Asian-Americans hate Trump

Reminder that Asian-Americans, the most educated and most successful group in America, hate your shitty meme candidate Trump. We Asians are superior to you low IQ White redneck trash and we will help Hillary destroy Trump in November.

>Trump's favorability ratio is a terrible 19-61. There's not a huge amount of variation by nation of origin, either, in case you are wondering if the numbers are skewed by Muslims. Trump's best national-origin category is Vietnamese at 22-57; his worst is Koreans at 10-80.

>Meanwhile, Clinton's favorability ratio is 62-26, with relatively uniform numbers across national-origin lines. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, has a favorability ratio of 48-22.

>One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27)

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Reminder to sage shill threads

Trump shills can't handle the facts.



interesting, i figured asians probably preferred clinton but did not expect the obama numbers. whatever happened to asians not liking black people? just a meme?

Asians are autistic idiots who only think short term

Veddy smart!

>One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27)
And whatever point you were trying to make, you blew it.

Nah, Chinks want more nonwhite immigration, so they can take over white countries themselves.

Why does a thread containing actual facts have to be called a shill thread?

Why does it seem like "shill" just as often means "someone who says things I don't like?"

I thought Sup Forums was about facts? If the facts check out then you should accept them. If they don't you should discard them. If your world view is predicated on ignoring certain truths, you're not really redpilled and you might as well be a liberal.

>vote like niggers

Yeah like i said short term. The chinks fails to realize what made the countries great in the first place

Without the whites the Asians would still be in Asia slaughtering each other....
You're welcome.

Reminder that Asian Americans are basically just White shitlibs with slope eyes & yellow piss skin. Every culture becomes diluted once they've been influenced by Western progressive regression.

>Every culture becomes diluted once they've been influenced by Western progressive regression.
The disturbing part is seeing so many universityfag Asians taking up SJW bullshit. Thankfully it's mostly the Chinks, and they are subhuman anyway. But every left-wing gook or Nip makes me sad.

t. Nip

>but muh based rooftop gooks

Based Dutchposter

I totally forgot asians were a thing

I still remember when no one gave a fuck about the racist asian jokes in the Oscars

Asian here.

Fuck politics. Let the white man stress to death trying to figure out how to balance the world.


Wew lad.

Shills out in force today.

The few east Asian men in the States who support Trump are the only red pilled, high test east Asian men in the west.

You vote with low IQ morons. So, either you'e inadvertently a low test cuck, or a deliberate high IQ and low test saboteur of my country.

My bet is on cuck desu.

I'm 2nd generation Chinese immigrant
I love trump

Chinese, Japanese and even Korean are actually super "racist" culturally.

Asian Americans are typically apolitical and don't vote.

They do however, like having low taxes, and hate black people. So there's that.

try harder you fucking hillary shill


My family voted Trump and we're Chinese.
Are you implying that asians give a shit about other minorities?

good for putting your dick in

We even hate southeast Asians (thai, hmong, viet). They're nigger tier.

1st gen Asians like Trump, because they went through the shit to get here.

The problem is that they value credentials too much, so sent their kids off to shitlib schools.

>muh anecdotes

Welp, now it's settled, I guess. All Asian-Americans are voting for Donald.

Just no, I live in fucking Orange County. It's full of Asians. They're super conservative and usually vote republican. Then I again I live mostly in a viet area.. Soooo

>shitlib schools
Oh, so ivy-league? The schools that conservatives like Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney went to?

Try again.

>hate your shitty meme candidate Trump

I'm a chink, I usually don't vote, just registered Republican for the first time and voted for Donald.

You should love Trump you wall building slant eye. Your people were just racist against the Mongolian people. Go make reparations with them before you come over here talking your crazy gook talk. Nigger.

Korean Elliot Rodger here, fuck Bernie and Hillary. The only good commie is a dead commie.

Does Asian pol like white women?

>source nymag
I live in an Asian community and almost everyone here is voting for Trump.

Netherlands flag twisted 90 degrees..

>muh anecdotes are better than scientific polls and real voting data: the sequel

The problem is they are equally racist towards whites as they are to other races... So fuck them all


>get out of Asia because socialism
>"let's make America socialist too"

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

We ethnic Germans have a higher average IQ, lower crime rate, more orderliness, and we also gave you most of the inventions you used to communicate that with us.

Asians will reparate us for the corruption and lies or they will, naturally, pay the price over the long-term.

God damnit why did you burn coal....

Never watched your shit but damn nice..
I like my own best, but I can't deny she's smoking

>nonwhites dislike a man who pushes a pro white agenda

In other news, scientists reveal that water is wet.

As I said here you will pay for the backstabbing and opposition you bring. We use statistics.

You only have one chance to get this right.

Viet gook reporting in. Voted for Trump in March.

Yeah, the kids got brainwashed by the left like everyone else was. Very sorry for this shameful display.

you can see the scars from her implants under her boobs.


In groups and out groups.

It has nothing to do with gibsmedats or anything. Jews, Asians and white homosexuals all vote overwhelmingly Democrat despite being better educated and wealthier than white heterosexuals.

Republicans are identified as the in group party (white Americans) and Democrats are the out group.

It's like hating Dad, hating the leader, or something else equally damning, suicidal or stupid.

Germans became number one because they always support the leader, they always support the smart guy, and they always trust the man with the bigger brain.

Asians, clearly, are less evolved and have a lot to learn.

And, once again, I am no longer wondering why most inventions and the modern era comes from Europe and Germany and not some other corrupt suicidal people.

I think the people of the world are going to get themselves poisoned or killed by being so stupid to oppose brilliant white leaders in massive numbers and drag civilization down.

t. r/asianmasculinity

I'm an ABC and I'm voting for Trump so is my Taiwan born mom( her side of the family is fled mainland after 1949, while dad side has been in Taiwan for at least 200-300 years).

Hopefully a super virus wipes you piss colored subhumans.

>pinnacle of beauty in Korea is looking as Caucasian as possible

The US should have dropped a third nuke a little west

This is wrong
Atleast most Japs and Koreans are fine with Flips
Not sure about the rest

Wtf l voted for Palin/McCain back in 2008 and I live in commiefornia. Again I'm an American born and raised here but if Chinese heritage.

I see America got the "enlightened retard gook" problem too.

Thank god most of the gook immigrants in Finland went away. I just hope our antisocial lifestyle drives ahmed away too.

ITT buttmad riceniggers mad about their women being BLEACHED


>4 (four) posts in
>"muh dick"

No Pekka
Gook may have gone away, but skin color still remains

Clearly another stupid shill. Don't listen to him fellas; he doesn't know what he's talking about.

t. chinkbro

So when Trump becomes president, will he invade Canada and remove Trudeau.

I think most Canucks would hail Trump as a liberator, and you could just nuke Toronto and Quebec to get rid of unwanted scum.

looks like a second life character

lol@asians in this thread sucking up to whites. they will always see you as subhuman.

Asian-American here. Originally from Hawaii. Voting for Trump.

Flip detected

>given affirmative action and quotas on government contracts
>then claim to be super successful

You are more intelligent than niggers, I will give you that. Beyond that? Not so much.

Had several other links, but Sup Forums seems to see the message as spam or something when I include them.

It's gonna take a lot more than that to get rid of us

No I mean the vietnamese and whatever other gooks we had. Most of them went to the UK or other multicult places.

Seems no immigrants wants to stay in Finland except slavs.

The ones sucking up are the ones trying to get into Hillary's trough for beneficiaries and friends. They might not be aware of who Julian Castro is, or that they are the next target after whites.

>her side of the family is fled mainland after 1949

People that have experienced the shit end of tyranny.

Kind of like being smart, civilised and literate is 'acting white', right?

Negro detected.

> 4% of the population
> thinking you matter


vocĂȘ vai ficar enchendo meu saco por 20 anos e eu vou continuar negando amizade com essa merda da helena.

>caring about the opinions of subhumans

>benefiting from affirmative action


Easy, its called removing shitskin parasites from their host, white civilization

Seriously, Asian Americans are pretty annoying. Especially the females.

Mongol Pride - World Wide!

well fucking duh
Literally everyone except white people likes Obama. And Asians are also lovers of Bernie Sanders and affirmative action.
They are the most likely to identify as liberal

>he posted it again

I'm an Asian-American that lives in an extremely blue state. Every Asian I know, regardless of generation is voting Trump. Here's why:

>the socialist cultural revolution is still fresh in the minds of many parents/grandparents of Asian-Americans
>kids/grandkids grew up on stories of how poor, miserable and corrupt Mao's socialist regime was
>Asians associate progressiveism with socialism, and that's what the entire Democratic platform has been about this election cycle
>Asians value hard work. Trump sells himself as a self-made man.
>Asians value being the big boss who calls the shots and doesn't have to take shit from anyone. Trump.
>Asians hate niggers and spicks more than whites. Niggers and spicks have really come out of the woodwork

I know lifelong registered democrats that have switched to vote Republication because of the shit that's gone down this election cycle. Also, Asians loathe Jews (long story, has to do with the 1930s). My parents often mock Sanders for being a Jew. Makes me proud.

Asians are more based and racist than you think.
>tfw you'll never be Aryan

his finger ???

yeah all 8 of the asians who vote will really swing the election

AA voting Trump here. fuck hillary

Just because they're smarter than niggers and spics doesn't mean they don't also want the free shit. You think chinese immigrants don't collect welfare? They wanna ride the diversity gravy train as long as possible

>Asians voting Hillary

Nice cuck meme, Asians love trump. Stop roleplaying as an Asian you cuck

Do asian pol guys like white girls?

Ever had one?

Good point I forgot to mention.

The Asians that aren't voting Trump simply won't vote at all.
The way we see it, no matter who wins the election, nothing will change for us.
We'll still need to score higher on the SAT and MCAT/DAT/PCAT/LSAT than others. We'll still be discriminated against in the job market. We'll still be overworked and treated like shit by employers. Because Asian culture is all about keeping your head down, doing your job and "eating bitterness" to achieve success.

If Trump wins, that's fine. If Shillary wins, we can easily afford to buy nice, large new houses far away from the ever expanding shitskins and flee with the top 10% of whites.

On top of this, anyone who tells you Hillary has a net positive favoribility rating is full of shit.

>muh anecdotes are better than scientific polls and real voting data: idiots never learn

You will help Clinton destroy the society my ancestors built; now you don't have to visit Detroit, Detroit comes to visit you!

>The Asians that aren't voting Trump simply won't vote at all.
I guess you can't read either:

>One of the more surprising exit-poll findings of the 2012 presidential election was that Asian-Americans voted for Barack Obama in higher percentages (73-26) than did Latinos (71-27)

Asian pol, im curious, have any of you dated white?

Or did the beta of whites dated and took your sister's virginity

I'm Asian-American and I love trump, faggot.

Fuck off, nobody cares about your fetish