ITT: We create an uncucked religion in order to replace Christianity
>>Go here faggot, you wont get shit done here and you know it.
Praise kek
Trumpism. He has heirs, this could go on for a while.
Just remove new testament from the bible and there you go.
Repeating digits confirms
orthodox old believers
there are some in alaska, they have many children and are white russians
He is here.
>>making it morw jewish
Orthodox already exists
Something with a God-King would be a good start. Toss in a small pantheon of mostly symbolic (that is, non-personal) gods to satisfy the people's need for something to pray to, and an afterlife that rewards loyalty to the King, and you've got something that could work pretty well.
People aren't going to worship a frog of darkness/chaos. And if they did, the power of meme magic would be too diluted by contradictory prayers to achieve anything. Kekism must remain an obscure esoteric tradition.
It cannot be theism, that's the thing. Deist maybe, at least that's not outright disproved by science.
Because yes, the existence of god is absolutely disproven, get your head out of your asses. That does not mean that christian values aren't good and should not be defended, or that we should forget our christian heritage.
Lord Kek works in mysterious ways.
Kek only brings hatred to those who are unworthy.
The Jews, the blacks and the Arabs, aswell as the Asians.
Only the White race will be granted eternal glory.
>People aren't going to worship a frog of darkness/chaos.
Oh. W-what if I already do?
Kek is upon us
Just look at all those digits in this thread. How can there even be a debate about who to worship at this point?
Kek does not grant dubs to serbs
more proof is needed
Buddhism already exists
What is the religion of Kek called? Kekism? Memetics?
>gook religion
Praise his holy name.
For he is to smite down those who would cause harm upon the cause.
Then you're one of us.
The elite always have a set of hidden occult practices that differ from their publicly acknowledged religion. Hillary worships Moloch in secret but is "officially" a Christian. In the same way, we must create a generally palatable new religion to spread to the masses and keep the true memetic power of Kek out of their grasp.
How should I know? He gave dubs, so make of that what you will.
I've seen Hermeticism thrown around a lot.
I really don't care about the whole theological aspect, to be honest,
A religion where we worship the mind and it's powers and hope no one has bad thoughts that will bring bad output/karma.
Idk I'm just bouncing off ideas
Esoteric Aryanism.
Its called reading your Bible and giving up on doctrines outside it.
Praise kek and bless me with dubs, oh Lord.
It Kekons.
I dolatry is a sin you know
Romans 1
Couldn't we just worship the giant owl that they worship in Bohemia Grove? It seems to work for the worlds elites, and pol needs to have world domination.
>threat about uncucked religion
>shows up with his story about Joseph's wife's son
Come on, buddy. Let it die with some dignity.
I like the sound of it. It should be either that or memetics
The Frog God hath spoken.
>I dolatry is a sin you know
Maybe in your cuck religion
Kek is the one true god
That's Moloch, the saturnian devil.
Kek is an honest God. A fair God. But he has his own, special sense of humor. Although he gave me a post number this close to dubs, he has granted me an ID worthy of a saint of Kekolicism.
Praise Kek.
There are 3 facts that encompass all of existence.
We are lazy (inertia)
We are messy (entropy/chaos)
We are beautiful (symmetry)
you forgot
>memes are magic
It is just about non-doubtable spiritual things (there are kinds of spiritual beings) and the supreme being that seems to be real. It is workshop based.
Anyway if it comes to that the prophets are going to have to lay contact and say what God says about it.
It is about interesting values you want to know or need to know. And miracles for da body or otherwise.
Ew I feel I sound so slimey.
Kek looks like a big guy
For you
You'll be wanting the Imperial Cult/Ecclesiarchy/God-Emperor worship from Warhammer 40k.
Less about shame and more about xenos purging, taking pride in Humanity and galaxy conquest as manifest destiny.
Worship nature. The sun, air, earth, water, life and the energy that holds everything together. It's basically fucking magic.
You think God would let this have a place if some prophets would ask him for all people?
>tfw we've created universes with sentient beings
>tfw we've mastered the elements to bend the world to our will
>tfw we've seen things as small as the wavelength of visible light would allow, and then surpassed that limitation to look even deeper
>tfw we've become gods in our own right
holy shit!
kek manifestates himself
Just go back to the Old Gods. Uncucked as fuck
Came here only to post this
You don't need prophets. Instead of teaching children genesis or scientifically with all the romance and humanity squeezed out, teach a romanitcizied but accurate view of the history of our planet and the nature of our universe.
Christcucks make shit up, scientists and academics are too autistic to make the story of our existence as captivating as it should be.
>tfw memes have shaped all of history
>tfw our faggotry reaches beyond space and time
>tfw even our planet sucks cocks
It's about anything that will work
What would the adjective for the followers of kekism be?
Pretty much this, Odin-ism is the way to go.
Dude you have made nothing but word salad your last two posts. I really am struggling to understand what messages you want to convey
Not understanding that Buddhism was created by a poo-in-loo and is quite based
Hail Odin, Allfather
Kekism is the only religion now
kuks (it's a noun, dumbass)
this is how I view the world. science is fucking amazing once you romanticize it. we need more people to bridge the gap between storytellers and scientists
>handing hypergamous women more power thanks to encouraged polygamy, fucking over 80% of the male population, creating a useless class that either turns lazy or violent
Great idea you fucking retard.
>kuk man
>two nouns
Fuck off, cuck.
I will not be a kuk, this is not it. This is not what kek wants his followers to identify themselves, since cuck has been a insult ever since meme magic started
Exactly. Richard Feynman, Neil Tyson, Carl Sagan, even Michio Kaku is pretty good at romanticizing what we know about the universe to the point that gives you religious wonder.
It had better have some really good hymns because Christianity has had a couple thousand years to perfect their music.
I've got bad news, mate
I'd: keek
Kek!!!!!!!! How did you fools not catch this!
I think you are just thinking about other things. This is very lovely, simple, what has an actual direct use-based thread. With simple I don't mean anything negative.
Based in a way a lot of people that don't have a religion think.
The fucking Muslim Mountain
that was his female forms name.I believe we should be named the kekets
Checked and keked
Are you having a stroke right now man?
we've been putting our wordsmiths to work at it
Go fuck yourself brazil scum.
Jesus this guy is so ripped he could suicide bomb twice
Praise kek!
oh my kek
Praise be Kek.
This documentary gives a view on how to contact God yourself. All it takes is some time and not too complicated equipment.
Anyone could actually become a very accurate prophet of God. If he will appoint you for some matter is something else.
Kek be true,
Kek be quick!
Kek fucked me with a candle stick!
>This documentary gives a view on how to contact God yourself. All it takes is some time and not too complicated equipment.
you are a special kind of stupid toothpaste
science as sung by God himself
>the existence of God is disproven
>he thinks god is a bearded man in the sky
strawmanning god, by user
Whatever you're "contacting" it's not God.
>the existence of god is absolutely disproven
the existence of god has been 100% proven. it's all about frames of reference. we have the power to create, destroy, generate and manipulate life, and construct our environment to our will. the possibility one a god greater than us is in question, but not an impossibility.