/pt/ - Portuguese General / Geral Português — "Partido Liberal" Edition

We should really start to discuss the ideia of forming militant libertarian party in our country folks. I don't care if we need to physically remove human trash from this country through violence (the NAP doesn't apply to commies, they are subhuman), but we must change now!

Also, post rare Pepes and qt. lusitania women

Very good idea. I can help posting cute portuguese girls.

thanks, let's keep the thread alive by posting qt girls, rare Pepes and Hans-Hermann Hoppe quotes!

>A member of the human race who is completely incapable of understanding the higher productivity of labor performed under a division of labor based on private property is not properly speaking a person… but falls instead into the same moral category as an animal – of either the harmless sort (to be domesticated and employed as a producer or consumer good, or to be enjoyed as a “free good”) or the wild and dangerous one (to be fought as a pest). On the other hand, there are members of the human species who are capable of understanding the [value of the division of labor] but...who knowingly act wrongly… [B]esides having to be tamed or even physically defeated [they] must also be punished… to make them understand the nature of their wrongdoings and hopefully teach them a lesson for the future.
—Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Quinto Imperio when


tippity kek boppity bup nobody cares about you

Oi! eu fizei um logo para o partido libertarios de USA. Podem ficar com ele si fazeis o partido eu vou enviar o original.

Noice Spainbro! I like it!

Shut up, kid.

Pay denbts

nazi scum


We're gonna invade Iberia next time. It also happens to be where the majority of Juden are.

Not really, but feel free to invade and give us money.

Liberal é diferente de libertario

>Liberal é diferente de libertario
em europa é mais ou menos o mesmo

We're with you, greatest ally. Although I don't think libertarianism will ever have mass appeal.

It will, once the April generation dies and people see leftism for what it is. Thanks greatest ally!

gl herding cats

Too bad the most popular party in our youth is a hard left party (left bloc) ;(

Fucking disgusting

We must teach them the ways of liberty, or they too will have to be physically removed from Lusitania

Oh god I love Hoppe so much. Thank you for the picture.

By the way, we have a tiny liberal party here, it's called P-Lib.

Talvez eu me mude para Portugal, votaria em 1 partido libertario com certeza

What do you all make of PCP (commies) wanting to leave the euro / EU?

Should you ever trust the red menace? I laffed when they voted against the leftshit feminazis in the parliament wanting to rename "cartão de cidadão" to "cartão de cidadania".

Moron, you know for awhile they exiled jews and muslims? Iberia is the best Europe has to offer

Yes, yes please.

Rescue this country from having neo-nazi authoritarian boneheads as the least lefty choice, but rather a freedom-oriented alt-righ, libertarian party.

I need coelho back


Cobrinhas fora.

I love Jesus Huerta de Soto, just ordered his book "A Escola Austríaca"


We wuz kangz



Essa é a razão porque vocês são chacotas em todos os lugares.



I wish our government could sponsor things like this instead of ISIS.

Aposto q vc acha q td libertario tem q ser anarco-capitalista ne kkkkkk

I feel for you burger. But it's the same thing here. As another person said, most youngsters align with the Left Bloc and the commies....

The world is trully doom
Why the generation before us had to be so degenarate and just supported shitty parties

Yes, but after every shitty generation a stronger one must rise (or it should) to bring back the former glory.

The crusade for liberty shall never end


This is now a quote thread

>partido Liberal

I still ask myself if liberal parties are actually Christian conservative/ centre right parties

Based Mises

No, that's what we have here. They're not liberal. They're conservative.

For the non-Portuguese, what do you think of Salazar, what did they teach you in school about him?

I used to love him before dwelving into ancap and libertarianism, but there's still a fire within me that salutes him for physically removing communists from society. If only he had been a free market advocate!

Most people I know hate him, have one friend who likes him (he's from Venezuela, and knows what socialism is firsthand).

Most people I know either love him or have mixed feelings about him, the amount of people that like him and want him back is growing a lot since our leftist government is fucking things up

I was watching an interview to João César das Neves and some other economist on TVI and they said our public finance is in the shitter, worse than ever before. And they predicted that the economy will totally collapse between 2017/2018


The faster we burn down, the faster we build anew.
The bad part is that our young generation are spoiled little leftist shit and I fear that our future is grim with these ones

I grew up in Southcoast Massachusetts (which holds around 50% of Portuguese American population) and they taught us close to nothing where I went to school. Even now I don't quite know as much as I want but Estado Novo seemed pretty based. If only my great grandmother was alive to talk to me about it :(

he was based

You should never side with the reds. Better dead than red, always remember!

>Partido Liberal

Liberal as in libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism, you moron

Precisely why I posted the pic

And what's wrong with advancing science, tech and society through the free market and consumption?

>also, there's a typo in your image

The NAP does apply to commies. If you're willing to compromise your principles so easily then you couldn't possibly have truly believed in them to begin with.
Together you can strive to live in unity with commies and statists.
Never violate the NAP!

Perhaps new iPhone or no new iPhone, a society can still be decadent and eat itself out of existence. The tech, science and societal advances of Fascist Germany and Fascist Italy are undeniable, as the industrial maintenance of Fascist Spain, and the conservation of the [longest lived] colonial Empire on Earth, by the proto-fash New State of Portugal.

Do we have too much regulation? Does the socialist redtape need to me torn apart? Does the government and its spendings need to be cut down and have its efficiency maximized? Yeah, definitely. Not w/out authority, not w/out tradition and not w/out morality.

Capital is an objective truth, not an absolute truth. (Yes, it sure does however beat the moral subjectivity of our democratic socialism).

Nope. Communists themselves do not believe in the NAP as they oppose property rights. You don't give rights to people who would not give them back to you.

>what did they teach you in school about him?
Sadly nothing

>what do you think of Salazar
An excellent leader that wanted the best for his people and his country. He did a real good job. Also way better than Franco