Last thread Sup Forums, if normies go on the (((Clinton))) train, Trump has lost the war. As you see, there is a good amount of downvotes already as all the autistic internet kids support Trump. Update: because of the last thread, there now is more downvotes than upboats but I'd say we continue this shit.
The more downvotes we can get, the higher the chance of getting it removed as then, the majority does not consider it an "internet phrase" so we can report it.
Downvoting requires no account and an IP reset + cookie clean is enough to vote again. I'd be pretty happy with 398'000 but maybe we can get even more.
I suppose we also upvote the definitions critical of Shillary?
Leo Phillips
Delete your tripcode
Parker Taylor
Fuck that shit.
Evan Morales
Fagits need to upvote badlands and swag-wagers posts.
Elijah Cook
there is at least one more other than I mentioned but I think it doesn't really matter that much
Daniel Foster
KEK, there better off marketing BLOBO as a meme
Nathan Green
James Young
What a waste of time lol
Meme magic isn't real, and Hillary having a popular definition isn't going to magically win her the election. Pretty stupid idea tbhfam, you should be spreading negative propaganda on facebook and twitter instead, to give people a reason to dislike Hillary. Nobody fucking cares about one entry on UrbanDictionary.
Brayden Long
Why does it still show up first if it is heavily downvoted?
Joshua Cook
>definition of the day which is why I hope it gets removed at one point so everyone who doesn't get the phrase will get a little bit red pilled when seeing the anti-hillary defintions
Nicholas Miller
You underestimate the influence memes have today.
Nicholas Ross
Why do we need to down vote? Just retwit """""delete email""""" at her
Nathaniel Rodriguez
upvote the post made by "spootyhead" downvote every single post left