Wouldn't someone in this spacecraft who accidentally bumps into the side just a tiny bit veer it ever so slightly off...

Wouldn't someone in this spacecraft who accidentally bumps into the side just a tiny bit veer it ever so slightly off course?

Those little jets of air coming out of the cones won't be enough to put it back on it's extremely exact rout to the moon.

Check mate moonfags

>nice bait
>it's possibly to generate one way directional thrust with your arms

>slamming into the side of a car while driving won't move it very slightly

What is a closed system you useless waist of carbon

>closed system

Pseudo science, never been proven on a practical scale

They had computers that adjusted for those movements and did it automatically. They had gyroscopes and magnetrons in there. That's what made the Apollo 13 mission so amazing.

They lost all computer control and literally manual steered back to Earth.

lmao ok

While travelling at 11km per second I might add.

Muh moon landing




>Reactionless force
Canada why are you so retarded?

For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction rusky

Yes it has actually


does jumping on an airplane cause it to crash?


For you.

If everyone jumped at once it would move very slightly

I'd like to point out that shit posting aside I remember for fact that some ISS captain said he rocked the whole station by running too much on the treadmill.


these situations have gravity

according to you I should be able to swim through space just by doing the breast stroke

Is this bait? Even if bumping into the sides would do anything to the course for just the tenth of a degree, you can steer these things, leaf.

According to you the spacecraft shouldn't be moving at all

Don't you have a dog in need of being sucked off you fucking leaf.

Yeah, just turn the steering wheel right? lmao

i see you subscribe to the "throw out a non-sequitur" strategy when you lose an argument