Basically Jews. Don't give a shit about anyone else but themselves and their money. Also don't want to give their money away and hang onto it like a jew on a penny. Not that greedy though.
Nobody cares about them even if they want people to care, they live too far and are too few. Want to be relevant but can't.
The only one to have achieved true balance between tolerance and racism, the most based ones.
I probably don't even have to mention how fucked these cucks are.
There is only one nordic master-race, and it's the danes
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Miksi paskapostaat?
USA is nordic master race.
it's master race all around
fuck off gimi
Miksi sinä?
Tultiinko me tänne postailemaan vaiko puhumaan?
>tfw you'll never be the Islandic Hitler
>Basically Jews.
>tfw no country can into good flag design
All that matters desu
>Don't give a shit about anyone else but themselves and their money. Also don't want to give their money away and hang onto it like a jew on a penny.
And this is bad, why?
What about finland
Herrarotumme on koko Pohjolan kauneinta ja voimallisinta.
Netherlands is Nordic
Because morals and honor, my dear NorJew.
Think about it. The Finns are all that stands between the darkness of Slavic races in the East and the corruption of multiculti and fiki fiki in the West.
Like literal master race. True Aryans.
Thanks Khang truly our greatest ally
kek. I want MY money in MY pocket. Not some niggers.
Seems like the imbecile has misunderstood the meme.
The rightful clay of the true Master Race of the North.
Hail god-emperor Sipilä! Hail the purger of moku Soini! Hail the oppressor of the alempi aines Norpo!
Look everyone. Fritz here gets it.