For PC Music lovers

I’m a drag queen, and I performed GFOTY. Here you go.

To the closet with you.

Fuck off with your shilling

Kill it queen

>mfw I realise that the people who don't think trannyism is a mental illness are mentally ill themselves

yassss queen

If you wouldn't fuck her you are faggot





I don't see any bulk at that part she spreads her legs, this is mindgames. It's shy girl pretending she's drag queen.

It's because he's a micro-dick soyboy with a tuckjob.


well glad we have an expert in to explain all this


Ikr he's fucking hideous

OP reply to me

Stop thinking such ugly men are hot, there are way hotter trannys than this abomination.

the choreography was great, OP

kill you're selve

I don't believe you unless you post them, I am #KikiMissile now

What does this have to do with mental illness?

based OC

okay OP now I'm going to shower and as a heterosexual white male I will think about you

Hey I liked it