Why are Irish posters so civilized compared to British posters?

Why are Irish posters so civilized compared to British posters?

Irish posters generally use facts and evidence and Brits just post memes and petty insults.

You literally cannot find an angry Irishman here.

I am starting to think this is because of all the black folks living there. Can't wait until we can finally liberate shit Britain.

>l0l fuk 0ff potaerto nigger

Yesterday an Irish poster posted a thread about terrorism and why killing children was good.

The Irish who post have generally sobered up.

Was he wrong?

All depends on the type of kid I guess.

>terrorism and why killing children was good.

Eternal Anglo parasite literally kills millions of white children across the world for business advantages or pure bitter beady spite, and it's all good.

But when the IRA puts a few Anglo brats out of their misery its the worlds greatest tragedy.

>Oh Blimey its loike anudda blitz!

Dont even get me started on that. Germans killed 60,000. You bombed 600,000 of them. You'd think it was the other way around thanks to ANGLO media.

Come home Ireland.
We forgive you.

Why do the lesser Anglos claim non-Anglohood?


You are only allowed to reply to Irish posters if you're more than 80% white

Literally 60%

>He fell for the turk meam

Thank you.

Really makes you think.

genuinely sometimes I wish we could just build a massive wall around an iota of england and shove all the english/english sympathisers there. No killings or nothing, we'll all just have a really cool party and they're not invited.

Forgive us for being abused by you? Come on now.

How about we stop pitting one group of whites against another..

thanks ((you))

its funny how the isle of man makes ireland look like a missing jigsaw piece

because even potato niggers are less degenerate than the brit faggots.

nice flag

I never noticed that before, but it makes perfect sense, given how Africa and South America fit together thanks to tectonic shifting.

Culturally, as well, the Isle of Man is very close to Ireland despite being within the English sphere of influence for a very long time. Its language is like Scottish Gaelic in being an offshoot of Irish.

Irish people get mad when they're in the UK though.
pic related. Yak from a few days ago.

Part 2

I live in jolly ol england and we don't want the north back

The North will want to come to us when the happening starts.

Why can't you learn to get along? Mutual trust and respect is the way to go.

lads the north is cold as tits. No-one wants the north!!!
Nice food though

I had a row with a paddy once. I punched him in the nose, which broke his finger and ruined his lunch.

Well they can fuck off

Why are British posters so civilised compared to Irish posters?

British posters generally use facts and evidence and the Irish just post memes and petty insults.

You literally cannot find an angry Englishman here.

I am starting to think this is because of all the black folks living there. Can't wait until we can finally liberate shit Ireland.

>l0l fuk 0ff moohamed

We will join Ireland someday. Savage english fans up to there usual violence.

>Unironically believes the Oppression meme

Come on. We're over the murder and terrorism.

Time to come back home.