King Gizzard

What is the best currently active band and why is it King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard? 5th album hype desu

It is Converge, but I like King Gizzard so It's all good user

Converge is not my kind of music, but I guess they are good for other people

it'd be cool if the albums they released this year were good

Werent they? I mean, they were not the masterpiece that was Im In Your Mind Fuzz, but they were pretty good, with Flying Microtonal Banana being the best of the current 4

more like king blizaard and the nigfgeer figure

>What is the best currently active band
time machine modulus

le epic meme my friend xd

I tried listening to them but they are just so boring. Uninteresting song writing and they aren't that good as players. It's just another style over substance youth culture band.

The 5th will be shit anyway: it's basically an outtakes compilation.

What album/song?

reddit band for redditors

Get out of here Fantano

King picklerick and the rick and mortys

This band was reccomended to me in this board, so I guess this is reddit now.

But Dude, Weed Lmao

id say ty segall but i like king gizzard also

Ur a faget lol

Flying Microtonal Banana and Polygondwanaland were both 8/10s

Murder of the Universe could have been an 8/10 too

Fantano likes the Lizard Wizard though

MOTU could have been an 8 but was like a 5

Sup Forums was a mistake

The RTJ of psych rock


Ur a faget lol

"Yeah dude I listen to some weird stuff" The band


I am a big Gizz fan but I can admit they are accessible 'weird' music. I don't really see much wrong with that though.