Some schoolgirls were raped by shitskins yet them didn't reported it because they fear that if they have told it, the third world filth would have been discriminated against...

"Pupils at the Herder school in Kassel, Germany have been subjected to months of sexual assault by “much older” migrant males on their way to and from school, dating back as far as September 2015. The three girls aged between 16 and 18 were repeatedly touched inappropriately and verbally abused, but they refused to report the incidents to the police or their school because the perpetrators were “refugees”."

Not only german "men" are faggots who can't even protect their women but their women are complete braindead.

Other urls found in this thread:

France, you're motto literally is "equality"
Kill yourselves.

Equality but only for the french...

What happened to you m8 ? you rea butthurt because your gf have been raped by a paki in Rotherham ?

>According to a class report posted to the school website, one pupil said after the visit: “Overall, the trip was an enriching experience for the classroom and has brought us closer to the religion.”

>were repeatedly touched inappropriately and verbally abused
That world totally lost his meaning.
Slapping a girls ass and calling her names now days = rape

>you're motto

If the guys would have been white they would have reported for rape, so I call it rape.

I really see no point in reading these anymore, it's just the same stuff all over again every time

T. Finn in Germany

Iv been touching a german girl for about 4 years now. She never complains.


"Germany belongs to Islam"

t. merkle

Well the point is about making people aware about it, and at the same time anoying the germans.

well everyone one this site should already aware of it.
problem is, that everytime you bring reports like that up, to the cucks who are all for the cultural enrichment, it's a
>tragic isolated incident and you shouldn't generalize you fucking nazi!

Last night I was at a bar and these sandniggers kept harassing me. Luckily my boyfriend was there and I also let the bouncer know. Literally nobody was being pushy and inappropriate but these sandniggers.

>One of the girls, identified by the pseudonym ‘Anna’, said of their decision to suppress the sex attacks: “We do not want refugees to be discriminated against. We do not want people making sweeping accusations [about migrants], [and we didn’t want to] foment bad blood”. The school says “many others may have experienced this harassment as well”.

>Please, don't be mean to my harassers.

Germany, stop. You've gone too far.

Well it must be some kind of upper class school because I never heard of working class people tolerating being assaulted by foreigners.

>Germany, stop. You've gone too far.
We've barely even started.

>These cute brown boys dick us after school every day
>We love it
>But we also love attention
>We were harassed but its okay!

Can I come there and rape me some german qts

>Not only german "men" are faggots who can't even protect their women but their women are complete braindead.

French Women singing oh happy day after the paris bombing

No, you are white m8 if you start rapping them you end up in jail, you must be black or brown to be allowed to rape.


Germany why ;_;

Yeah, in Paris... Only in Paris you will found this kind of social defects, the rest of France reacted by burning mosquees or voting for FN.

>cute arabs

Never heppened

>the rest of France reacted by burning mosquees or voting for FN.

Sure thing buddy

Lived 5 years in Sweden and have now spent 4 years in Germany. Sweden's cuckprocess took longer but was more stable. Germany's cuckprocess is way faster but it is also unstable and soon we will see the Germans uncucking things. If the Swedes could, so can the Germans, and let me tell you; Germans are way more unpleasant than Swedes, it's going to happen no doubt.
This kind of things happened in France after the Paris attacks...

They deserve it then. Sage.

I hope you are right for your own sake...

btw are you german ?

Similar stuff happened in Germany throughout the last year as well but you dont see me pretending theres gonna be a mass awakening because there simply wont be one

I don't understand this world anymore.

Depend, the civil war in Yougoslavia also began that way. But well, I think a military coup is more likely to happen first.

>I don't understand this world anymore.

Its the end product of marxist indoctrination. There is no logic just brainwashing

Jesus fucking Christ.

So your own population would rather let themselves be molested and abused rather then addressing the issue because they don't wanna be seen, Or to fuel there perception of Racism.

This is cuck supremacy, And frankly I don't know why Germany hasn't just gone bottom up to this stupidity yet.

The only way for Europe to win is to get over WW1/2 and unite under a legit European Union (aka fourth reich) that puts native Europeans and Culture first and kicks anyone who isnt European out

This will never happen

It doesn't have to be like this. You can stop playing anytime Germany.

the bitches enjoyed it, that's why they didn't report it.
german women are whores

Hate to break it to you burger but your Country has been doing the same with niggers and spics for decades. And dont pretend that it isnt true because we both know that your gov/media is covering up non white crime like crazy

>It's a "whose country is the most cucked" thread
Great. Let's not face the fact that the entire west is going to hell, let's instead act disingenuously like one of you are better than the others.

Daily reminder that in 6 days, school girls aged 9-17 from a Cologne 'school without racism' are invited to a 'welcome party' with 141 exclusively male rapefugees IN THEIR BUNK HALL

Friday June 17th: another Cologne rapefest

>France, you're motto literally is "equality"
Which would've meant that if this happened in France, there would be no cover-up and the colorblind government would've judged them like any other rapists.

These are dark days when being colorblind is politically incorrect.

>like one of you are better than the others.

Eesti is the best

The fall of the USSR wasn't supposed to happen either... One day it will happen, one day people will be so mad about everything they will start riotting.

The commies destroeyed the West that way and they will die that way too.

please visit my thread
is important!

>being this new

>being colorblind

Nah, equality was only applied to the true french


>parents will let that happened

>one day people will be so mad about everything they will start riotting

Thats why the globalists are importing their own private army into Europe right now

It's not like they had a chance to become worthwhile human beings in the first place.

What is gesamtschule ?

Gesamtschule =Haupt/Real/Gymnasialschüler, turkroach

The Hauptschule/Realschule/Gymnasium divide was the greatest divide and conquer move ever

But you see the opposition. People constantly clashing in ideas and ideology and the spurned action. There's always someone upset about something. There has, And continues to be opposition. Trump wouldn't have a chance if there wasn't a large backing who knew this.

But for Germany, I'm not seeing it. There isn't any rise to question it like in other European nations.

It's like the entirety of Germany is so afraid of being called a Nazi they would rather burn slowly then take a risk and push back.

Maybe in your country. You have somewhat of a riot and civil unrest culture whereas we are a nation devoted to "Duckmäusertum", a spineless obedience to authority. Any authority.

Gesamtschule=lowest of the low, Kevin.
A school for low life fuckbags. No self-respecting person goes there.

>only for the french...
So the entirety of North Africa and every immigrant currently on EU soil

You're fucked. Vote Brexit

Nah, arabs are not french.

So you mean it's a working class school ?

>I'm not seeing it
More like because its not being reported on international news sites or even the german media itself

Cultural Enrichment Inbound!

Gesamtschule means the smart kids, the ones who actually could achieve something, are forced to interact with the bottom of society (like that turkroach scum you've mentioned).

A tiered school system is always preferable.

>According to a class report posted to the school website, one pupil said after the visit: “Overall, the trip was an enriching experience for the classroom and has brought us closer to the religion.”

Not necessarily. My parents were working class too and i would rather have died than going to a fucking gesamtschule. It's a weird cesspool of ghetto turk trash and germans who think they are way smarter than they really are.

>A tiered school system is always preferable.

Ah yes the system where young germans never get to meet the roaches and are now holding "refugees welcome" signs because little token in their class is totally like the million other braindead morons

Here is the real truth , white females are tramps and sluts , example in Rotherham the "victims " were willing to go along with the perpetrators and often saw them as their boyfriends. They would not give evidence against them and this is why the police could not do anything and so might as well cover it up. No evidence / no conviction , complete waste of police time and resources. White women are slags. Red pill

Top kek, Germany was king of the hill in the Kaiserreich when they only allowed 1% of the pupils to enter Gymnasium and 75% of them failed Abitur.

Never again was there so much scientific excellency around than back in the day under our Kaiser. Deutsch was the lingua franca of science. We had the best scientists in the world.

>So you mean it's a working class school ?
It's not really about class as much as it is about intelligence, or at least academic aptitude. There used to be three tiers, Hauptschule (hopeless retards), Realschule (average kids) and Gymnasium (above average). Gesamtschule is an attempt at unifying the three. It's awful for everyone except for the retards.

So it's a upper class school then ? There is always a shitload of propaganda in "elite" schools, which is why the working class is our greatest ally

This actually is more of a class issue and not (entirely) a school system issue. The reason why those Refugee Welcome kiddies never had to interact with scum is because they've from well-off families and therefore never had to live near them.

if I'm talking about class it's because upper class people are overrepresented among above average students while the working class kids are more into above average kind of schools.


And now our Abitur Intellectuals on average all braindead leftists who think far too highly of themselves for simply finishing highschool while no longer having any connection to the real world.

You're projecting a bit here, m8.
Trust me, there is NOTHING elite about a gesamtschule. It's shit tier.

I see. I just wanted to emphasize the fact that it's not a *wealth* issue in terms of who can afford which school as they're all tuition-free anyway.

Ok so i's a leftist moron kind of schools... Just like in France were some kind of leftard bourgeois want their kids to go to schools with arabs and blacks

Literally can't make this shit up

That's just like affirmative action and diverse schools here. Niggers amid whites do slightly better but the whites get cheated out of an education and their safety. This is the major basis of white flight since public schools are tied to the neighborhoods around them.

>Hitlker died for this
Okay then!

>You're projecting a bit here, m8.

Theres not projection you dont see Haupt or Realschüler eating up the leftist shit because they actually have to deal with the roaches on a daily basis.

As for thinking to highly of themselves i saw it first hand for two fucking years i spend in New Zealand when all these german backpacker faggots came thinking the world owed them something simply for finishing High School

>touched inappropriately and verbally abused,
who gives a shit. those sluts were probably asking for it.

Haupschul Degree is basically your equivalent of a GED

Well class is not really about wealth as well... A teacher a is bourgeois but he don't earn as much as a bankster, while a worker in a well know jewelry may earn a lot of money but will never be part of the elite.

Well he is right, most of the time people going to the "better" type of high schools are useally left wing bourgeois with no connection with reality...

In my highschool I was one of the few with working class parents yet the sumg bourgeois around me tought they knew more about the world than anybody else, hell it was the only time in my life I met someone being in favor of unlimited immigration...

Fucking hell..

You can't make this shit up.
I mean, how do you even help someone like that anymore. These children are so goddamn brainwashed it's not even funny anymore.

No seriously, what is a sane person supposed to do in this land of the deranged and damned?

Maybe. I wouldn't know. I had to deal with roaches very early on. So the brainwashing didn't affect me at all. Always hated roaches (and by extension 'refugees' of course). And always will.

>worse than sweden tier
nuke now

I don't think this ever happens on the right. It's a fundamental difference

Well to be honest this kind of thing only happen with bourgeois dumb teen who buy everything their teachers and their favorite medias tell them.

how tight is germany, dear finn ?

t. french in france

I don't know, i went to an upper-tier school, too, and looking back i kind of doubt that the parents had been ok with this refugee bullshit. My guess is that at least 50% would have said: fuck this shit. But those were also different times, i unno.

Oh noes Germany is trying to outcuck us!
We have to reclaim the #1 spot again!

If things will continue to go this way we will need to build a wall as well.

>their women are completely brain dead
That's everywhere

I wanna laugh... but this is so fucking unreal and painful

Thing is, the kind of morons you will find in Haupt- and even Realschulen don't have any connection to reality either.

I helped the daughter of a colleague prepare for her Realschulabschlussprüfung in math as a favor and i was honestly shocked and appalled at the level of questions that were asked in previous years and that people apparently still couldn't answer.

German schools are the worst in the entire world when it comes to discriminating between pupils with rich/poor parents. It is extremely hard for talented working class kids to climb up the social ladder.

It's not a matter of money or school fees, the teachers just discriminate between haves and have-nots. In elementary school for example teachers ask students in class what their parents do for a living and compile lists. This would be illegal in other countries.

genocide of the german people lmao

I got mobbed hard by my class teacher at the gymnasium. Because my father was a lowly metal worker instead of a lawyer, doctor or engineer. Bit hard to stomach for some 10 year old at first, but i just powered through it. Sucessfully. Pissed that bitch right off when i got my abitur, kek.

Oh man jeez..
Is it even possible for us to outcuck them if they keep going in this pace?
Cuz i have not heard but anything like this from Sweden.



Different times ? how many year ago ? I was in highschool 4 years ago with some kind of sumg upperclass fags and now I hate them more than anything, one of these idiots told me that there wasn't something like insecurity and that crime repport were made up by the media to make people vote for the right...

The thing is people who don't go to highschools are useally lower class and most of them have to go to schools with immigrants, so the propaganda don't work there, they are the kind who listen more things people in their familly and neigbiourghood say than what the teachers and media say.

I just remember that the kids whose parents earned more money tended to be spoiled brats and cunts in general.