I watch movies for the special effects

>I watch movies for the special effects

>I don't watch old movies

>I enjoy superhero movies

>Horror is the best genre

[inaudible screaming]

>The Godfather? Never heard of it

>Silence looks boring

>I don't bother watching a movie if it's lower than 7.0 on IMDb

>I watch movies for fun

>transformers is better than iron man because it had better special fx

>I understand the joke honest

>Musicals are gay

>Tarantino is a good director

>Spaghetti westerns are the better westerns

oh, you're doing a circlejerk meme thing. disregard

>I like schlock
>But this is schlock
>It's not good schlock

>I think watching movies should be a social experience

Is there anyone who actually does that?
I find it hard to imagine such an incredible dullard that actually enjoys a movie purely for the special effects.

These have all been what people have said to me over the last couple of weeks

Is that what 90s Mike and Jay used to look like ?


I don't see why this is necessarily bad.
Clash of the Titans or Dark Crystal are hardly Kino but are still worth watching for the craftsmanship and artistry of the special effects

There is nothing wrong with watching those types of film, but watching them solely for it is a problem

>I have to comment every fucking line in the movie

>the actors aren't delivering lines so it means that I can fill that void

>I kinda liked it but it was sooo slow

>No Country For Old Man made no sense

>Christopher Nolan is so good

>it has no plot


>I only watch movies to waste time