gone but not forgotten edition

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3 days until music composer and lyrical genius Kim Yerim drops soty

hope it really takes off

just vivi


forever in our hearts
dalshababes have one of the best discogs of all time desu

and BBB is the best MV of all time

woohee is the only addition to a group i've ever liked, i hope she doesn't fade away after the unit

Hyomin really cares about her fans

all night with doyeon? i'm in



i thought she had a feminine penis

you don't like Nana?

actually i love nana

you don't like Kyungri, Sojin and Keumjo?

but she was added to her group too

slutpop was the worst thing to happen to kpop

get the fuck out of here you fucking pedo

Twice and Red Velvet are performing at this concert.

okay my group additions roledex is shit but my point was that it is a rarity and woohee is special

let me know when twice gets on

good thing it's pretty much dead

we want blackpink

ok but next time better think about posts like that twice

also do you like HV's Yeo and Seo

i think the only slutpop groups we have left now are hello venus (inactive), stellar (irrevocably ruined), brave girls (silent for months), aoa (dead in the water), and EXID

the only real prospect is CLC

the choa thread was the nicest thread all day

Sorry but not you degenerate loser, I actually respect women.

i love all of hellovenus. mysterious was pretty bad but all the b-sides were good. idk what happened to them


agreed we need more of those

someone give this man an award

seems like the audio isn't in sync with the video

>mysterious was pretty bad
I can word this
but could you post any bad additions to kpop groups except Yeri and Hwadog?

what's that thing supposed to be
i hope you aren't comparing it to our choa you moron

choa tho

AOA is ladypop buddy and they are definitely not dead

apologize to Eunji right now

I seriously miss kpop megamixes
SHIM and MASA need to come back from the dead before 2017 ends

getting real sick of this choa slander

only somyi, yeonjung and that new chick from stellar come to mind atm


so I guess it's not that rare after all.....

ok that's too far

this is the most beautiful Choa picture I've ever seen

i know for certain there are more i just don't remember irrelevant uggos very well

blnks everyone

>Pyo is the last original 9muse member still in the group
her determination is no joke



wow, it's been 4 years since my favorite 2013 9muses lineup. ahhhhhhhhhhhh

when did choa get not cute anymore

did gary die or what

chewy lol

I know that feel


>tfw all my favorite 2nd gen girl groups are either dead or dying


nothing of value will be lost

t. 2015shitter

I think 2018 will be the last year for all groups I care about

maybe then you can get yourself a life


I really hope so

4muses has another good year in them, they had 4 releases between them this year i think


same friend
maybe I can finally leave this hellhole soon

when did choa get tattoos

Lizard is 27 and Pyo is 26 so you may be right
they could go for even 3 more years

all flops


personally then i can die

the host of this show looks like a hot amber

cute choa

thinking about arin getting bikini waxed

I'll focking reck you idiots if you wont stop


I'm dropping them then
I can only like groups that are selling over 50k albums per comeback

I’m set until 2024

another lizard single at some point would be nice. i want more from hyuna and subin too

identity was their bestselling album so far tho and kyungri seems to be more popular than ever modeling and appearing in varieties
so they should be able to go on if they want to

thinking about choa




>INFO] 171212 9MUSES Kyungri X Jeong Jinwoon will be releasing a duet song '4LOVE' for Star Empire's season song project on December 18th at 6PM KST

what's with all the duets lately? not interested

love her

Pyo and Keumjo had solo OSTs this month

heartshaker bunny looks so good


stop insulting choa i mean it

blinks more like blanks

that choa is a real crowd pleaser

this is the worst choa has ever looked


d__b__ is the visu_l

wow she looks really good in that pic

you mean Keumjo's?
it's right here