>"Trump is popular because people would like a world where you didn't question that the white American was at the top"
Greatest Author of the century BTFOs Drumpf and White Racist Male
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PLEASE NO.... You were cool King... NO.... fcuk shtius=ofhs
>Is white
>Is one of the most prolific/capable writers
>Oh but its not because I'm white!
>shills dumping old news
pulp fiction trash writer
>Let a black man play the role of a character you based on yourself
>go insane
F ;__;7
wait no I am thinking of The Dark Crystal
>Greatest author of the century
Thomas Pynchon would like a word with you, Cormac Mccarthy and Don Delilo are also acceptable choices.
>stephen king
>greatest author of the century
does that mean all authors are shit? I once tried to read one of his books and it was so bad I quickly dropped it
His short stories are much higher quality.
As a loving Trumpette, he's not wrong.
>writes fiction
>political opinion somehow relevant
only leftist fall for celebrity endorsements
>There were three things that made this book stand out for me. One was that one of the first characters to die, Adrian Mellon, was an underage homosexual being mocked for his mincing gait and generally being a faggot. He is attacked by teenagers and thrown off a bridge into the river, where it bites him and drags him under to die. The utter brutality of this moment terrified me because I saw in Adrian my own dire future.
As someone who's actually spend his life studying literature in a futile attempt at becoming a writer, I can assure you Stephen King is a fucking hack who got lucky with Carrie.
Of course Stephen Kangz would say that.
Someone should ask Stephen King why all the top writers are white males.
Maybe the reason men like Stephen King are at the top is the same reason blacks aren't at the top.
Am I smarter than Stephen King? I can't believe this guy has this little critical thinking. I always thought he was a smart dude.
What sort of ignoramus would think Stephen King was the "Greatest Author of the century"?
He's right you know. Sadly, this may be the last time it will ever be possible to elect a president without minority support in this country so we might as well do it while we can.
I did.
he hasn't been the same since he got run over years ago
>greatest author of the century
>got mad at (((Stanley Kubrick))) for making his shit book into an actual decent movie by changing eveything
>wrote a book about cars becoming sentient cause of a passing meteorite
>killed john lennon
Fuck Stephen King. Fuck him allowing them to turn Roland Deshain into a negro
>Criticizing Trump
Careful, Kangz. The last 50 celebrities to do that have met with tragic consequences.
I've heard that, but I haven't seen anyone back it up.
Would be pretty useful to see someone prove a definite change in personality and/or change in writing quality.
ikr......we go from Dickens to this shit being considered "literature" and of course that is progress.
Cormac McCarthy is one of my favorites, never been much for King.
I never bothered studying literature yet I could still tell that stephen king is shit with a few pages read
I hope you are happy with what you did with your life
and yeah, being a good writer is quite difficult. I still remember the short story assignments in high school
>Best author of the century
King isn't even good enough to be called mediocre.
That's the opposite of what I want. I want people to question why white Americans are at the top. I want them to realize that white Americans literally kicked the asses of all the other races. I want them to realize that racism is real and equality doesn't exist. I want them to be red pilled.
>mans gets paid to literally invent stories
>people put stock in anything he's ever said
Authors, playwrites, screenwriters, actors... all sociopaths and professional liars.
Don't trust anyone who does any of those things for a living.
Wait, so he used to be red-pilled? I've heard him say HP "On the Creation of Niggers" Lovecraft was his greatest inspiration. His book IT contains the words "Nigger" and "Faggot" about 100 times each. I used to think he was the successor to HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe...
Stephen King is grocery store book shelf Fabio dressed as a pirate bodice ripping ghost written tom Clancy tier. No one who hasn't read Star Wars novelizations even considers him a real author.
Greatest writer of the century? For fuck's sake are you even literate?
You went to public school and that's not your fault, but you could have at least become educated since then
Brb, burning my copy of the stand
The only book I've read from him was The Shining, and I only read that because I liked the movie.
>a white american shouldn't be in charge of the country of America built entirely by white men
shut up stephen
does he have fetal alcohol syndrome?
he hasnt been cool in years, he as a hard-on for gun control.
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I might be Heaven, but I'm bringing you Hell
Got halfway through the Talisman before I couldn't take it anymore. Guy is supremely overrated.
Then again, most modern fictional writing is retarded.
you have precisely dick to do with anonymous, thanks
>greatest author
>a hack who repeat the same concept for at least 5 books
Sup Forums is filled with plebs.
yeah no shit, what person in their right mind doesn't want to be at the top of the food chain. fucking idiots
King Is lame.
Heinlein Is god.
Kings is mid-tier bellestristic read.I liked his pet graveyard book, but it has no literature value, its as culturaly expensive as some video game.
I never considered him a good author ever the shining made by Kubrick which he king hated is the only interpretation of his work that I enjoyed
all this time I thaught Stephen King was a based good american man. but he's just another cucked beta faggot. sad
Considering he let Hollywood Jew up what should have been a good series, I have lost all my respect for him.
>that feel when him and Hemingway inspired me to try and become a novelist
>that feel when there are no more heroes in men, and the dumb shit is ok with Roland being black, even though him being white was an actual plot point
I'm legit mad at how he's fallen.
>live comfy rich writer life in a 98% white state
>lecture others on not behaving their best around minorities
you can just fuck right off stevie
still love your books though
>What could go wrong?
Dunno man, real life Fallout sounds pretty neat as long Bethesda doesn't get to decide anything.
>washed-up, garbage writer has political opinions
Also does he not realize he's an American male?
>Bad tempered asshole with no foreign policy knowledge
So we shouldn't vote for Hillary I take it? Or does the whole insanity bit of "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results" constitute knowledge for Hillary?
Yes, Muslims will surly help rectify this.
what are some good books in your opinion
i need some so i have stuff to read over the summer
>Stephen King
>Greatest writer of the century
He's trash that can't write entertaining fiction.
The Dark Tower series is unequivocal proof he's shit.
Be careful!
He always had black people being heroes in his books. Its no suprise.
That's it. I am now on a #CruzControl
>capable writers
He is fucking garbage and only low IQ morons read his drivel. He is laughed at by /lit/
Definitely overrated, but he's not known for fucking Talisman.
He's known for the books that were adopted to film like Shawhank Redemption, The Shinning, The Mist, IT, Misery and some others I can't name from the top of my head. He should be seen as more of a screenwriter.
It's definitely impressive how many books he has written. With this many books under his belt some of them are going to be good.
I think the real question would be what can go RIGHT?
I have a paradox:
If trump supporters are by virtue butt hurt, does that mean they can't be butt hurt?
This is the most bizarre meme of them all. Somehow our shitty foreign policy disasters and rigid adherence to the "post cold war" situation is a shining example, and anyone how would diverge "just doesn't get it".
Tell me more satan
(((Stephen King)))
Oh shit
test if banned
Illuminate us daddy.
Remember the last time King wrote a decent book? I don't because I was less than a year old in 1991.
I'll take "relevant for five minutes in the sixties" for $100, Alex.
>call people racist and sexist
>qualify them by the sex and origines
>"Trump is popular because people would like a world where you didn't question that the white American was at the top"
>mixing past and present tense
>good author
Yep, the anti-war guy who insults people who insult him is going to nuke everyone.
Not the ill-tempered war monger who snaps at people and ruins lives of people on a whim.
Satan speaks the truth. King is entry-level shit.
Can he honestly not see what effeminate lefty men have done to Europe?
>Author who unironically writes a graphic, pedophilic scene where a half a dozen boys run a train on a 12-year old girl in the middle of a shit-filled sewer
>BTFO of anyone
Why does Stephen King look like a transgender burn victim?
Stop basing your opinions on celebrity opinions that are not experts in the field in question
in all fairness lit laughs at everyone
lovecraft was a better writer tho
>I don't because I was less than a year old in 1991.
I believe that's when Needful Things (one of my favorite movies) came out
>he takes the political opinions of people who don't know anything about politics seriously
He's been an all around prick in general, this includes to his fans, radio stations, and anyone that's not into his politics clearly.
He should just relapse and drink himself to death
He should just get back into drinking and die
Heinlein and Ellison are pretty much the only sci-fi authors who deserve any respect.
lol no
I was born at the tail end of 91 and consider myself too old for Sup Forums
Right, we should hand over nuclear secrets to some POO IN LOO who donates to the Clinton Foundation instead.
>Preventing illegal immigration is racist now
The US will not survive this century.
>says this unironically on Sup Forums
King is and always has been an unapologetic liberal. If you read his books it's pretty obvious.
Stephen King has been senile for more than a couple years now
>confirms it
I thought he was talking about the Iranian nuke deal until I saw the responses.