
American here

anyway, if I go to Germany or Denmark or whatever in Europe and go to a naked nude beach...can i take pictures of them? Also, is masturbation/sex allowed on those beaches?

General nudist thread, talking about nudism, nudists, etc.

pic related, what happens if you go to a nudist beach and you are aroused by the things you see there?

Other urls found in this thread:

here's a small guide btw. How do you feel about nudists, pol? It's our natural state!


Go back to tumblr, you degenerate slob.

>.can i take pictures of them?
>is masturbation/sex allowed on those beaches?
people will look at you weirdly, and you may get kicked out.

overall nudists beaches in Europe are really not what you'd expect them to be.
they're full of fat old wife swapping Germans couples and gays.

good luck finding any remotely fuckable woman there, let alone a teen

AFAIK German nudist culture is against sex or sexual acts in their nudist areas.

you don't like nudism? not an argument

so you go? how many people there are DTF on average?

Also, what do the girls do when they see you get hard? Do they giggle?

The worst are those who pretend like it's not 100% sexual.

nudism is natural

>How do you feel about nudists, pol?

Enjoy sunburnt genitals and skin cancer.

Holy fuck this giganigga tier level of autism gave me a headache

Nudists colonies with kids should be nuked from the earth

>Also, is masturbation/sex allowed on those beaches?

No, not in germany.
Even having an erection is a big no no.

Never been there though, its mostly an east germany thing.
But generally female nudity (breasts showing) is not a big problem on any beach. And not uncommon for young women to sun bath without a top.

This will probably end soon though with all the muslim without any self-control.
So far it wasnt a big problem, not even american tourists mastubating.


>how many people there are DTF on average?
dunno what DTF means
> what do the girls do when they see you get hard?
there are no girls, only old fat german bitches with their cuck husband or gays.
>Do they giggle?
some may come to you and ask you to fuck their wives or them.

It's weird how you guys are all "GARDEN OF EDEN GOOD PLACE DINDU NUFFIN"

but now that we want to remove constraints of society and go back to the good days, you suddenly object to the social construct of clothing

Personally, I think it's hippie, but it's the EPITOME of not caring what people think about you

no picture no masturbation no sex
are you some sort of monkey

What about bottoms off to get ride of tan lines?

it's nudism, not porn. grow up.

>What about bottoms off to get ride of tan lines?

Sure. Whatever.
Its not a big deal, at normal beaches usually just done by young women.

Nudist beaches are like I said a east german tradition that younger generations dont participate in after communist germany fell.
So its basically just 60 year olds.

why doesn't america have nude beaches?

Depends on the vibe of the beach which is unique to each.

I spent 2 weeks in Cap'd Agde and because the vibe is "crazy orgy filled swinger paradise" there was plenty of sex on the beach between couples with parties watching. Photography is only allowed if facing away from everyone else and generally most people wait until everyone has left or are careful about checking their phones. It was a great experience but the water was too cold.


>It was a great experience but the water was too cold.

>can i take pictures of them? Also, is masturbation/sex allowed on those beaches?
Piss off you filthy degenerate



There's a nude beach in the Bay area I've been to a few times.
It's pretty chill even tho it's 90% guys, probably half of whom are gay, but chicks of all ages go.
afaik, actual sex is still prohibited (I don't think I've seen kids there but it's not labeled adult only so it could happen). A gay guy I know got cited for fucking in the bushes.

Boners... they're rare but most people don't care as long as you don't act like a retard.

Nudity was desexualized in east germany which is why the ossis (mostly old ones) still go to these places. However if you tell any normal person you plan on going to a nudist beach they will consider you a fucking weirdo.

And that why you think some pedos runing there and catch you kid? By all means kids you can go in with clothes till the puberty, i take my nephew to a sauna on view occasion he know all thingss from his football club where is a common -showerroom.

you know that that yous most grannys and not young shy people

Um, we do?