So remember how Russia and America and a whole bunch of other developed nations offered us firefighters to help but Trudeau decided a bunch of South Africans would be better because of his cuckold fetish? Well now they've decided to strike after not helping with any fire and oh yah, they're refusing to leave the country after being asked to.
>"We are not going anywhere," he said. "We are still living here."
Guess word of Trudea's cuckery traveled to South Africa and now they know they can get citizenship by just acting shitty.
It Just Gets Better and Better
Other urls found in this thread:
>3rd world retards played Trudeau for a fool
This is just too much, this is like a bad copypasta at this point.
How can this even be reality?
Yep, it's just shameful.
Because of fucking Trudeau, I've seriously never been disgusted with my country was run till now, at least it used to just be sleazy politics that nobody outside our country noticed, now it's one international embarrassment after another.
we all died a long time ago and this is just residual energy manifest
wake us up, oh Lord who has forgotten us
>300 kill-de-boers now in Canada
Thanks weedman
>with jungle drums and everything
All they're missing is nose bones
Trudeau is just not qualified for that job, and even if he was, he lacks the QUALITIES for that job. What a disgrace, Canada. I'm not joking -- this is a joke.
these useless niggers are pointless
>I'm not joking -- this is a joke.
I just realized how fucking stupid that sounds, sorry. Too late to change it now though.
That was probably the plan all along. Turdeau probably gets a kick back from the businesses that will hire the South Africans (of any color by the way) for cheap labor.
He gets to be soooooooo progressive in the eyes if the self hating white people, gets a kick back in the form of money or favors or both, and they get a better life than they would get in South Africa.
Take it out on the Money Printers if you want justice!
Just fuck our shit up, the fuckers didn't do shit to the fire and they want to stay? Send those fucking niggers back, fuck them! This is Canada, not Congo, cunts!
Well, at least he's not Harper. Right?
As a Whitey Saffer this is glorious.
Finally after years of putting up with the protest culture in SA the rest of the world finally gets a taste of what it's like.
You think Trudeau is smart enough to get himself a kickback? Nah he just got played for the idiot he is. There is a giant neon sign above Canada right now that is saying to the rest of the world, want to take advantage of somebody well oh boy do we have the man for you.
>Never been about making money'
>In the statement, the program that employs the men and women who came to fight the Fort McMurray fire said, "it's part of the firefighter ethos to first and foremost deliver an emergency service." The statement said Working on Fire "has never been about making money."
Implying niggers care about canadadians
Can they legally stay? Doesn't your prime minister have the authority to deport them?
They could claim fear of retribution by their South African employer.. I bet they end up staying permanently in Canada.
Of course or government has the authority to deport them, just not the fucking balls.
That would be racist
RIP Canada, we hardly knew thee.
Is every commonwealth nation just getting cucked now? I was thinking of moving to Canada but apparently it's just as bad. I'd go join the aussie-posters but if the sun didn't kill my pasty body, everything else would.
Really disgraceful situation.
>tfw harper stopped a housing market from collapsing and putting all of canada into a depression
>Trudeau can't even deal with 8 niggers or graffiti
I am actually curious, Are Canadians legitimately retarded?
They went on strike because some radio station misstated the program and they thought they would be receiving 15 dollars an hour.
What the actual payout was; was 50 dollars a day, 15 payable while in Canada and the rest upon returning home (and for 12 hour work days).
So they essentially found out they would be getting paid a little over 4 dollars an hour; which is a little over 1/3rd the minimum wage in Alberta.
So yeah; they found out they were to be paid a criminally low wage, which is why they said "fuckit" and now they are waiting for a plane home.
I always wondered where Trudeau sat on labour issues. Now I know.
>>>>>waiting for a plane home
Oh, you sweet innocent leaf child. Your country is their home now.
idk much about Harper tbqh
It's just I see maple-niggers justifying Trudeau by putting
>He's better than HAarperXD :)))))
well, I used to see it, not anymore though
Harper was a cuckservative incarnate, but even that is better then this mess.
Trudeau got in by strategic voting and a promise of electoral reform that would get rid of the need for strategic voting.
He still hasn't addressed that campaign promise of course.
The reason they took the south Africans is because they're able to pay the literal slave wages. They're being paid like $15 a day. This isn't a case of cuckolding it's one of those oh so tolerant Liberals being complete fucking hypocrites
Can't trust white people for shit. Lying ass lazy mother fuckers.
Every other country was offering help for fucking free.
If you deport them, they win
Yep, just end us, or better end Trudeau in a way that doesn't make him a martyr, although knowing my country we'd somehow elect somebody worse.
And lo and behold, the South Africans found out what the locals were being paid and downed their tools.
How did no one see this coming?
Canada is a literal meme nation.
Wasn't there an article that the firefighters put fires out by beating it with a stick and water was consider "high tech fire suppression"? Why did Canada accept help from American firefighters who are next door and more qualified?
That's like accepting help from the retarded dindu to put out a housefire instead of the local fire department.
Buddy, please don't question our progressivism. It's 2016 and that's considered a rude thing to do.
>mfw I seen this coming when I first heard about the south African firefighters. Dude Weed Got you guys again.
is anyone surprised at this?
/pol was basically saying this would happen from day 1
diversity is their strenght user
What would make a better movie?
>Boring whites put out fire, in Canada
>Oppressed blacks fight against adversity to save a country in need
Think what they would put in the History Books!
Kek. Did they even bring firefighting equipment?
>What would make a better movie?
oh god, that's probably how king leaf actually thinks of these things isn't it
Allow it man, they're a fucking mess. The US will need 2 walls at this rate.
And you guys are still on fire.
Thank god fucking animals is legal here now
Apologies moose-bruder.
This makes me want to see a movie where minorities fired to put out a wild fire refuse to work because of oppression, and the city bands together to make the minorities feel more welcome as they get rid of all the meanie racists. Then the movie ends with the wild fire consuming them all as the "problematic" people who were exiled come back and rebuild.
If you don't let them stay at your house and fuck your wife, they win.
Trudeau will just bring in another set of SA 'firefighters' to do the job the first ones refused to do.
He'll give them whatever pay they demand and they'll still refuse to work or leave.
How could an autistic Finn like me take advantage of Canada's cuck PM?
>getting cucked by third worlders
I hope Trump comes in an take all the oil
>Ignore trained firefighters
>Import 300 niggers instead because reasons
>They immediately go on strike because they aren't getting paid enough
>Meanwhile Alberta burns
I hate each and every one of you eho voted for Trudeau.
The south africans didn't even drop their own tools, they didn't fucking bring any with them. They didn't even get the chance to USE equipment.
Rare nigger not giving hoots
Any country with a jrwish controlled educatuon system is suffering the rebranded communism called globalism.
Be a nigger or a mudslime.
From what I've read, the deal was:
1. They receive regular salary from their South African employer while deployed in Alberta
2. Housing and Food expenses covered by Alberta
3. $50 a day STIPEND - NOT PAY
So you are being fed, housed and getting your regular salary waiting for you back home PLUS $50 Canadian dollars to spend or save every day.
Fucking niggers, what do you expect from them.
I also want Trudeau to get thrown into the ditch.
Is this website legit canacuck news?
This seems just too onion-tier for me to believe..
Can you guys impeach a prime minister? I know not anytime soon, but is it possible at least?
Oh god I think you're right, everything makes a whole lot more sense now.
Gonna need a minefield in the ocean when muhammed gets control of the royal navy.
Jesus Christ Canada is actually trying to outcuck Sweden
This is just some terrible nightmare that gets worse and worse right before you wake up.
>>What would make a better movie?
I think you cracked the code, mate
Let me get this straight
You have some fires that have been going on for over a month now uncontrolled, and trudeau turned it into a muh diversity publicity stunt?
This is what happens when your entire country is desperately trying to get attention by "not being dumb Americans"
South African deadbeats that can't even fucking farm—this is 5000 year old technology—have outsmarted Justin.
>He doesn't know what archive is
I archived the article to not give them clicks, the original is on CBC which is our version of the BBC.
Why not into a fire he my stop it. You add fuel to it so he wins.
What does it mean to be a "literal meme" nation as opposed to a "figurative meme" nation?
Yeah. I'm disappointed, really. It's 2016, I think we need to be more accepting of fires. Trying to put it out is pretty racist of Tru(mp)deau.
Nope, only way to get rid of the ruling government is a vote of no confidence, that would start an election, but considering the liberals have a majority MPs from their side would need to defect to make it happen and that isn't bloody likely.
it gets better
People were shit talking Russia offering to help us by saying they'll be spying on us with the fire planes they were offering to fucking GIVE us.
What are they going to spy on with a gigantic noisy ass plane that they can't already see with the thousands of satellites they have in the sky?
Why is my country such a fucking joke?
Women in politics bro, it's the same everywhere in the West.
nah mate, I'm just very unfamiliar with canadian news. I heard the name before but not sure where it fitted in terms of mainstream relevance. So that's the nationally owned broadcaster then?
That's bretty depressing.
>Implying you can wake up from this nightmare.
well, it's like our version of the BBC, but it's underfunded yet somehow makes better content (old topgear excluded)
it's CBC, it's as official as their news gets
bloody hell everything starts to make scene when you look at it like that
And to think there was a time when I looked to Canada as the country of my dreams
seriously, holy shit you guys are the world stage for cuckold faggotry now. there is something new every few weeks coming out of your country that is 10x more ridiculous than the previous demonstration of canadian homosexuality
This is Putin's fault. Somehow.
I'm ashamed of being A FUCKING LEAF man.
Canada has so much potential but it's so quickly becoming a liberal and muslim shithole.
10/10 would watch
What the fuck happened to your flag, Australia
What is the Canadian population saying about this?
What are the Trudeauists saying about this?
Biggest cucks in the world right now (no specific order)
And they are all actively trying to outcuck each other (save for USA, they'll keep making excuses with Trump until Hillary wins)
Given average pay for a Fire Fighter in Canada is almost $27/hour, assuming they were working more than 3 hours a day (firefighters often work MUCH longer days) the $50 pay being reported is ridiculous.
I used to think canada was 'america without america's problems'
Now it's basically the other way around
They ignore it or suck his cock, they're like a fucking cult.
we are fucking worse than Sweden right now. Everyone I know fucking hates him.
Well how do you think I feel?
At the end of the day and after all the banter we are all still in the same boat and something needs to be done.
It's like the fucking TFW program all over again except this time they aren't even fucking working.