This actually terrifys me how your life can be ruined like this. Not even being edgy but he didn't even fuck her just fingered her and his entire life is over at 20. It makes me want to be a recluse for life
This actually terrifys me how your life can be ruined like this...
Being a leaf really ruins lives.
guess he shouldnt have been a rapist.. degenerate wanna be dindus dont actually matter so who fucking cares?
I feel for the guy.
I pinched a highschool girl at a department store. My life no longer exists.
>guess he shouldnt have been a rapist.
there was no penetration. He just coped a feel.
he didn't penetrate her. He just felt her up.
What's more terrifying is how the media picks up the mugshot and the story and RUNS with it til his name is plastered everywhere, now they even headline about hippie witches placing a curse on him, but what really infuriates me is when a women does the same shit and then the vigilantes and politicians don't care because the fucker isn't a pretty little innocent womyns
Damn typos
pretty sure there was non benis penetration. hence his fingers and the needles in her bagina.
still sexual assault because lack of consent,
This guy is a fucking college athlete, it's not like he'd be incapable of getting consent from a girl, why be a retard and grope someone while unconscious? I know Athletes aren't smart, but seriously
>implying anybody will remember this in a year
He is rich and connected, he'll be fine. He'll lay low and then takeover daddy's company in a few years and live a better life than 90% of people on this board. Yes there will be some awkwardness when the occasional person recognizes him, but that will get incredibly rare after a few months.
How many of you remember what the SAE frat racists look like that had "their lives ruined"?
I'm now a rapist apologist because I said she should have been responsible for herself.
Also what does
>consent sometimes isn't as simple as yes or no
>why be a retard and grope someone while unconscious?
because he was drunk and horny and not capable of good judgement.
Well. He shouldn't have fingered an unconscious girl. If he had gotten normal sentencing he would have been just like every other rapist that goes on trial but because he is a rich white boi with a "promising future" he got barely any de jure punishment so society has to pick up the slack
The parents are dumbasses for not teaching their kid to not talk to the fucking police until the family attorney gets there. How fucking dumb can you be. If he had just waited, the lawyer would have gotten him a slap on the wrist.
> why be a retard and grope someone while unconscious?
Arnold syndrome. He's been successful and winning his whole life, why would he expect something to go wrong? It's hubris brought on by incredible success. It affects a whole lot of successful people.
>both drunk as shit
>both decide to have a good ol dumpster fuck
>he asks to finger her, she consents but finds the request odd
>she's so drunk she fucking passes out while he's fingering her
>couple swedecucks probably see what's happening and calls for help
Does she not have any accountability? at all? He's banned for life from something he worked his entire young life, 6 months in prison and is a registered sex offender. Why shouldn't the whore take equal responsibility?
>I said she should have been responsible for herself.
>those pronouns
because she didnt shove pine needles into his unconscious body.
This case is this year's kony2012 bullshit, everyone will post on their Facebook how this guy is literally hitler, but if you ask them in 3 years who he is none of them will remember.
He wasn't convicted of rape.
>he got barely any de jure punishment so society has to pick up the slack
how? there is no societal impact to feeling up a drunken slut while drunk.
>What's more terrifying is how the media picks up the mugshot and the story and RUNS with it til his name is plastered everywhere, now they even headline about hippie witches placing a curse on him, but what really infuriates me is when a women does the same shit and then the vigilantes and politicians don't care because the fucker isn't a pretty little innocent womyns
In Italy we call it "the mud factory".
>he got barely any de jure punishment
6 months in Jail
Registered Sex Offender for life
Expelled from Stanford
Lifetime Ban from lifetime passion of swimming
That's a pretty hefty "de jure punishment" if you ask me.
What's the background story behind this ? pics
He has even had hundreds of "witches" casting "spells" over him aswell, kinda speaks for itself.
I learned from a dindu rape trial a lot about sex assault, battery, and rape, and the legal definitions of them.
Sexual assault can be many things, even forceful kissing. Penetration with objects is sexual assault.
Sexual battery or agg rape is penetration with a body part, including fingers.
Rape is penetration with benis.
He put his fingers inside, her, so it's a serious-ass felony.
Think of all the triggered tumblrinas
>because she didnt shove pine needles into his unconscious body.
why pretend like insertion is such a traumatizing thing for a chick. women spend all their alone time shoving foreign objects into their bodies, and they love it.
>whore girl goes to visit sister and get fucked by chads
>leave party holding hands
>dont even make it far and she wants to fuck
>starts fingering her
>cucks bike up and become SJW warriors and claim the girl is too drunk for this thus it is sexual assault
White Stanford athlete got caught fingerbanging an unconscious slut behind a dumpster. Only got 6 month jail sentence. Because he's a "fucking white male" and the light sentence it's become a national controversy.
He admitted to fingering her like a dumbass thinking that that would get him out of serious trouble. The attorney would have told him to say they were kissing, she took off her underwear, and there was accidental contact.
>Man molest unconscious woman
>Man goes to jail
>Media exaggerates crime for views
>Sup Forums says he was a good boy
any vids
He did get consent. How the fuck do you think she got back there? He drugged her then dragged her out to the dumpster? In a fucking club?
They were probably all over each other in the club, and went to the back to get a little more serious. Alcohol hits her while they are doing it and she drunkenly passes out.
Seriously does no one on the internet go outside anymore? This type of shit happens every fucking night. Unfortunately for this guy some kucks, also drunk, interrupted them at a very bad time.
If those guys never showed up, he probably would have fingered her until he realized she was out. Then he MIGHT have raped her, but looking at the kid my money is on him freaking out and either waking her up or getting help to move her.
>t. friend of sluts and hoes
What about the dindu athlete who got 6 months for actual rape with a benis?
Where was the outrage?
>He did get consent. How the fuck do you think she got back there?
>consent to have pine needles shoved into your unconscious vagina.
nigger, wut?
People are triggered because he didn't get 15 years in jail.
People say it is because he was white.
I agree. He was white.
He had a family supporting him.
Father shows up at trial.
Writes letters.
People believe he can be rehabilitated.
He himself is well off. Has a chance to be rehabilitated and to make it.
These are things the judge will consider when it comes to deciding the sentence.
Femnazis are triggered because the dude didn't got punished. But law is about serving society as a whole, not making a favour to the victim. Law is not justice. It is not payback.
I am afraid ppl don't understand law is about having a well ordered society and not about doing what pleases the victim or her supporters.
All things considered, he has a higher chance of not doing it again. His life is ruined (falling from the top of society hurts more than falling from the bottom). The judge knew this and knows the dude has a chance.
Instead be Dindu.
Be recidive.
Have nobody who comes to court yo testify about your good character.
No family, no safety network.
I feel bad for Dindus. I wish they changed culture and find more supportive communities. But fact is not even their priests testify about good characters because they don't want to be involved.
So the Afro problem must be solved. But it comes to no surprise a judge gives a white boy a second chance whereas a Dindu is denied a fourth chance.
Because he was raped by society first, and is not responsible.
How often do college 'athlete' rapists get their faces plastered over national news?
leaf excusing degenerate behavior like getting a girl to black out, drag her to a dumpster, and finger her as she lays there unconscious
If he got the 6 years instead, his life wouldn't have been fucked. He could return to college with 26 (possibly 24) and continue swimming.
Would he have served his sentence, no media would have even mentioned him. Now his father fucked with public opinion, and public opinion is merciless.
I wish justice were this just with the million other (mainly economic) criminals.
>>consent to have pine needles shoved into your unconscious vagina.
you make is seem like its a big deal. WOMEN LOVE BEING PENETRATED.
Never talk to the Police. That's the lesson here.
Let this be a lesson. If you're going to fool around with some dumb slut anywhere near a college campus, make sure you do it with a hidden camera running.
When was he raped by society?
When he got a full ride to college just for being a nigger?
>Applies for job
good fucking luck after something like this. No one cares about him being recognized unless someone tries to attack him physically.
it's not actually that hard to not finger passed out chicks, you just kinda leave your finger out of her pussy and then you're okay, there's not really much of a gray area, you're either putting something in the pussy of a passed out girl or you aren't so avoid unconcious pussy and you should be okay
Or with a gun :^)
>Implying anyone ITT has to worry about their life being ruined by a sexual encounter
The skank probably needed it.
Criminal perverts should be punished severely, and that's the end of the discussion in my view.
Project harder friendo
>drunk frat bro gets drunk with slut
>making out behind dumpster
>both blackout drunk
>making out and rubbing his fingers in her coochie
>white night beta orbiters that have been indoctrinated to think all contact with a drunk female is rape proceed to chase down, beat, and restrain this skinny drunk kid
>police are called, arrest and charge this kid with rape
>WEEKS later, the drunk chick finds out this kid was charged with the rape of HER.
>that is literally her first knowledge of it
>she (read: jewish feminist marxist professor) writes a super sappy "boo hoo I'm a victim of this evil white man!" letter
here's where it gets good
>his stupid rich dad says something retarded, calling it "getting 60 seconds of action"
>the FEMALE prosecutor recommends sentence of 2 months.
>the BLACK FEMALE case officer supports this.
>the judge a FUCKING WHITE MALE gives him 6 months
>everyone agrees drunkenly fingering a chick after a party is not grounds to be imprisoned and on the sexual predators list for life
>more jewish marxists get every news outlet to plaster this poor honkey's face 24/7 over the news.
>because he is both white and not handsome, he is immediately irredeemable in women's eyes
>millions sign petition to fire the judge THE ONLY PERSON TO RAISE THE SENTENCE FROM LEGAL MINIMUM
>narrative makes it sound like girl was drugged and sodomized in a trailer for three weeks
tl;dr: jews jews jews jews jews
he fucked up, he pays for it.
>dindu nuffin
Is this one of the victims of "I regret I had sex with this guy so it's rape" shit on the campuses?
I don't think that even happens in sweden
I have no sympathy. This isn't even one of those bullshit girl later regrets shit she consented to while drunk "rape." Dude was fingering a passed out woman.
>I wish they changed culture and find more supportive communities.
Democrats would never be elected if dindus had a stable household.
'Criminal perverts' have nothing to do with this conversation.
We're talking about two drunk people who chose to fool around with each other after a party.
You Germans are so degenerate.
So now it is his father's fault?
Do you know how American jails are?
Fuck public opinion. He saved his boy's life.
6 years of jail are not rehabilitating.
>ass raped by inmates
>gets aids
>gets into drugs
>gets depression
>addicted to anti depressants
Just don't finger unconcious women OP whats the big deal? You think you're going to just trip and fall and violate a person in public?
Would you want it to just be no big deal if someone was all up in your ass when you're passed out drunk?
whats this i'm reading about pine needles? why would you put pine needles in a vagina?
He should've put a pebble in her vagina while she was unconscious. Thats the liberal thing to do.
all this talk about how he got an easy sentence because he was white sort of reminds me of the avalanche of sexual abuse we have imported into our country.
and noone says a thing: the muslim women because it is their brothers, fathers and husbands doing the abusing, and the little german girls are too afraid to be called racist.
and people are unironically saying he should get 15 years for fingerbanging some unconscious slut? (I assume she is a slut because she passed out drunk behind a dumpster)
He won't need to work a day in his life, all he needs to do is make a mold of his hand and sell it to sex shops. Crazy whores will buy the sex toy and in 10 years when it gets old make one that's pine needle flavored.
He will be alright.
I've been accused of sexual assault before when I was 18. I was really stupid back then and went and gave a 90 minute interview without ever consulting a solicitor. Luckily the charges were dropped but it could have easily gone the other way because it was just my word against hers and I was a dumb kid who thought the police were genuinely there to help me.
I've just got out of a court case because when I broke up with my girlfriend she made her friends message me and abuse me so I sent one of them naked pictures to get her to GTFO.
Either one of them would have ruined my life but luckily neither of them came to fruition.
>>ass raped by inmates
>>gets aids
>>gets into drugs
That's not true for all prisons. Surely he would've gotten into a nicer prison.
Cecil the Lion, to be nigger acronym blood relative.
>be pathetic virgin nerd
>get """date""" drunk at a party
>finger her when shes passed out
>get daddys lawyer team to get you 6 fucking months for a fucking felony
this kid got as lucky as he possibly fucking could have.
I put this turbonerd up there with that "affluenza" kid fucking crying like a pussy over 6 months in JAIL NOT EVEN STATE PRISON
those baylor football players did the same thing and got what? 15 fucking years? but now i see why Sup Forums identifies with this faggot so much
dont drop the soap sweetcheeks, even though jail for 6 months is a miracle of Biblical proportions. DUI drivers get more than that shit
kek that faggot is on the sex offender rigistry for life
best week ever
I feel bad for him for just how hard every single thing has turned on him. Everyone knows his face. Everyone knows his name. He will never have a job or friends, much less a girlfriend, his family is ashamed of him and will probably suffer by association, and within a few years he'll probably kill himself or at least attempt suicide and that will be reported on two and social media (read: not just SJWs, normies on normiebook) will high five.
But at the same time, he did do it. At age 20 you should know what is and isn't rape. While I agree with the trial judge's finding respecting sentencing and don't think the subsequent life ruination is at all appropriate, committing a crime is a risk accepting behaviour.
He dindu nuffin.... He was a good boy about to get his life on track.... Going to stanford and shieeet
>>addicted to anti depressants
lel wat?
also if his father is so rich Im sure he could have worked out a deal with some guards and some gang inmates to protect little daddy's boy
>He did not do anything
>He is a good boy
if there are no vids or pics then why the fuck are you guys even talking about this
>dads company
>dad is rich
you haven't done any research on his dad have you?
This family is average middle-class. From fucking mid-ohio.
>>Implying anyone ITT has to worry about their life being ruined by a sexual encounter
believe it or not I do
>find chick off craigslist
>keeps talking about sex and sending nudes
>we go out to movie
>she sucks my dick in back of theatre
>we go back to my car.
>hands all over the place.
>I half jokingly ask her if shes a tranny
>she unzips her pants and puts my hand on her vagina.
>I push my finger up in her vagina
>she looks a little panicked
>Ask her if I just raped her
>she says no and thank God I didn't become a rapist that day.
> find chick on plenty of fish
>ask her to come over to cuddle
>we cuddle for hours
>I place my hand on her boob after awhile
> she gets upset.
> take hand away.
>fuck the next day anyways
>no charges pressed thank god.
Femanzis are the queens of frontier justice
Guys, we need countersignal to this
Where is some news articles of poor niggers getting 6 months in jail for way worse crimes? Like ACTUAL rape?
Are there any news articles that heavily feature the FEMALE and the BLACK FEMALE prosecution that recommended only 2 months instead of 6?
it's not the jail sentence that ruined his life, that was basically fair. It's the vilification he's faced in the media, the lifetime ban from swimming, the trouble he's going to have finishing school and getting a job etc. He didn't even rape her but the feminists and white knights are saying he's basically hitler and should get jail for life and have his dick cut off
>beta white knights are actually defending the honor of a dumb slut that passed out behind a dumpster on a Cambodian basket weaving forum
Are liberals the biggest cucks in existence?
So do you respond to facts or to the stories you made up in your mind?
If you're black and you get convicted of raping a girl, you're getting the max.
Read Ann Coulter's article on this. She nails it
>6 months in a faggy country jail
motherfucker should be in Chino or San Quentin
>It makes me want to be a recluse for life
Op is literally a rapist. cant even communicate with women without drugging and fucking them. Glad he got fucked over.
This guy fingered a blacked out girl behind some dumpsters in an alley
He's a degenerate he gets what he deserves
Good thing they usually murder the chick they're raping
Sane people don't finger unconscious girls in a dark alley.
yeah. (((this family))) is average middle class.
Man, we are not defending his actions.
He committed a crime.
Paid for it.
Crime was assault and not rape.
Prosecutor asked 2 months.
Guy gets 6 months from judge.
What we are triggered by is ppl thinking the boy got off lightly because he was white.
Actually, he got a worse sentence and jailed for longer than expected.
But ppl are collecting signatures to get the judge fired.
The judge basically applied the law.
This is frontier justice.
I don't care what color his eyes or hair are, he's a weirdo and quite frankly he doesn't represent me or what I stand for.
I don't tie myself to the lowest common denominator, that's what nigger liberals do.
I believe this shit is a coordinated effort to discourage intelligent men from reproducing and to reduce their sexual agency.
Intelligent men see these stories and are dissuaded from having sexual relationships out of fear and distrust of women, the feminist media's branding of every man a rapist also lowers a man's self esteem and value making him more susceptible to obeying women and accepting a shifty position in life.
In 20 years we'll probably have young men happy to give up 90% of their income to get a handjob on their wedding night without rape charges
>Sane people don't finger unconscious girls in a dark alley.
He wasn't sane. He was drunk.
She walked into the alley with him.
WTF where you there?
Had it been me I would have pulled off the guy and first aided her. If unconscious and with issues breathing, called an ambulance.
Then if asked about the event I would have reported what I saw.
But Swedecucks called the police right away. They had made up the crime in their mind before it was a thing.
They even chased the guy and arrested him. For what? Dry humping a girl who dragged you in the bush? Because that's what girls do at parties.
I like the way you think, user
How is he going to graduate stanford if the student political body will play up his crucifixion to win votes during board elections? Print his name and face in every student newspaper, put it on all major stanford social media sites, everyone will know him. He won't be able to be physically on campus without getting egged or bashed or harrassed. So he'll have to study off-campus and have special arrangements to complete every exam? And then they'll say he's getting more special treatment as an emanation of his white privilege. That's just one tiny aspect of the immediate future of his now so-called life.
>this is as lucky as you can possibly get
>there are people on pol that legitimately think this guy was a gud boy that din du nuffin
his life deserves to be ruined for a good long while, although i would much rather see justice via the courts (which didn't happen) than social media mob justice
>I don't tie myself to the lowest common denominator,
he is a stanford student from an affluent family. Kid just made a mistake.
really makes you think huh. glad im a girl and accuse guys of raping me