Please let hillary pick her
it would be gloriously hilarious
Please let hillary pick her
it would be gloriously hilarious
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Picking ultra-liberal Warren as VP would make majority of bern victims root for Hillary. Trump needs them to vote for him instead.
As a 1/32 cherokee I'm offended
>two women leading the united states
I don't even want to imagine this.
How does she get away with claiming it as a public figure?
Yes, but I don't think a majority of Americans will elect two women.
This ad is from Scott Brown's 2012 campaign.
There's a reason Scott Brown lost that election.
If Warren ends up being Clinton's VP, she will lose in a landslide. Say goodbye to the independent vote. Clinton's best bet is to pick a hispanic democrat man.
I love this shit
Technically I'm fucking like 1/8 Cherokee and my great grandmothers name is scribed on the trail of tears
Fucking dumb white cunt got btfo though
>I'm Cherokee
>actual native Cherokee: "I've lived here my whole life on the rez and never seem that cunt."
Unrelenting lels
Damn kelly was hot with long hair
Can someone edit her face on the JUST haircut?
Thought you could get rid of me eh Donald?
>killing terrorists is declaring war on an entire religion
I really fucking wish people would stop saying this
2 women as POTUS and VP....
Things will get ugly really fast. They will flood this country with even MORE shitskins from mexico and import all the mudslimes. I can see the gears turning on Hilldog with that shit and all of her supporters. They WANT an invasion. At least a lot of us have guns and know how to make weapons with basic household items.
To be fair, that's the law. We gave Native American tribes a lot of sovereignty to try to make them forget about all the war crimes and part of that was letting them decide the conditions they classify members as part of their tribe or not. And many only require a family line claiming membership, no matter how diluted.
Obviously she backed away from the claim since it's not a good look, but it IS hers to make.
haha fucking kek
She's been outed. First the audit the fed bill and now Hillary endorsement. She's the same old establishment shitter as the rest of the democratic party.
Most Bernouts would have voted for Hillary anyway. Like the Never Trump people in the Republican party, the Never Hillary people always made up a very small faction of the Democrats. Only if Bernie runs as an independent would his followers not vote for Hillary.
>Most bernouts would have voted for hillary anyway
This speaks to me. Bernouts have no holdout to any ideology. They would vote for hillary simply because she is liberal, disregarding any personal political opinions they held.
Truly pathetic
Left her WASP husband for a Harvard Jew.
"Surprisingly" Impotent to fight Wall Street and the Bankers, SJW screeching harpy and now loves Hillary, totally throwing away any credibility she had.
Once Hillary is in the orange jumpsuit for conspiracy to commit espionage, racketeering, money-laundering and all the other shit, Elizabeth Warren is finished forever as a public figure.
why do they all talk alike?
It's hilarious that Warren goes around talking about how evil the Wall Street banks are, but she won't even tell Hillary to release the transcripts from her Wall Street speeches or call her out on taking tens of millions of dollars from Wall Street. She's only supporting Hillary because muh old saggy vagina.
She's probably in my top 3 most hated politicans largely for this fact
holy shit it's perfect
Fucking gold.
I live 5 mins from Cherokee, they really don't like white people and are all democrats btw.
Because they own the casinos. They can talk however they want.
reminder that not only can Elizabeth Warren NOT prove her native ancestry, the only ancestor she CAN prove that far back was a soldier in charge of deporting Cherokees on the Trail of Tears