>be libertarian
>house collapses on me
Lolbertarian thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>be canadian
>offended by own national anthem
That's literally chinese text.
And it shows the danger of the other extreme: Communism has no regard for the actual safety or stability of buildings, as long as they appear nice enough to shut people up.
People in former Soviet countries can tell you LOTS of stories of hilariously bad structures and objects created to only look like they work.
Held together with paint.
>It's a "leaf picks a post from reddit's front page" episode
And you retard, that's government housing. And China isn't libertarian.
Based I-India?
> Communism has no regard for the actual safety or stability of buildings, as long as they appear nice
I mean, in that regard it's the same exact extreme. A libertarian society is founded on the time honored tradition of the bait and switch because surely the market will catch you and caveat emptor.
>india is gaining more respect than Canada
It truly is over for us
No, because you have to keep your reputation as a builder in order to survive. The government doesn't have to do anything because they have all the guns.
>get rich
There are, like, three Indians here. One's a namefag dravidian, one's a literal streetshitter bihari and the third one is me, the free market libertarian.
But thats in China.
That house was built by Communism you fucking retard.
Looks like they used a wrong type of chewing gum to glue it to the wall
lol, are you actually trying to argue that the chinese economy is a planned communist one? you think it's the government putting that building up, not a private firm? delusional libertardians
>be libertarian
>bridge breaks on my way to work
>survive falling bridge
>die in toxic river
Y'all post a lot huh? I feel like there's at least 20-40 Indians that come and go.
If you're going to shitpost at least do it right.
>tragedy of the commons
>Colective health problems( controlling epidemies?)
>What about WMDs?
>What about objective morality(AKA NAP)?
>What about asumptions of perfect information distribution?
I'm 7 times more lolbertarian that you and I know 5 real challenging points for the philosphy that can be used easily to shitpost, but this is just shit without the post.
>you think it's the government putting that building up, not a private firm
Actually yes, it is. It's a government-owned entity.
What is with libertarians showing off their unattractive bodies? Isn't that faggot Gavin who stuck a dildo up his ass on video a libertarian?
It's summertime and India is pretty boring
Wasn't that the "amazing atheist"?
Although it was a banana not a dildo...
>Doesn't know how to build a house
Canadian """""men""""""
Free market fixes it. That contractor is never getting a job again
Nuke Pakistan already, Aarav. Then do Bangladesh.
yeah its almost like if you replace everything he said with something else it sounds like he said something different???
>using building made under communism as example
why are canacucks so incompetent?
Gavin isn't a libertarian, it was a buttplug, and the reason for the was he saw Hillary dancing, said "she's dancing like she has a stick up her ass, actually no, i bet someone with a stick up their ass could dance better" and thus he put a buttplug up his ass and danced
>that's china
>"HURR HURR fucking libertarians"
Four Indians*
The fourth being me, a literal Trump supporting alt-right Nazi with a genocidal hatred against the Jews, liberals, muslims, commies and niggers.
Fuck off retard
I forgot you, I've seen your posts. About ">muh cultural identity" and bullshit
IDGAF about pak, waiting for my H1-B
"People" like you are the reason India is still a shithole.
>selfless devotion to a country that I don't like is somehow good
bhenchod saale ja ghar ja
This based Indian speaks like he has toilet at home, I trust this guy.
>And it shows the danger of the other extreme: Communism has no regard for the actual safety or stability of buildings, as long as they appear nice enough to shut people up.
China is no longer a communist state with a regulated economics, nigger. State isn't even willing to enforce norms and standards on produced goods, leading to such insanity as 'standarized' stainless steel with fluctuating thickness and affinity for rust. You can try and sue their companies, but a) no official will give a shit b) they will just announce bankruptcy and recreate the company by shuffling papers around.
This is the world of wild capitalism with no catalyst to it, sonny.
>actual libertarian society and not China
>sides of building fall off
>company receives scrutiny
>people go to a better company to build instead
oh gee, that's hard
Pick one authoritarian fucks
>not building your house with your own bare hands
what are you, a communist sissy?
卐 B A S E D I N D I A 卐
>buldings made by bosniak builders.webm
>Not buying your own portable wooden plank
>not whittling it with your tetth to make a needle
>not using the needle to carve rock and make a weapon
>not using the rock to make a metal axe
>not using it to make your own insecure wooden house in three years
>not having a house when you're 50
>taking 50 years to make the axe instead of the usual 30
>making it
Just give up right now
the amazing atheist is a socialist.
Dude, it's not socially libertarian, but economically it's pretty fucking close, although several major industries are controlled by state monopolies. But their point is still a valid one, this is what laissez-faire capitalism looks like when the market is *unregulated*.
>authoritarian state that even dictates how many children you can have and the people you can marry and censors the fuck out of the internet and rarely allows for dissenting opinions
>lasseiz-faire capitalism
This is the closest we've got to a libertardian state, though.
A truly libertarian state has never existed.
Because it cannot even begin to work.
Yet again,
>Dude, it's not socially libertarian
Can you read English, India? Do you fucking understand the difference between social and fiscal policy? Censoring the internet has fuck all to do with how much oversight a construction company might be subject to.
China is capitalist.
>picture of communist Chinese housing
>lmao lolbertarians btfo!
At least post some pictures of the Walled City or something for fucks sake, get your shitposting together Canada!
O Canada!
Our appropriated land!
True baby killers love in all thy patriarchal command.
With trigger warnings we see thee remain in a safe space,
The deceiving whites and patriarchal oppression!
From a reasonable distance and transthin,
O Canada, we are where we are on guard against priviledge.
Non-Descript Diety Figure keep Our appropriated land! non triggering non-descript emotion and your share of the cost!
O Canada, we are where we are on guard for xe.
O Canada, we are where we are on guard for ze.
O Canada! Our appropriated land!
Oppressive baby killers love in all thy patriarchal command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The patriarchal oppression! non triggering non-descript emotion!
From a reasonable distance and transthin,
Non-Descript Diety Figure keep Our appropriated land! non triggering non-descript emotion and your share of the cost!
O Canada, we are where we are on guard for xe.
O Canada, we are where we are on guard for ze.
O Canada!
I like how your pic pressuposes that a venomous snake has no recourse but screaming with its vocal chords.
>le Bernie is a communist meme
Also, China didn't really start developing huge cities until it became capitalist.
Singapore is a very authoritarian city-state, yet many libertarians hold it up as an example of laissez-faire policy.
The United States used to be the most libertarian country in the world, retard. China doesn't even come close, and it's an authoritarian shithole.
Furthermore, China has fuck high taxes and really bad property rights and individual rights. Just because you might deregulate a little doesn't mean it is libertarian.
Lol, fuck off, retard. You can't have economic freedom unless you guarantee individual freedom.
Lol. Cheap Chinese shit.
China has an absolutely cancertastic future ahead of them as they refused to learn from our mistakes.
>company makes shitty building
>nobody hires company
>government makes shitty building
should have made enough money to commission a reputable builder.
or at least hire the militia in charge of hunting him down.
libertarian in a communist country?
Gotta try better than that, leaf.
If anything, it shows the stupidity and futility of the Statism you worship.
I love this meme.
reputation can be bought not to mention the good old fashioned american tradition of packing up and moving to the next town of suckers once people get wise
That's the thing about the Chinese, they are not afraid of making their own mistakes and learning from them. I'm on a co-advisory board of a Chinese scientific satellite mission, and they are basically copying a bunch of European and US concepts, merged them into one and hoping to launch in the next 3 years. We've been trying to tell them what shit will go wrong if they stick to A or B instead of doing C, but they don't care. They'd rather see that satellite spin out of control and burn in the atmosphere, pay for a revised version and send a second one up, than to listen to us and not make that mistake.
Who knows, maybe they'll have the upper hand one day..
I love this meme, too
>muh 100 billion trillion silverback gorillion!!!!
>someone tries to point out objective differences you could find in any dictionary or encyclopedia
>HURRRRRRR LE NO TROO SGOTSMAN XDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!111!11!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!1
Every. Fucking. Time.
>China doesn't even come close, and it's an authoritarian shithole.
Lolbertarians are just as delusional as commies.
It's held as an example of what it can achieve even in partly bad conidtions, it is not THE example. It has a very clean government with mostly free trade and low mandatory taxes. Even though freedom of speech is not a major concern there, the internet now serves as the major communication network and is mostly private (that is, the gubmint doesn't know what you're seeing).
And it's not "very" authoritarian, it's moderate.
yes, exactly.
Authoritarian =/= libertarian
reddit: the post
>I love this meme, too
Sven did not imply that his distaste for libertarianism goes in pair with affinity for socialism.
You seem to function as if humanity was heavily polarized, with no intermediate stages.
Libertarians and socialists are idealists - their utopias cannot function anywhere except on a sheet of paper sold to gullible morons.
>Lol, fuck off, retard. You can't have economic freedom unless you guarantee individual freedom.
This is why nobody takes libertarianism seriously.
No, you can't criticize those policies! Those aren't pure adoptions of my libertarian ideals!
Can you imagine what people around here would say if liberals defended, say, Venezuela, with "B-but that's not true socialism!"
This is a really specific criticism -- the lack of oversight of the Chinese construction industry has led to unsafe buildings. It's likely that'll happen in a country with a similarly unregulated industry, regardless of how socially free they are or aren't.
>Le I confuse libertarianism with an-capitalism and don't know this webm is from china a communist county meme
>inb4 "not my specific brand of communism" - meme argument.
Empirical evidence is literally irrelevant moron.
>le everyone i dont le like is le ebin rebbit maymay
their utopias cannot function anywhere except in a country full of exclusively aryans
>le ebin specific brand strawman
>Le ebin no true scotsman fallacy
Nice strawman. I never used the fallacy, and even if I did say something about "specific brands," NTS is totally irrelevant to that. The fact that you brought it up shows that you're grasping at straws.
Every fucking time it is a thread with people that assume libertarianism is anarchy.
Morons.. I know you'll reply with the played out "le, not true scotsman" fallacy... but, throughout history, anti-free markets are defined anyone who deprives humanity of the right to own property and trade that property as he sees fit (as long as it doesn't harm anyone else). China falls into that boat, as do most other countries to varying degrees.
Capitalism/freedom flourishes where governments/authority does not.
>Be pinko commie
>Be lefty
>forced to work in laborcamp
>Be marxist
>get shot for disagreeing
lolbertarians are dumb but you're just using hypothetical extremes to discredit someone else. The same could be used against you retard leafs as well.