So I saw this logo time to time, do you know what it is? In particular what are their goals, ideologies
>Inb4 "where you living under a rock?"
So I saw this logo time to time, do you know what it is? In particular what are their goals, ideologies
>Inb4 "where you living under a rock?"
I love Overwatch.
Basically hitlerjugend that are all "we're totally not hitlerjugend, wink wink nudge nudge"
Idiots should stop pussyfooting about it. We're nazis, we call ourselves nazis.
Overwatch fucking sucks.
I think of pussified right, I respect neo-nazis far more than these metrosexuals.
No wonder you lose the race war, ditch these effeminate "we are not evil raycis guise" controlled opposition.
Overwatch is fun
nice try jew. there is no reason to LARP as nazis.
can't. prison.
Bunch of larpers who think it's 1936
Spoilers: fascism loses
Unless you believe that Hitler did nothing wrong.
Generation Identity or something using a Spartan shield as a symbol.
They tossed Hitler in prison.
Second time's a charm.
>being a Nazi
Degenerate. Hitler was a meth addicted genocidal faggot with only one ball. Bismark is way better.
>Hitler was a meth addicted genocidal faggot with only one ball.
Jew-conocted myths.
>Bismark is way better.
The man who ceded power to an insane child masquerading as a monarch, knowing fully that this would bring the ruin of Europe, simply for the sake of an idiotic hereditary institution only preserved for the sake of "muh tradition"?
The man who allowed the question of the poles to fester until it threatened the integrity of Germany? The man who allowed disloyal jews and incompetent Junkers to take nearly all power in Germany?
Bismarck failed. Absolute monarchy has failed. National socialism is the way.
Ask your questions buddy, I have nothing to do for the next 30 minutes.
Is this a good movement? Does this in a certain way represent a good case?
No no, it´s not that, neo-nazis aren´t a problem, national socialism is a good system to be honest, it´s just impossible that it will raise again
>it´s just impossible that it will raise again
"Our belief in Germany is unshakeable! And our will is overwhelming! And when will and belief combine so ardently, then not even the heavens will deny you. "
I miss Total Annihilation
Basically we are trying to revamp the right around 3 central themes, islam, immigration and globalisation. We are young, we dress well, we throw scary skinheads out oof our ranks and try to show people it's okoay to love their own race and they have a right to have a secure homeland. This homeland is Europe, we aim to awake Whites and have them realize they are getting invaded and racially replaced.
We are against EU of course, we're more leaning toward a European federation of nations. We are a people, a civilisation, but we still have our particularisms and don't want to merge it all. We dropped the "Hitler was right" and "it's the jews" because this can only afraid normies.
The ennemy is islam and non whites, but they are only ennemies within our borders. What we call "identity" (racial counciousness) can be declined to every other people. Basically it's "one people, one land, and gtfo of ours".
Does that answer you? Since you're Austrian you can contact Martin Sellner (pic related), he's a great and smart guy. He has a youtube channel where he speaks about our movement.
Do you want to know anything else?
>blames ww1 on the Kaiser
>unironically supports NS
Flag checks out.
Bismarck single handly created an united Germany throught epic banter against the Danes, the Austrians and the French. Also, he brang Wilhelm I. into charge, who was actually pretty competent and let Bismarck do his job. You seem to confuse him with Wilhelm II., who was a complete incompetent fucktwat.
>this much false flagging
t. increasingly nervous leftist
You guys must be fun at parties
Their symbol (delta symbol) was inspired by the Spartans, because they stopped the Persians from invading europe
That's the Overwatch logo isn't it?
You already got me at the start... And even more at "against the EU"
Is the group active in Poland or Switzerland? How can I support the cause?
Funny is that they do not want to be called Nazis, but in the end of the day people say there was something far right or Nazi party going on.
Also: they just look like Nazis, only one logo style on their flags, no creativity.
No one cares about white shoe laces and short cut hair anymore.
New Nazis, that is it.
>We dropped the "Hitler was right" and "it's the jews" because this can only afraid normies.
>"But then I began to reflect that the ultimate smear of the Jews was always, “You’re a Nazi!” And I wondered what it would be like to answer, “You’re damned right we’re Nazis, and we shall shortly stuff you Jew-traitors into the gas chamber!"
At once I had the answer! By being an open, arrogant, all-out Nazi, not a sneaky Nazi, but a Nazi with the Swastika, storm-troopers and open declarations of our intentions to gas the Jew-traitors (after investigations, trials and convictions), I would not only make an end of the filthy ‘silent treatment’ — for they could never ignore Nazis with Swastika armbands and talk of gas chambers — but I would also force the Jews to publish my propaganda in their press! Every time they would howl that I advocated ‘gas chambers,’ people would be shocked, but they would also lose a tiny bit of their ‘fear of the Jews’ as the Bible calls the filthy terror inspired by these ‘apostles of tolerance.’ "
>cancelled the treaty with the russians
>created a fuckhuge navy to compete with the brits that ended up doing FUCK-ALL except drive the brits to the french
>got pointless colonies in Africa for no other purpose than being tsun with the brits
>created the entente with his own incompetence
top kek
>Bismarck single handly created an united Germany throught epic banter against the Danes, the Austrians and the French.
And how well did he safeguard it? He was not able to protect it from ethnic divisions, the church, or its eventual incompetent monarch.
>You seem to confuse him with Wilhelm II., who was a complete incompetent fucktwat.
He gave up power and resigned when willy 2 asked him to, instead of doing what it took to save Germany.
>cut your balls off, that'll help you win
top kek schlomo.
sounds like antifa and the far left, they think they are revolutionaries or something kek.
pretty sure thats lambda
Get the fuck out of here.
What is the battle of Marathon.
And let's not forget that Sparta was one of several Greek states that participated in armed conflict with the Persians.
Fuck that homoerotic Frank Miller movie.
Damn right
my party of krogoths coming to whoop that ass
It's a Lambda, not a Delta. And y'es it's from Spartans, because their land was called Lacedaemon.
Feel free to ask anything, really, I'd love to talk about what we do. Unlike most far right groups that have to stay hidden in Europe because otherwise they'd get imprisoned, we carefully word our speeches and can afford to take pictures with our faces. We are proud of what we do.
Switzerland yes, in Geneva and another town. They're also a few of us in Poland but I don't know where exactly. You can contact our official facebook page or our website for more infos. Some Swiss and Poles went to Vienna earlier this day for our big manifestation.
>implying that screaming "YES WE ARE NAZIS! LISTEN TO US GUYS!" doesn't automatically invalidate your position in the modern world
You can be a nationalist, have racial pride and hate schemy internationalist kikes without labeling yourself a nazi
Not really. Our goal is political, we don't aim to form a milicia. Make some happenings, show people it's ok to be nationalist and to be white, infiltrate far right parties to push our ideology (we are well placed in France's FN as an example).
>New Nazis, that is it.
Nah the new nazies are the lefties.
They try to suppress any opposing ideology or even thought, often with violence
Just look at the recent demonstration today in vienna.
i know, i'm calling antifa LARPers. GI are based.
>You can be a nationalist, have racial pride and hate schemy internationalist kikes without labeling yourself a nazi
Those labels will already be applied to you. You will be seen as a nazi no matter what you do. The only part of your image you have control over is whether you'll be seen as a pussy that refuses to admit it.
Being seen as timid and weak does far more harm to your reputation than "YES WE ARE NAZIS! LISTEN TO US GUYS!".
kill yourself...
>Those labels will already be applied to you. You will be seen as a nazi no matter what you do.
Yes they already are, but people that actually hear us will think "they aren't really that bad, I too am getting fed up with muslims and my daughter have been assaulted by a negro" etc. We are just saying what people aren't allowed to express loudly. Saying we are nazis (and we're not) would repulse normies.
LAN parties
Do you guys accept self hating arabs into your party?
>"they aren't really that bad, I too am getting fed up with muslims and my daughter have been assaulted by a negro"
The people that would actually care enough to overcome the stigma of you being called nazis and listen to you are the same people that would overcome the stigma of you being nazis. If they're willing to listen, and they don't care about labels, then there's little that can stop them.
>Saying we are nazis (and we're not) would repulse normies.
Okay, first off, you believe in a state united by blood and culture. You believe that Internationalists (no one's going to arrest you here, so you can call them jews) are trying to undermine this. You believe that proactive, masculine confrontation is the way forward.
You're a Nazi, whether you like it or not.
And second, you need to shock people into being awake. And being a nazi does this far better than being a "right wing ethnonationalist" which few people can even remember.
It's a bunch of yuppies jumping on the alt-right bandwagon.
I like their short-term goals but honestly they don't give a fuck about subversion or family values.
>useful idiots
For a longer time I've been thinking that that is exactly what needs to be done. Good to see some like minded people. It is really a beacon of hope in Europe right now. The right have been so demonized it's hilarious how people automatically view them as negative.
Some of us outright hate Arabs and Africans, others don't care if they have the right mindset. Still we can't accept non whites, we are a European lobby. Our goal is to prevent our death as a race, having non whites in our ranks would blur our message.
god's work
How successful is Gen Id?
they've been around longer then the "alt-right" as far as i know, and it is far more respectable.
Even a dark elf can have the spirit of a nord intolerant of you
the word nazi has lost so much of its power in just a few years anyway.
Because just like in the "new" feminism, where everything is misogynistic, everything that is right form the extreme left is called a nazi by this people.
When commies get called nazis and a cake thrown into their face for saying there are problems in the migration policies, then the word has pretty much lost all its meaning.
Any groups of these guys in gipsyland?
Tell me your Portuguese representatives are not the fucking PNR.
You underestimate the brainwashing. Saying "I oppose immigration and islam" in today's Europe already take a lot of balls. Saying "I'm a nazi" will get you in jail.
>Okay, first off, you believe in a state united by blood and culture. You believe that Internationalists (no one's going to arrest you here, so you can call them jews) are trying to undermine this. You believe that proactive, masculine confrontation is the way forward.
I agree with everything you said but trust me, openly call yourself a nazi here would be a mediatic death sentence, and sadly without medias you can't go far today. I don't know, maybe it's because you're American, we don't really have free speech here.
In France we have more members than the far left party, the NPA (anticapilasts). The number of active militants is slowly groing, we still aren't enough but we don't have to be tens of thousands to make nice happenings so it's alright.
On facebook our number of likes is quite big, we're just behind the tree biggest political parties. I know it's just a social media, but it takes guts to like the page of what every TV and newspaper present as "neo nazis".
In FN we have well placed people basically everywhere in localities and regional parliaments. Marion Le Pen's team is full of Identitarians.
We're probably the only far right youth movement that can get on tv or speak to people in the streets without scaring them, so I guess it's successful.
Sorry lad.
Not yet but if you're motivated and intelligent you can apply and start something, we would help you with pleasure.
We are in a lot of european countries, but we always go by the local translation of Generation Identity.
nice, we need more of you guys in europe. The C.uckcening of Europe has to stop.
I've also seen the movement appear in different German and Austrian demonstrations (pegida demonstration). You have an idea on how the movements are doing over there?
>You underestimate the brainwashing. Saying "I oppose immigration and islam" in today's Europe already take a lot of balls.
Yeah, but anyone that's willing to listen to that has already broken through some of the brainwashing. Take it a step further.
> Saying "I'm a nazi" will get you in jail.
Yes, this is always the unfortunate thing. Though I would note this has nothing to do with brainwashing.
Ultimately, we will have to learn to accept jail. It's not going anywhere any time soon. And keep in mind, the only reason they haven't tossed you in jail yet is because they aren't threatened by you. If they were, they would change the law just for you, whether you claim to be a nazi or not. The only choice you have is whether or not to be honest to yourself.
>I agree with everything you said but trust me, openly call yourself a nazi here would be a mediatic death sentence, and sadly without medias you can't go far today.
Are you joking? Being a Nazi is fantastic for media! Even if you had only 5 men, if you had the swastika and went to the Eiffel tower it would be all that you'd hear about on the news. "MON DIEU IT'S LIKE 1873 ALL OVER AGAIN HIDE THE BAGUETTES", all the newscasters would be saying, as they'd bring on 20 different Jew psychologists to try and analyze you. At the same time, they'd be giving you publicity- exactly what you want. People would watch, and they'd get money, so they'd keep it coming, and you'd get more and more exposure.
Im surprised that this movement did not spread to eastern european countries. Most of our youth are against the same things that you oppose, as well as the general population.
Can you give me anything? A site, some events, leaflets? Im infatuated with Evola and his philosophy, it would be great if his message was spread around here. It can latch on to a lot of people
Wew lad, dodged a bullet.
They're the closest thing to your ideology on this country, except, well.
They haven't progressed past the "Angry skinhead" phase and made it to a TV one-on-one interview only once, it was a disaster.
TLDR; Don't build your Portuguese foundations with any of them.
came here to post this
www generation-identitaire[DOT]com
Hard to break through in Germany because of Pegida, but if Germany can uncuck itself without us it's good. Sadly Pegida is only about islam, they dont talk about immigration (I think?) so they could improve. We have good relations with them. It's pretty much the same for Italia, Casa Pound takes a lot of space and our Italian branch can't really get the echo we have in France or Austria.
In Austria it's growing fast and they make good happenings, they appear more and more in tradtionnal medias, they have press articles and some short vids.
They'd give us publicity but would be twisting our words, painting us in a bad light and scream that fascism is preparing a coup on the Republic. I understand all of what you're saying, but I don't think it's the good strategy. We only have 30 or 40 years before Whites become a minority in Europe, we can't go full 1488. Also it's not what we are, we try to create something new and not to revive mid XXth national socialism (though some of us wouldnt mind of course).
On facebook "Génération Identitaire", or "Identitäre Bewegung Österreich". Website Take contact there and you'll get help. Evola obviously is one of our main references.
We also organize every summer a full week of political, historical and physical formation, our summer camp in France. 150 to 200 nationalists whites devoted to our race's cause is a pleasure to witness.
Thank you for the info friend.
I have to go but I'll answer with my phone if you have more questions. Shorter answers though, and no more pretty picture.
is this organisation growing ?
>wish i was a billionaire, would sponsor this organisation with millions.
Yes it is, slowly but still. We have more members basically everyday, hatred of islam and racial counciousness are growing fast. I've answered this question with more details earlier I think.
Are you guys natsoc?
Dutch chapter when?
Some of us are. A lot have sympathies. Officially we aren't.
nice, nice !
Do you deny the 6 gorillion?
Contact us with infos I've shared itt and start it yourself, we will help you.
Not officially.
they arent in prison
so they dont do so publicly i would assume
Bobo bitte geh
The demonstration was a great success today to fight those identity idiots.
Start one.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
that's a fucking cool polo m8 where do I get one?
hypothetically would you accept a white person from another country amongst your ranks?
>Sadly Pegida is only about islam, they dont talk about immigration (I think?) so they could improve.
Pegida is seperately organised and therefore different in every city/region, but we also talk about immigration in general. Mostly islamic immigration though. We are quite open to european speakers at Pegida.
I have had a look at the homepage of the German IB and I still am not sure what exactly it is. Can you answer me a few questions please?
How many people are members of it (in France)? Do you have a membership list or something or is it rather informal?
How often do you meet with other members of GI? Do you know each other personally or do you just get together for some specific action? Is it anonymous? Is there a membership fee? How do you advertise your cause?
This book, by Wenninger I think, is it worth reading?
What kind of things do you do? I've heard of some action where they put down the EU flag from a building.
I forgot to add, it didnt catch up in eastern Europe because communism vaccinated you against marxism. You guys still have racial pride and not a lot of muslims, there's no need for such a movement. It works best in cucked countries that need a solution to multiculturalism's problems, were youth are getting assaulted by non whites everyday, because they want that to stop.
If you're european yes.
Of course. We see all Europeans as brothers in the struggle against marxism and our race's death. We are a pan european movement, but against EU as a superpower.
>it´s just impossible that it will raise again
Maybe under the label of national socialism, but it's not that hard to repackage things.
I liked your based happening on mosquee at poitiers, or others things that made journalist butthurt, but yoour are quite viewed as neonazis by a lot of normies, even though I try to redpill them about why white pride isn't that much different than black pride.
But I'd like to ask: Do you have the same view concerning communautarism for whites, for example like Rochedy said after he quit FNJ?
Good to hear about Pegida. I think Martin Sellner from austrian IB already talked in one of your rallies.
>How many people are members of it (in France)? Do you have a membership list or something or is it rather informal?
No list but we are the biggest youth movement, with more members than some political parties. Between 4 and 5000, but not all are activists.
>How often do you meet with other members of GI? Do you know each other personally or do you just get together for some specific action? Is it anonymous? Is there a membership fee? How do you advertise your cause?
Anonymous if you want to. I use my real name because I m not ashamed of what I do. A little few, just so new members feel a part of something. 10 euros minimum I think.
I know pretty much all really engaged activists in France, and a lot of Austrians and Germans. Some Italians too. Cant say we're all friends but if one needs some help,somewhere to sleep, we'll all welcome him. We aim to form a european brotherhood.
We meet each others regularly, for protests or our summer camp.
Advertising by regular militantism, in the streets with protests or tracts, on the net with social medias.
>This book, by Wenninger I think, is it worth reading?
It's ok but you can grasp the ideas without reading it.
>What kind of things do you do? I've heard of some action where they put down the EU flag from a building.
Occupy things like the EU bureaus in Paris or a mosquee, blocked bridges in calais to prevent migrants from passing, protests, deploying flags and banderoles, tracts, etc.
Do we get uniformed one day?
We're viewed as neo nazis by medias and leftists. When i talk with regular people i have surpinsigly good reactions. A lot of people think like us but cant' say it loudly.
Rochedy's speech is good but he gave up too early, we still can do things. We need to awake racial pride or else his ideas of forming white communities just won't happen, or with too few people. We need a European bond between whites, not little islands that'll get eaten soon by non whites.
I am with my brethren.