A federal court in commiefornia just declared that concealed gun carry isn't protected under the constitution. A few days later, a mildy famous singer from the TV show the voice was murdered by a man with a concealed handgun. I'm starting to think that there is something more to this than a coincidence.
Is there a conspiracy?
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Wait who was murdered
This girl
A contestant on the voice named Christina Grimmie
I'm not usually the one to scream a conspiracy, but this is too close for a coincidence, and with $hillary on the rise, and the commiefornia ruling, it seems like killing a b list celebrity would be just the right publicity needed to get concealed weapons banned
Where is the sauce on concealed carry permit though? The guy snuck guns into the venue to commit murder.
No info on who he is or why he did it yet except that he's a white male aged 21.
I want to believe but I can't find it. I don't trust sites like E! which is all who is covering this.
Forgot to add :
White male aged 21, but given the recent UCLA shooting, this could mean he was Indian.
Since they haven't released his info and parents info, he's probably not white.
I think regardless of the permit or not, people still know that it was concealed, which has made people use this as an example of why concealed handguns should be outlawed
Surly the Jew owned media wouldn't lie to you, or spin doctor news for political sway!
You're clearly just a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut OP.
>A few days later, a mildy famous singer from the TV show the voice was murdered by a man with a concealed handgun.
A wild guess - quite a few people have been murdered with guns since the court ruling; it's just what happens in the US.
Anyone here educated enough to weigh in on whether c.c. is indeed not protected by the 2A? What specifically was the ruling of the CA court? Without knowing much about US law, I assume that if you can restrict felons w.r.t gun acquisition, then restricting a certain way of carrying your hot shit around is surely not against the constitution.
Why would it be a coincidence? This is an on-going situation regardless of concealed or not. It's the Second Amendment that's the problem, and needs to get rid of. By promoting gun culture all you're doing is perpetrating violence through the use of guns.
>It's the Second Amendment that's the problem
Since we are getting the bill of rights let's get rid of that pesky 1st amendment and start a state religion while we're at it
>Carrying a gun there
If he falls on his arse he's gonna break his spine
You think she was killed by Hillary?
I would rather be able to defend myself and let 10000 gang bangers kill one another year in a country of 350m than not be able to defend myself. I can back up my preference with precedent, state legislatures, the one of the strongest lobbying groups in the country, and actual violent resistance. What, I wonder, does the other side bring to the table?
Also the victim was a pretty hard core Christian if I'm not mistaken... Meaning she would be less likely to fall into Miley Cyrus syndrome, and killing her off removes her promotion of good morals and values in society.
It's win-win if you're an evil fuck.
wait WHO?!?
>What, I wonder, does the other side bring to the table?
Muh feelings and please think of the children.
It's not really a conspiracy
It's social engineering.
Millennials and kids today are growing up despising gun culture.
All these mass shooting help make people repulsed by guns when there publicized.
It'll make taking guns a lot easier in about 10-20 years
Technically speaking, MOST gun control laws violate the 2A... This law is no exception.
On the other hand, I believe this law means that the option of Open Carry is mandatory if you intend to be armed in public.
>It'll make taking guns a lot easier in about 10-20 years
>Millennials and kids today are growing up despising gun culture.
I am 23 nogunz commiefornian who discovered a few weeks ago that my best friend is vehemently anti-gun. as in he would be completely okay with total disarmament and only cops carrying guns etc. and was of the belief that nobody would ever "need" a gun for any practical purpose.
i was floored to say the least
From my cold. Dead. Hands.
Pretty much.
While a total gun ban seems really unlikely. This new generation will bend over backwards to any legislation that restricts gun ownership, so much so that owning a gun will be an expensive and a legal burden.
Its true. I'm 19 and me and my buddies go shooting at the range all the time. Whenever we bring a beta-cuck with us its always the same shit.
>Pull out AR-15
>"I-is that legal?"
>Of course, now do you want to shoot?
>They extend their violently shaking hands for the rifle
>Attach bump fire stock after a while
>Spray a few CLIPS down range
>"Guys I don't want the cops to come can we leave?"
I can't wait to watch all you totem worshipping idiots go down like captain tarp did during the 'militia' 'occupation'
>well regulated militia
>well regulated militia
>well regulated militia
It's crazy, a whole generation that is brain-washed into believing a certain set of ideals, I really do believe we live in a Orwell state
The final true redpill is realizing that we have been living in an Orwellian/Brave new world state for a while.
The younger crowd on/pol/ has hope, but they will be disillusioned when trump loses in November.
yup goes back at least to Vietnam war. Vets are scary to congress.
General David Petraeus attending Bilderberg this year. Today the news reports he has formed a gun control group with Gabby Giffords husband.
Collecting guns from the people is their #1, even China demanded that the US disarm the citizens....wow!
Law Normalization for all nations under Globalism.
>It has historically been used to describe all able-bodied men who are not members of the Army or Navy
>Today, the term militia is used to describe a number of groups within the United States. Primarily, these are:
>The reserve militia[3] are part of the unorganized militia defined by the Militia Act of 1903 as consisting of every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age who is not a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia.
Sounds like I fit the bill.
10 U.S. Code § 311 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
Now apply the 14th Amendment to the age, gender, and "able bodied" clauses. Viola, I'm part of a regulated militia by virtue of not being a felon.
Literally who?
Literally who.
Ironically the constitution also says that Congress is suppose to supply the militias, although a militia has to obey the structure of command (the POTUS) or else they are "illegal".
The Constitution was designed to give the branches of the government weaknesses to each other, and also a weakness to the people. This has been changing since FDR, sadly.
>a federal court.
Its the 9th district STATE court.
Once this goes higher it will be overturned.
Discharging the 2nd amendment will split the US in two. All enforcement agencyies and military will split and become divided. Guns will never go away you pussified pond scum
>Don't own guns
>Went shooting with this guy I sort of know
>Hands me his Glock and I just shoot it because I'm not a pussy
I'm in NY so I'm not even allowed to hold a pistol without a license, unless there's a cop right there tell that faggot to man up
Look, I'm on your side but try to be less retarded. The 9th circuit isn't a state court, its a federal court one step below SCOTUS. This is a big deal. Not insurmountable, but still an issue.
"...The right to bear arms shall not be infringed."
Also, "a well regulated militia ... shall not be infringed." It's saying these two specific rights shall not be infringed.
I work with in a small company with about 25 guys age 20-35 years old. About 20 of them are limp wristed liberals.
Every single person owns and loves guns. This is in Nevada
>inb4 anecdotal
We may never know, $hillary doesn't seem like the type of person to feel bad about having someone killed in the name of forwarding her agenda
For all of the boot-licking retards that can't into reading comprehension...
pic related
The last place banning guns would be a conspiracy is the 9th circuit court
Lost like these allow opportunities to challenge them and then hopefully if we can electrons have permanent or you know relatively permanent rulings that kill all such types of laws rather than letting them crop up constantly so look at it as an opportunity to take the challenge to the Supreme Court where these out rages laws can be struck down
Is anyone else trying to figure out what this user just said
holy kek