ITT things that instantly make you dislike a song
I'll start
>cheesy guitar solos
ITT things that instantly make you dislike a song
I'll start
>cheesy guitar solos
Other urls found in this thread:
>making autistic noises with their mouth
>trap hi-hats
>lead vocalist in a band doesn't know how to play guitar
fuck you
It's popular
>no cheesy guitar solos
>The same quarter notes over and over not going anywhere
>Of Monsters And Men-style vocals
This and also imagine dragons / three days grace style vocals, I hate when dudes do the faux raspy shit to try to sound more manly
>people shuffling around
>guitar tuning
>"Are we rolling?"
>"Hey, are we rolling?"
>"Okaaay, here we go"
>drum diddling
>guitar still tuning or just playing random shit
>"Alright, one, two, thre--"
>drummer drops a stick
>"Shit! Hold it!"
>drummer picks up stick
>more feedback
>"You good?"
>more guitar diddling
>"Alright, one two three four..."
>I'm ready when you guys is
>no badass 80s style guitar solos
>guitar solos at all
there are exactly 0 of them that are good
This, unless theyre doing some very demanding vocals they look useless
>mike patton as someone who does demanding vocals
>that loser from bring me the horizon as someone who looks like a gimp
If the music isnt complex, the guitarist should sing, or the singer should play guitar just to add sonic dynamics
>Improper utilization of Wood Blocks or Tenor Saxophones
>I can't understand the lyrics due to the words being sung too fast
>Literally any Punk Ska track, and most Ska tracks in general
>The track is in 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4 and the instruments are extremely basic, only serving to "set the table" for the main course: the lyrics
>The song at any point rhymes the last word in a bar with the same word in the next bar
>song ends
>The chorus is just repeating the song title over and over
gucci gang
No, it looks awkward to play guitar with the rest of the band members, because it doesn't feel as unique. The lead singer should also be the primary songwriter/lyricist as well, because they're in touch with the poetic style of the music.
>vocals muddled by instruments
>shitty diction
>bad harmonies
I wish singers would work on their a cappella in general independent of the instruments beforehand. I don't see the point of even having vocals if they are shit and do nothing but give shitmunchers lyrics to hang onto.
give it away
>who is Jimi Hendrix
every guitar solo in pic related is good
>Indie song where a bunch of people yell HEY at once
this big time
>it's Sup Forumscore
every Grant Hart Husker Du song
Yes you win
>High pitched female scream a la mariah carey
"this is a music that was born out of oppression"
>it's a poetry reading disguised as music
> spoken word
Iron Maiden do this in so many of their songs, and half of the time the chorus is completely redundant. It's like they had a perfectly fine song, and then they realized they had to add the part there they repeat the song title a couple of times so that their non-english speaking fans can sing along at their stadium shows.
>Poorly utilized autotune