why are Europeans so obsessed with american gun laws?
Why are Europeans so obsessed with american gun laws?
We aren't. We really don't care about your country at all. You're just that fat fuck in school everyone avoids because he's a sperg.
thank you for replying to demonstrate that you don't care
How old are you? Seriously? You sound like some retard who replies to YouTube comments with "why did you watch the video then?". Fuck off outta here with your autismic drivel.
At least the 2nd post admits it. No problem with wanting gun laws like ours, but making fun of them? It's like a slave making fun of a person with freedom.
They want to bring you down to their level.
somebody is mad, face it nigel al mohammed, you and your people are obsessed with us, your country pisses its pants over every little thing we do.
0/10 pom
it's easier for Americans as well as Europeans to focus on what they percive as faults in a country across the ocean than those in their own.
If it's in your own country you actually can and, god forbid, expected to do something about it.
They decided it was morally wrong. White people have a disease called universalism and they can't accept anyone disagreeing with them.
Holy kek, can you tone down on the autism?
yiff in hell furshit
its time to calm down.
Because your anti-gun propaganda swims over to us.
Jelly as fuck.
are you fucking...jesus christ lmao.
we're more progun than you'll ever be you stupid sack of shit.
Tell your mom to change your diaper.
>Projecting this much
not having a gun, not knowing anyone with a gun, never felt the necessity to buy one, i find quite interesting how all muricans apparently cant even go to toilet without having an assault rifle, but i dont really care what you do, it's your country
i can feel you steaming.
im not triggered so much as i find it funny how dumb europeans are when it comes to these things :^)
Sure thing, buddy.
I don't hear eurocucks complaining about American gun laws anymore
bet they wish they had some guns right about now
Yeah, I sure wish we had a mass shooting every week of the year.
>it's another "there are no guns in Europe" episode
>that scale
America has 112 guns per 100 people (estimated)
Austria has 30.4 guns per 100 people
While its not exactly nogunz its 1/4 guns. Lets not even get into the difference in the type of guns between europe and USA
because europeans literally love control and hate freedom
not even b8ing m8, the european mindset is different, they loved being ruled over
Jealousy breeds contempt.
i laughed
How many of those aren't for hunting purposes?
Do you know what a cargo cult is?
Why does it matter? You can hunt long pig with those very same rifles.
We are not
Gun envy.
>not envious
«We» don’t really care about gun laws, we «care» about the supposed racism which can be exploited from some shootings or incidents with cops, because, you know, black lives matter.
It do matter a bit since at least us Swedes are strictly forbidden from using them outside hunting and training. Using them in self defense will usually leave you in a lot of trouble.
Assault rifles, despite how they appear in movies and vidya, are much too bulky to carry around the house/to the bathroom. We prefer handguns for that.
From what front are those liberators?
>using gun in self defense
just call the police, and before they arrive let jamal fuck ur wife
it's envy you retard
didn't give a fuck a few years ago
now I want yo shit
>tfw own gun
feels good man
euros aren't allowed to know this feel
Europe is a leftist shithole thoroughly cucked by Jews
Didn't work for you guys against Russia.
You don't want the mudslimes shooting each other?
You don't shoot at shit while you are taking a shit?
Why even live.