Why were so many British ships hit by torpedoes in WW2?
Did the Brits have secret magnet technology?
Why were so many British ships hit by torpedoes in WW2?
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Because there was so damn manny british ships
our ships were the qtest desu
Huge navy. And actually opposed the Germans militarily, unlike any of those nations.
They had the greatest navy during WW2.
You know, more ships, more destroyed ships
Germans were very fimiliar with British navy tactics and they had excellent Intel on British ship movements and routes
>have more ships
>more ships get hit
It's simple economics or something
Because the other big navies, the american and the japanese didnt had to deal with submarines that much
It's not like the U-boats had to go very far to sink some ships.
Talk ship get hit.
Don't tread on me
Now what a second there reginald, you were losing? You did have an incredible navy at the time but you were still losing in the water.
They had like 75% of all merchant vessels in the world were british registered at the time
Medium kek
your testicles will never be this big
And liners
Oh please. Between France's capitulation and Operation Barbarossa, what was Britain doing besides playing defense on its little island, praying the U.S. or Russia would intervene and bail its sorry ass out?
Because the British blockade starved tens of thousands of people to death, they were targeted the hardest and the most aggressively by German submarines. The Navy was also ordered to machine gun survivors who scrambled into lifeboats. It was more mercy than they showed the elderly and young of Germany with their post-WWI food embargo, who slowly died of hunger while the British public laughed at them.
Fuck with the bull, get the horns.
North Africa.
And getting its colonies into the fray.
Liners don't explode and crack in two when they're torpedoed. They were funneling munitions.
Because we were in the war the longest,had the largest navy - both military and merchant - and had an empire that was completely dependent upon sea travel and supply.
All strong German men died in World War 2. Only the weak were left to breed. The intelligent were executed or fled to the U.S. That's how you are alive. Offspring of weak, stupid people. You will draw your last breath knowing your people are up for grabs. You are a coward, a silent stupid coward.
Wait, are you fucking stupid? Like 80% of all Submarine warfare happened in the British channel. Have you never played Silent Hunter? It was like a shooting gallery, the Krauts stacked them like cordwood.
The fact that we lost almost a third as many ships as the Bongs when we were fighting in the Pacific against the Japanese is fucking humiliating. I suppose that probably includes torpedo-planes, though, so it's less embarrassing.
>Why were so many British ships hit by torpedoes in WW2?
In wars, people fight. The torpedoes were fired from something called a "U-boat", a German military submarine. When the torpedo hit a ship, it would often sink the ship. That is how British ships got sunk by torpedoes.
The Germans did actually develop an ingenious mine that would magnetically follow a ship and explode on contact. It would be used to cement the blockade they were trying to implement with their submarine wolf packs and basically destroy the British war effort except for one fact: they accidentally dropped it on land and the Brits recovered it. Germany abandoned it but it could've kept Britain completely locked down if they hadn't fucked up. Conversely the British Navy has the only confirmed sinking of an enemy sub while submerged by another submerged submarine so they gave a pretty good account for themselves.
At least Im not a miserable naziboo living in a frozen shithole eating rotten fish
It was the merchant navy god bless them
North Africa, Western Asia, Italy, blockading german ports
Oops, it didn't follow the ship it just used a magnet to detect if a ship was over it and explode when it detected one the following one never got off the drawing board.
They had a strong presence in africa, had the locals fighting for them.... but that's about it
Not nazi, +30c, spareribs.
Shieeet, im ichy for Battlefield 1.
Ummmm you were defeated so whose the bull?
how do you know the weather from your basement?
U-boats in the Atlantic sinking merchant ships.
probably because the british had the most ships, and there was a constant battle in seas surrounding ireland and the uk
wonder how many were pic related
well not to mention Britain owned half the ships in the world, so if you fired at a ship chances are it was British. We also had to do suicidal shit like send rations to archangel because the Russians were incompetent and starving.
>Like 80% of all Submarine warfare happened in the British channel
Probably not 80% in the British channel.
This is a list of Norwegian ships hit by torpedoes which includes a map at the bottom of where the attacks happened (pic)
>Wait, are you fucking stupid?
I have no idea but I'm pretty sure it was magnets
helping dindus in Africa
Because German u-boats would just sit in the channalbetween France and Brittan and Hammer British merchant ships all day eryday.
>the channel
why would any british ship be in the fucking channel, are you retarded
>wonder how many were pic related
No need to wonder:
makes you wonder why the third reich even bothered to build battleships when it could have just built more submarines
the 37,000 tonnes Bismark didn't even last a year before the Brits fucked it up.
could have built 40 U-Boats instead with all that steel.
>the Russian ""Navy"""
And you sinking merchant ships didn't starve our people?
>Germany dindu nuffin rong tho.
might have something to do with holding the germans off more or less single handedly in the west for 3 years...
The only effort that surpasses ours is Russia's.
Wasn't just torpedo's.
There was these mines that were triggered by electro magnetism produced by our ships which we countered I believe using copper wiring or something?
I can't remember.
A shame really. At least the Tirpitz proved itself as a fleet in being.
Yeah it seems you did get the horns seeing how you started the war kraut
Subs are good at attacking ships,
Battleships are good for everything else.
It's a rock- paper- scissors kind of thing.
But considering axis' role during WWII it really does make sense building more subs and effectively cutting british supply lines.
If you evade enemy torpedoes they win
>Be Britcuck
>Get Torpedoed
Subs can be countered with deep sea mines literally dumped everywhere along our trade and patrol routes, mapped to naval ship captains, the subs would stand no chance.
So they could build as many subs as they want, like the v4, the mines they littered the English channel with, they'd be countered. Simple as really.
>Be Ameriflab
>Get stuck in face with a pitchfork by a rice farmer in Vietnam
>being this bluepilled
"In World War II, during the Battle off Samar, also called the Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, the three destroyers and one destroyer escort of Taffy 3 threw themselves headlong at the more numerous and ridiculously stronger Japanese naval force (four battleships, one of which wasthe biggest in the world and outweighed the entire Taffy 3 force combined, as well as eight cruisers and eleven destroyers) off Samar in order to allow their escort carriers to withdraw and to protect the vulnerable transport ships in Leyte Gulf. Between the ferocity of the destroyer attack and heavy air assault by what were considered second rate pilots flying off of cheap-ass escort carriers, the Japanese commander in charge of the attack lost his nerve, thinking that Task Force 34 (which was off chasing a decoy fleet) had not taken the bait after all, and he was facing a full U.S. surface action group. note He called off the attack, and thousands of U.S. soldiers and sailors were spared. The determination of the American sailors during the battle is exemplified by a quote from Commander Ernest Evans, the Captain of the destroyer USS Johnston. With his ship all but sunk, half of her guns out of action, only one engine remaining, her bridge knocked out by a shell from a battleship, and his own clothes blown off by the same shell (he spent the rest of the engagement bare-ass naked), he spotted a Japanese cruiser attacking one of the escort carriers. His response was simply badass: "Fire on that cruiser. Draw their fire on us." When Johnston was dealt her deathblow by one of the enemy destroyers, it is said by a survivor that its captain saluted the American ship as she sank. Such respect from the enemy is testament to the determination of the crew.
>tfw the American navy did all the heavy lifting in the Japan theater of the war
The Germans quickly realized this themselves, and started ramping up U-Boat production. But it was too late. The Bismarck was a great ship, they just had no way to support it. So they hid it forever, that's the only reason if even lasted as long as it did.
The Germans were also trying desperately to put new tech on their subs. But didn't have enough time to properly test, so that resulted in a bunch of unfinished scrapped subs.
And most of these ships sank in OP's pic were merchant ships, trying to bring supplies to the UK. Not warships.
I really wish that Nippon could've beached the Yamato, like they were trying to do when it was sank. I would've gone to see it it by now if they had.
Also Battleships were made obsolete right around the time the Bismarck was rolled out. It never stood a chance against planes.
Make a guess..
Literally spawn campers
To simply answer your question, I don't think you quite realise just how many fucking ships the Royal Navy had.
It had a LOT, now your graph doesn't separate fighter ships and merchant ships so.
The obsolescence of battleships is kind of depressing
It's like watching the decline of knights
Greece had the highest deathcount by percentage in WW2. Your fucking victory minister Churchill recognized it. Get your head out of your ass.
these new stealth ships are pretty dank user
I was going to join the Navy like my father but then he told me all about the shitty politics and Obama banned things like cigarettes and now women are allowed on submarines, it sounds lame.
They do though, that's how torpedoes work Ahmed, they create a aircavity under the ship that collapses and shoots a jet of water cracking the ships keel in two
>these new stealth ships are pretty dank user
>That thing, stealth
It looks like a demented drag Queen with a target painted on it saying "PLEASE SINK ME BABY".
Actually it's just the air pocket that cracks the keel. Suddenly 20,000 tons of metal is trying to fly on one point
Being shit at war is nothing to be proud of, Christos.
Where did you read that? I would like to read more, but the wiki did not satisfy my appetite. That Captain sounds like one hell of a man.
It's so big and bright you could see it from a mile away
It's a good thing they don't rely on eyes to see things these days. They have fancy equipment to see for them, seeing how there's no such thing as close range broadside battles anymore. You're pretty safe from a visual, if you stay about 5 miles out. And the guns range well beyond that.
What happened to good looking ships ?
Only good thing you had during WW2 was an airforce lad , and that is one of the things that truly saved you
Only reason you won at Africa was because the US came in and helped you (also via lend lease)
You got your shit fucked in mainland Europe , and the only reason you didn't get fucked even further was because Hitler didn't genocide your ass in Dunkirk
You lost Asia (singapore) to the gooks
You also tried to land at Europe , but failed
>Retiring from such a run early 5 April, O'Bannon sighted the Japanese submarine Ro-34 on the surface and made to ram it. At the last moment, the officers decided that the sub may be a minelayer, and the rudder was turned hard to avoid the collision. This action brought the destroyer directly alongside the sub. As the Japanese sailors attempted to man their three-inch deck gun, the O'Bannon's deck hands, not having side arms, grabbed potatoes from nearby storage bins and pelted the Japanese with them. Thinking the potatoes were hand grenades, the submarine's sailors were too occupied with throwing them away from the sub to fire. This gave the O'Bannon the opportunity to distance itself to fire its guns at the sub and damage the conning tower. Although the sub still managed to submerge, O'Bannon used depth charges to finally sink it. During this period, the O'Bannon also splashed at least two enemy aircraft in various attacks.
Americans were LITERALLY fighting with potatoes.
It's funny how inaccurate most of pol's perception of modern naval combat is.
German U-Boat activity was focused on Britain for like half the war.
how regrettable that the kikes fooled us into fighting eachother, sorry hans
German intelligence...
The brits broke the fucking enigma code youre fucking retarded
Greasy fellow makes a good point. Hitler could have taken ~300k British/French prisoners at Dunkirk if he hadn't been such a fuckup, would have probably forced a negotiated British surrender.
>if he hadn't been such a fuckup
He thought it would be a nice gesture to the Brits, as he was still hoping that Britain would stay out of the war, even hoping they would ally with Germany - so it probably made sense at that point in the war.
Top kek
>weaponized taters
>assault wedges
>tuber terrorists
Jesus, this needs a movie now...
It's in a well-lit dock.
Also, what does water look like in daytime?
Also, this thing is designed to disguise its presence of radar equipment.
Also, it's attacking you from quite some distance, ideally.
Also, it's fast af.
Leyte Gulf was history's real naval battle.
The only ones who can compete these days are the Russians but we only fuck with each other.
T.wikipedia knowledge
Jews started to "design" things. You might remember Jews for pushing the "modern """""art"""""" movement.
>Jews literally apply pilpul to art so they can be included
nazi subs terrorized the british ships
The stinky fellow is right on this one as much as I hate to admit it....
Yes but not in the beginning of the war asshat and they had help.... are seriously denying germans had intelligence on British naval movements? Education is a mother fucker m8....
we fucking deserved finding oil after that shit
Majority were merchant/supply ships, not warships. It's basically this Huge overseas empire and the largest merchant marine in the world at the time without a navy capable of covering everything at once, even the combined efforts of the US&UK navies couldn't stop U-Boat warfare completely, just drastically reduce shipping tonnage losses.
Literally if we kill them they win tier.