raw talent or just eye candy?

>hairy armpits
Her and the bombshell from Girlpool. Worst trend.

Who dis ho

Cause dude didn't you know, when you're a girl with hairy armpits you're actively smashing the patriarchy, not being a disgusting sweat hog like some gross toxic people might think.

It literally says in OP’s post you fucking mong


Girlfriend of the year

PC Music

neither quite honestly

why not both? fucking talented and fucking hot!

Do you shave your armpits? I'm assuming you're a dude.

the only raw thing is my dick

Dat nose tho

who is she tho?

gfoty, saviour of music

Is she Jewish?

*blocks your path*

what do?

post more of her


can't keep my dick in my pants

just what we needed, when we needed it


haha i only like pop if it's ironic xD

t. virgin

its not ironic though

men who are grossed out by body hair are literally 12

this but unironically



holy fuck I didn't know she's this hot

crystal castles + MIA

I would dick her so bad

Men have a different pheromonal structure than women. It's completely different.

she’s a jew


women follow the herd, news at eleven

at least it's not this

it's called basic hygiene you hairy ape

Presense of hair is natural and promotes a healthy bacterial biome you dense twat

get to the club 2am
im gonna bang loads of men

you are all the way retarded

wtf I love jewesses now

jesus you're disgusting. stop making excuses and shave your fucking armpits

milky af

>bombshell from Girlpool.
she would be a 4/10 maximum if it weren't for her big tits.

I dated a girl with hairy armpits, she was far less smelly (that is to say, wasn't at all) than any average dude.

It's just hair you closet homo.

I would love to see a full on ARG from this project. They hinted at it before, but neer fully executed anything up to NIN's Year Zero campaign (not that anyone since has). If any entity in the music industry is capable of pulling off a topical, non-cringe, ARG that serves as a societal mirror image taken to the nth power, it's PC Music. They have so much potential, and word of mouth is spreading faster than ever.

Always anticipating the next release.

>user never posted moar the other day
