What are some Sup Forums-approved media outlets/youtube channels?
The ones I like are
>Black Pigeon Speaks
>Stefan Molyneux
What are some Sup Forums-approved media outlets/youtube channels?
The ones I like are
>Black Pigeon Speaks
>Stefan Molyneux
Other urls found in this thread:
try HistoryChannelReviewed
Secular Talk, The Young Turks, etc.
Political Islam
Christopher Cantwell
Millennial Woes
That was
History Reviewed Channel
god bless the person that made this
lol cantwell is a fucking faggot. can't stand that anarchist fucking manchild. what a stupid and shitty person.
Why? He advocates physical removal of leftists.
You should check out some of TRS podcasts.
The Daily Shoah, Fash the Nation (they had Kevin Macdonald on today), Kulturkampf and Radio Free Skyrim
>I like watching videos that tell me shit I already know and share the opinions I already hold
go read a fucking book you retard
cool story but I advocate for the removal of dumbasses like him and the cunts he yells at.
Is it something that he said? Or just the fact that he screams on his show?
>Mexican intellectuals
First Tila Tequila, now Kevin B Macdonald, how can the The daily Shoah keep up with the number one show?
>all this cancer
What exactly does Stefan Molyneux stand for ?
Easy Mode : What is his political orientation ?
not an argument
The right stuff.biz
Suck harder, fanboi.
>I reply to every comment because I am a dumb faggot
It's pretty much lost at this point. Sven Sonstein and Kike Enoch should consider themselves lucky if they are able to beat the autist from Nationalist Review Online.
Pat condell (normie tier i know but his anti eu vids are great)
Stefan Molyneux
He's ancap, but he stands for morality, reason, facts, evidence.
Gavin McInnes is god
Alex Jones Channel, infowars, frolly1000, LaughingAtLiberals, WESOandAustlog, Morrakiu
common filth
Brother Nathanael is probably the most consistently based on all issues, except for being a Jew. TRS was also mentioned. All others cuck over on certain things. Molyneux, Jones, McInnes, Milo, Southern, all other alt. righters who jumped ship to become le opposition.
Sam Hyde is my favourite though.
I'm not really that familiar with exactly what anarcho capitalisms ideology encompasses but it seems like a meme party to me
i suppose if approach things from a standpoint of representation it could work but in that case the term anarchism is really a misnomer.
ararchism sounds like an edgy teen party.
It's not really a political party. He views government in and of itself fundamentally immoral. He believes the world should be "governed" by private contracts between consenting citizens.
brother nathanael is pretty based
An anarchist party would really be a meme.
But the idea of ancapism is that the state violates the non-agression principle since it coerces you into paying taxes and if you refuse to pay, it would start a chain of events that would end in you being killed.
Molyneux thinks that by promoting peaceful parenting, home schooling and spreading the message people would gradualy get rid of the state.
Now, I'm not sure what his philosophy is. I guess he accepts that not all people are equal and that brown people wouldn't be able to participate in his utopia. But he definitely thinks that as long as you have the welfare state, you need the government to protect us from all the brown people.
This, he can be a pompous windbag, but he reasons through issues pretty well in a fairly non-biased manner, and doesn't seem to be afraid of finding truths that go against his preconcieved worldviews (other than his defoo/parenting BS)
How does he plan to implement his ideas if he doesn't form a party ?
I see, I like this idea, seems a little idealistic though. The elites won't give up their slaves without a fight.
Traditionalism Archive
Granville Thorndyke
Apollo Snarfiscus
Aaron Clarey/Captain Capitalism
edgysphinx guy
>facts, evidence.
His 9/11 video and his response to viewers asking him to interview someone who knows what they're talking about such as James Corbett or Ryan Dawson with him going as far as deleting the comment thread with Ryan Dawson himself saying he'd be happy to have a discussion on the subject shows otherwise.
He has said multiple times that, "once people see why government is immoral and ultimate evil, the battle will already be won". People do loads of evil shit all the time, and this is generally because they don't realize it's evil. Once they are aware of that fact, they want to stop it themselves. His goal is to get others to understand his line of reasoning.
Before people understand that, starting an actual movement would be pointless.
not an argument
how the fuck does being a racial Jew but a Christian mean that you can't be based? you literally rejected all the things that people hate about Jews i.e. the ideology
Not an argument
Nice try, you thought it was an argument, but it's not