What does Sup Forums think of Hillary Clinton, soon to be the first female President, honestly?
What does Sup Forums think of Hillary Clinton, soon to be the first female President, honestly?
Whore of Babylon, that's what she is.
She wont make it, People that want Bernie will refuse to vote for her, The false 2 party paradigm is coming to an end.
she'll be imprisoned before she can be potus
She looks like a freakin palpatine on this photo
Unironically, I think she's borderline evil.
>soon to be the first female president
She is made of clay
She panders so hard to get votes, I can't tell what the real Hillary is like. Like Obama said in 2008, she'll do anything to get elected, and I really don't like it.
She won't be president. The debates haven't even begun yet.
All the republicans who hated her husband will come out in record numbers to vote against her.
Sander voters who got screwed by her during the rigged primaries will also vote against her
Independent voters will also vote against her
She has no chance. This whole farce is a big set up for a Trump presidency.
she's a lizard-blooded stealthjew who wants nothing more than to initiate WWIII
That's called a politician and you see Trump doing the exact same thing now that political gravity finally caught up to him.
We can't all be the star child, divinely appointed from on high to be the infallible Black idol of a """"""color blind"""""" generation, high off of Bush-bashing.
Her VP matters more than she does if she wins
>stroke/aneurism waiting to happen
That's called being a politician and you see Trump doing the exact same thing now that political gravity finally caught up to him.
We can't all be the star child, divinely appointed from on high to be the infallible Black idol of a """"""color blind"""""" generation, high off of Bush-bashing.
>implying Trump didn't run in the beginning exclusively to hand the election over to his Friend since the 90's
Who's Bernie?
Yes, the differences are obvious.
What is this image trying to imply?
I don't like her and I plan to vote against her. Mostly because I don't like her.
You are wrong. They hate Trump more than they hate Hillary.
She will not even be charged.
at least the bag of shit is honest
>What does Sup Forums think of Hillary Clinton, soon to be the first female President, honestly?
Love it! Save and share this online to show your heart and support are with her!!!
>What is this image trying to imply?
that you're a cuck
I mean it's basically George Soros buying the US presidency. I doubt half of this country even knows his name let alone what he stands for.
>all these anti-Hillary posts
Id rather slit my wrists than vote her into office. Imagining her as potus makes me physically sick.
Trump could be better, more policy speeches less Pocahontas bullshit
but all in all Hillary is the worst fucking possible choice
Please tell more more. I know who Soros is, but how he buying US presidency through Hillary, exactly?
I honestly hate her with all my heart
Why does Sup Forums hate Hillary? She's a white aryan woman.
Political power house, not very intelligent as somehow everyone knows what crimes she has committed. Or she has done a LOT more stuff and it's only the tip of the iceberg.
who stands for absolutely all the wrong things
She represents America well. Full of corruption. Bernie was our only hope and you idiots didn't use meme magic for him. I'll never forgive Sup Forums for its stupidity
Bernie is just as bad for different reasons, the powers that be would steamroll any positive aspects of his economic policy and let him shove the worst parts of his social agenda down everyone's throats
plus we'd have to listen to a trillion annoying as fuck children rave for months on end if he was elected in November
If she wins I don't think there will ever be a republican president again. The democrat part might eventually fracture into sub-parties but if the republicans lose this one they're out for the next several decades
>Giving a shit about social agenda
And you're just as bad as the identity politics/low info/vagina voters that vote for Shillary. Divide and conquer.