Oh gee.. I wonder who Rey's mother will be

Oh gee.. I wonder who Rey's mother will be.

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Fuck I hate this franchise.

Everyone must be related to someone because ONE FUCKING TIME it was the twist in the movie.

new starwars fans are retarded

that would make too much sense, making it so you have to see rogue one to understand anything about reys backstory

so Luke slept with the girl from rogue one? isn't she older than him?

Padme was older than Anakin.

>Oh gee.. I wonder who Rey's mother will be.

Not possible.

Disney are going to have the Rogue One Rebels as the Knights of Ren



Luke is her father?

Search your feelings.

This, it would make sense financially

>a bunch of diverse multicultural heroes
>they all disappear for 50 years
>come back and kill all the Jedi
>in a Disney movie
sure thing.

>Lucas sold Lucasfilm and the rights to Star Wars to Disney in 2012 for $4 billion and did not play a role in the new film’s development which has been taken over by new helmer J.J. Abrams. In an interview with CBS in November, the filmmaker said he submitted ideas for new films but that “ultimately, they looked at the stories and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans.’”
>“People don’t actually realize it’s actually a soap opera and it’s all about family problems — it’s not about spaceships. So they decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing so I decided, ‘fine. … I’ll go my way and I let them go their way


>let's ignore our (white) males fans who made this money maker in the first place!

All Star Wars fans are at least slightly retarded.

this movie takes place just a few months before Episode 4

i'd say they're about the same age, Jyn is maybe 2-3 years older

The timeline fits screenshot this thread

Silly user

Rey is actually Anakin's reincarnation in the SW universe. She will be revealed to be born through the exact same method as Anakin, through virgin birth. The chosen one will be explained as messianic figure similar like Avatar from The Last Airbender cartoon. The chosen one always appear whenever the force feels a great disturbance and balance is needed.

Luke knows this and decided to protect Rey in Jakku to prevent Snoke, who might or might not be the Darth Plagueis of the new canon. Rey will spend most of the movies thinking that Luke is his father, red herring clue will be thrown through out the movie to enforce this assumption. However when Rey confront Luke, he will say this words:

"No, you are my father."

Search your feeling user, you know it to be true.

>open video
>hahaha you guys
>popp noise
>Star Wars is great again
this is all within the first 5 seconds. tell my why i should keep watching this stupid video

>Rey is actully Anakin's reincarnation

Seeing how the force is originally based on Buddhist philosophy this might be possible. Not sure how i would feel about that if its true.

What does Star Wars has agaist woman characters who aren't brunette or the literal definition of Mary Sue?

Bet she gonna lose her limb too. It is hard being the chosen one.

blonde is nazi and white supremacist ideal of beauty you bigot

Oh look another white woman, big surprise there. When will Asian Americans get more important roles? Why do these actors always have to be white or black, baka.

>rey can still be my asian waifu

Then a fucking redhead for all I care. Just not the same old shit over and over again.

Also, how come none of the feminists complain that Rey's personality is basically paper thin? Isn't it a trend for them to complain about everything even when they got what they wanted?

Childhood is rooting for the rebels. Adulthood is realizing the Empire was right all along.

Yeah, also Snoke turns out to be Jar-Jar Binks. He was the true mastermind of the clone wars and secretly support Palpatine as emperor of the galaxy. Snoke is a dutch name for large carnivorous fish, remember that reference made by Qui Gonn in Ep. 1:

"There is always a bigger fish."


Ep.8-9 confirmed to be a battle between gender flipped Anakin vs evil Jar-Jar.

>Actually believing this meme theory

Liea wasn't a Mary Sue. She wasn't very likable and had to be rescued multiple times.


they are going that route huh?

Think again cockfool

Jones' character is probably in her 30's. Rey is like 19. TFA takes place 30 years after ROTJ, which takes place like 3 years after ANH.

So if she is Rey's mother, she had her roughly 14 years after this movie. I guess it's possible for her to have a kid in her 40's, even if that is unwise.

Knights of Ren are dead, zombified cyborg Rogue One Squadron

The fuck am I looking at?


in a world full of fantastical stuff people seem to be surprised by a woman having a child in her 40s


Not possible.

Too obvious. We're talking JJ Abrams here

You could probably write it off by saying it's Star Wars. They have highly advanced medical technology and people probably live longer and keep their youth longer.

She looks like she's 35.

Felicity Jones is at least 30.


Felicity Jones is so British I can barely understand a word she says, at this rate the next main charachter will go full Tracer.
>oi, she bonged my bibbleys
>The world could always use more rebels

>odds are everyone in this image is related

The only way rogue one girl is, is possibly by marriage/hookup because marriage is oppression by the establishment

Her family is unrelated to the Skywalkers, they're just technical geniuses who were conned into helping build the Death Star.

That would make their IRL relationship super gross

user, I have some terrible news for you

See filename

Fuck off.

>British accent
>good with gadgets
>Oi, Rebel

She's Raging Rey's mom for sure

Allt this diversity and still no transgender character

FUCK, i hate these transphobic peice of shit movies so fucking much

>girls doing epic things
I want more of this franchise.

But Felicity doesn't look old enough to be her mother


>not considering timeline

I seriously hope you idiots aren't paying to see Star Wars: Capeshit edition in theaters.

You are in a loose-loose situation here. Either:
A) you go see it anyway and thus you have no credibility
B) You don't go see it and you miss out on the whole party because of your own childish stubbornness.

>You are in a loose-loose situation here.

It always baffles me how often people get this wrong. After someone corrects you once, wouldn't you never make the same mistake again?

absolutely zero chance this is the case

People like that are diamond dozen

some people aren't effected by advise