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Funny thing is it's true.
A couple 100,000 blacks where in the Imperal German army.

Didn't the Germans have colonies in Africa that they recruited from?



statistically insignificant.
this isn't news to anyone.


True, but diversity in the game could mean more potential buyers. Besides it's not like people only learn history from Battlefield games.

Why do stormweenies get this mad over the most inconsequential bullshit?

Blacks did fight for Germans, whether it was more statistically likely that it was a white guy than a black guy is irrelevant.

>b-but muh historical accuracy in CoD rival franchises, I swear I'm not complaining only because I hate niggers and le jooz


battlecuck has been shit for more than a decade

Why do people keep throwing money at Blizzard again?

Didn't they fight in west africa against the brits?


Yes, those guys were all in Africa, not Europe

That is correct. They were not the "WE WUZ" Americans, they were Askaris in East Africa. Good fighters too, but EA won't put blacks on the evil German side.

>Good fighters too

You can thank the Germans for that.

Also the Hereros from Südwest. They, in a strange act of cultural suicide and cuckoldry, pretty much all stopped breeding or moved to Germany and became Christians after von Trotha annihilated most of them in 1906.

that image is clearly not from east africa

still better than COD shit.

also.. who gives about a black guy? who plays the story disc anyways?

>who looks at the box art


>who plays the campaign
every kid whose parents are too stupid to get the internet connected to their whatever-station360 and are stuck playing offline.

das raycis

Both are shit but CoD is way better than Battlefield. Battlefield waws better during 2, but it was way worse after that.


>cant figure out wifi
this is still a problem?

the campaign in bf is shit. anybody who enjoys bf buys it for the multiplayer.

The fuck is going on here? What are you fags complaining about now?

jews and niggers as always

Shut up you faggots and play arma 3

That still doesn't counteract the point that Sweden is marketing it as a game of historical revisionism (Bedouin Warrior Woman) while also focusing on completely irrelevant aspects of the Great War (niggers).

>COD better than Battlefield, ever

fucking kill yourself my man

it's DICE faggot

bf4 is pretty fun. buggy as shit though

Why is Sup Forums seeing imaginary negros? He's not even black, he's clearly wearing gloves. .. standard chemical weapons protective gear during the first world war, not an inch of skin exposed.

i havent seen the trailers yet so i dont know how they are marketing it.

im skeptical about it to begin with being that its a WW1 game. they will probably fuck it up even without the black guy.

either way, whatever. ill probably end up playing bf4 instead.

Look at his neck. Then look at other promotional trailers or images of whites in the same garb. Their skin is way lighter and is actually visible. That guy looks non-white.

Both are shit, but CoD is less shit.

Can't wait for the Italian front though. Funny that they ignored the entire Russian front but threw in the Turkish campaign

There's more to marketing than just trailers. Look at the box art and the collectors edition. Look at recently released posters and wallpapers. DICE is going out of their way to shove negroes into every aspect of this game.

you may be right but i really dont give a shit as ive said above that nobody gives a fuck about the campaign.

i didnt play bf4's campaign until i had the game for probably 8-12 months. i dont think ive ever played bf3's campaign all the way through.

Speak for yourself, there are a bunch of people that play campaign modes in games like these. You are not the leader of some hivemind. Just because you don't do it doesn't mean that others don't.

im sure people play it.
im just saying its not the reason people buy the game.

its a game strongly focused on multiplayer. the campaigns are super short compared to COD and other shooters.

you can seriously blow through bf4's campaign in an hour and a half.


Oh believe me, I get all of that. Still, marketing. I've already seen faggots WE WUZZ'int after this got announced.

kek... i just watched a breakdown for the trailer.

they have a woman in the ottoman empires cavalry.

jesus christ.... youtube.com/watch?v=l20il6AHlWo