have idiot voters.

>Illegals and dead people count as votes

Laughing here to be honest senpai.

spoken like a true graduate of trump U

All liberal arts degrees are worthless no matter what university they are from anaon.

I'm from Brooklyn. We don't sound like that. It's a performative accent he must have picked up from his father pretending to be a tough guy. Similar to why George W. has such a southern accent despite spending little childhood there and his parents not having one. They're career frauds

>I d-didn't lose the popular vote, th-they cheated!
>0 evidence

so happy that this is eating him up

>a guy from ny doesnt really have a ny accent because i say so

Did that make sense in your head?

very true. very unfair. should be killed.

that's right jay, everything is a conspiracy

>Liberals and Dems still so salty because they don't know how the EC works.

>They're remaking The Mummy without Brendan Fraser, you can't do that!

Liberals are by and large the most intolerant humans around. They rage ever GOP prez.

This isn't my opinion. This is a measured reality. I know it might hurt at first but look up the numbers.

what? that there are actual human beings on this board who voraciously defend a fat old conman who's delegating all decision making to neocon globalists simply because they think he "triggers" their imaginary opposition on a knitting forum? no, it really doesn't make sense. but Sup Forums never fails to lower the bar for themselves

>another thread that turns into politics

Yes the Democrat base is nothing but mexican intelectuals.

>there actually are girls on Sup Forums

Hey ;)

nobody has suggested they don't understand how the ec works. what confused you specifically? obviously losing the ec upsets some anons, which is why they must invent reasons to dismiss it like this good goy here

You comment reeks of shit. *reddit

lmao it's frightening how retarded you guys are

Don't take my word for it.

He would say laa instead of lawhh
He would say mew siihc ali itee instead of mew zuh kal iddy

Why do we have a literal redditor as our president?
Pls get good movie taste

>he takes shitposting seriously