Putin dead before the end of the year

Can we pray kek for this?



Putin be lizardman, he aint dying man

Kek smiles upon Putin. Those that fight against dirty subhumans and degeneracy earn kek's blessing.

Nice proxy Vladimir.


please muhammed i dont need ur shit on my american forum

How many proxies do you have Vlad?

No stop. He doesn't need to die.


Kill yourself

Putin is the hero Europe needs

He's going to save (((Europe))) from the muslim menace

fuck off ahmed

Kek will make this come true only if these digits are dubs

the digits will it

he's alright for an ex-commie

Go shill elsewhere you cuck

Si senor


Vladimir shill spotted.
I'm watching you now fucktard.


Logic is lost on the mentally ill left. Thus the air horns and attempts to silence opposition. Their facts don't stand up to truth and logic. Its just muh feels.

Lenin is hero.

if putin dies, whose cock will trump suck?

thats not how it works, fedor


Why would we pray for that?

pic related, its you

Dubs if Pootin is tha livin' meme

Go put your ''muh I'm afraid of muslim's cock' elsewhere faggot. Good luck living your whole life in fear.


Is there a clear successor to Putin or will the oligarchs start murdering one another in his absence?

He's alright by me. Meme magic request denied.




With enough proxies I can triangulate your IP.
I will wreck your bitch ass motherfucker.


i did it he will live along.

whatever. just remember that ull always be a shitskin muhamad

They'd just make another clone to replace him. "Putin" has already died multiple times.

Kek has made his intent clear.

Jewtin is the end of Russia.

RIP Russians

And here's another arab french ignorant cunt

Vlad will live and OP will die before the end of the year.


shill ? as if says the shit poster man it seems like everyone is trying to take australias shitposting status away france and canada but both of u guys are shit at making witty/funny shit post its just raw Sup Forums level shitposting

Yeah right. Sleep tight. You don't know when we will come, but we will come and you will regret all the time you spend shilling for this degenerate vladimir cuck.

Wasn't russia banned from Sup Forums

I offer the fuel of CANADIAN SHITPOSTS as tribute to Kek so that he may protect the Putin from infernal Eurotrash deathwishes.

Give up now, Europe.

You can't defeat me when it comes to meme magic.


They should have aborted you.

Praise Kek

Nice try, KGB


We will see who the cucks are after your country bends over for thousands of more Immigrants.

In'allah! The prophet demands that we stop Putin! TAKBIR!

>OP gets dubs
>people avoid this fact
>praise kek only when he works in your favor

This will be be Putins successor.



Fuck why did this get me.

Putin is based. Saviour of the west and east alike. Trump and Putin will secure our future.

(((Savior of the West)))
Let's be real. Putin is a full blown cuckold. Here is why:
1)he made revision of Holohaux a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating Greater German Reich in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen

Putin's an interesting out of the norm contender on the world. Isn't life more interesting with an insane slav running Russia?

No he's one of the best leaders. Although his nation is poor, they're free from all the diseases that ail western nations.

if get Soros and Rockefeller die this year

Imagine a world without Putin. If Trump doesn't win, who will fight degeneracy?

nobody argues with that, but still he's based.

If you liked any of these, you will looove the Western cultural enrichment that will be soon coming your way featuring special treats like "white male cis privilege", "rape culture", "affirmative action" and "wage gap". Keep shilling against the only white government that doesn't blame and shame you for being white and male, my good goy.

Why would you want this? A strong Russia is a good Russia. Russia great should be out greatest ally.


when will this meme end?

Cвыш? Tы oхyeл? Пyтин нaш гepoй, cтpaнy c кoлeн пoднимaeт.

Why? He's based as fuck.

Putin will live forever.
I will use ancient eastern secret to send a fraction of my life energy to him.
May he use it to crush the jew worldwide and in France in particular


I love you Japan

>Putin becomes POTUS before the end of the year

okay they die before 2020 reroll

Why? Putin is based

I will kill everyone who posts in these threads

No, he will rule forever with trump at his side.

There is no god but Kek, and Putin is his messenger.