Why was Tommy so much cooler than everyone in fights?


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probably because at time he had the most martial arts experience.

>Kim just looks fragile, outside of good gymnastics none of her blows are convincing

>Trini actually looks pretty good and graceful most of the time

>Billy is stiff and awkward. looks like he blatantly rehearsing and suffers from kims problem of weak looking blows

>zack is just dancing around having a good time, also athletic as fuck

Jason was pretty good too. Not tommy level but not bad either

>Adam looks good and fluent. almost as sharp as tommy

>rocky was good at selling power

>ayesha could not sell a thing


Non Asian martial arts practitioners are cringe as fuck

>Billy and Zack just laughing at the girls fighting the first time you see them

He was doing it for love, not just a paycheck

He had most experience and was in love with martial arts to this day.

that one insta post where he leapt off the ground did one of his air kicks a few years ago, guy is in his 40s and could jump higher than people half his age, was kind of insane.

was favorite ranger, most people hate him for his attitude and christfaging though.

I feel like that is more because a lot of guys grew up into people that couldn't project onto him and that causes the problem more than people not liking him anymore.


That man lives to kick people and things, it's his greatest passion

>the episode where the only way they spoke was in a singing voice
the morphin time scene was great


Silver Ranger>>>Green Ranger

Every episode the they'd plan a cool scene for one of the actors to do. Tommy could come in early, and if the scene was meant for some else he would convince the stunt coordinators to give it to him.

Are you serious?? Fucking based

It makes sense, Billy's actor was also a gymnast

Because he did "SI UHYAH"

no one else did the "SI" part

Time Force > MMPR

They mention it at 3:19

Why did he turn white again?

Green Candle

Basically that shit took his Powers so Zordon and Alpha made a new set for him, also allowed them to use the sixth ranger footage from Dairanger

They used footage from a Japanese show and ran out of green ranger footage. The white ranger was from another season.

wouldnt it have been more cost effective to have all the rangers get new powers and use all the new suits?

>"White Power!"
What did he mean by this?

actually he always mentioned the theme alongside the color, so it was "White Tiger Power" or "White Ninja Power"

Yeah, but the Zyuranger suits were iconic at that point so they didn't want to lose brand recognition

I became too cool for power rangers when I was like 12 or whatever

I love it though, what are the best scenes that should trigger my memories?


It makes sense with who their characters are.
Kim is a gymnast.
Trini and Jason are martial artists.
Billy is a nerd with no fighting experience.
Zack trained with Jason and uses his dance moves to help him maneuver in a fight.


Is he a chuuni now?

He gave an interview in a talkshow here in a Brazil last year.

Guy seems pretty based and very fun to be around. Treats his fans very well.

spic Eric was the shit



*unsheathes demonic katana*

FF: DmC Vergil was also played by the Purple Ranger from Jungle Fury
