Complete dogshit

Complete dogshit

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It's not dogshit, but it is a 6/10



I don't understand the meme that this movie was awesome.
It had well made action but almost no plot whatsoever.
Characterisation was almost non-existent and nothing broadly unpredictable happened.
'Practical effects' are often good but don't make a film automatically good. This meme must end.



It is the same reason people said Road Warrior was awesome

The only Mad Max movies with actual plot are the first and third.

I thought it was okay.

I'm not buying that. Road Warrior had more plot than this and it also had the kudos of being a better sequel to a lo budget cult film.
It showed something brand new and it expanded on an earlier cult hit.
Fury Road is stagnant/sterile in comparison.


>three films
>'only' two of them had a plot

The only thing keeping this movie from being a 10/10 is the protagonist being bland as fuck. Gibson at least had the charisma and got more involved in the action scenes.

Max isn't the protagonist though.


War boys and Immortan Joe was the big upsides.

Story should have been more mad max. And more M A D.
Like the crazy psychology shit in the beginning.

anyone waiting for black and chrome version too?

>almost no plot whatsoever.
You really weren't paying attention were you?
>Characterisation was almost non-existent
I'll admit that the 5 wives didn't really have much character.
Max's character arc was practically finished in the second film.
Furiosa, Knux and Immortan Joe all had great character and arcs.

you strike me as someone who has trouble operating velcro shoes

>And more M A D.
>Like the crazy psychology shit in the beginning.

Please, that was unironically the shittiest part, it's like from a bad indie horror videogame.

It was an entertaining action flick. It looked good, and the crazy dystopian weirdos were interesting. Other than that, there's not too much into it. No need to rewatch anytime soon. Won't become a classic and will never reach any critics top 100 list.

Cool but extremely shallow movie / 5

> (OP)
I see where you are comig from, but to me is the only sequel/prequel/remake/reboot of this sorry period of cinema history that does not suck donkey balls.

It has as much as characterisation needed for this kind of movie. Is a fun cavalcade and does not fall into long explanations to illustrate the setting, is all through images (as it should be).
You end caring for most of the characters and even end up understanding the villains through their actions.
Is not high level cinema but works, in this catastrofuck of nonsensical plots, characters without motivations or making decisions in base of the script, was a breath of fresh ait.

>It has as much as characterisation needed for this kind of movie.
That's purely opinion, not fact. Other films manage perfectly well with characterisation in action context

>Is a fun cavalcade

Purely opinion. Some people were bored.

>You end caring for most of the characters and even end up understanding the villains through their actions.

Nope. Maybe you did. I don't know how as there was nothing to go on except a few cliched character beats.

>characters without motivations or making decisions in base of the script, was a breath of fresh ait.

You may be retarded. This is just you trying to justify this crap for some reason.

dude relax I am not such a fan. I watched it once, never will do it again. I just think it was fun.

Or are you buttblasted because of furiosa? pol?

Of course these are opinions, like yours. Do you call retard everyone that disagrees with you?

Prefect impressive use of non-CGI action. Completely wrong in every other aspect. Le big guy 4you is NOT mad max. Period.

Is this all you have in life, Cloister? Wew.

The game has a better plot and characters


It was a fine action film.

Enthralling and exciting eye candy.

Some fun character and costume design.

Paper thin characters, but that's not what this type of movie is about.

Just saw it. Was shit. The TFA was actually good, but this one is full of nitpicky shit and no-arguments

I cannot understand the hatred, frankly. Is better than 2 hours of unthreatened avengers, to be honest.

Jeez so aggressive for this flick. Get a life.

I agree. But I am biased I like enough MMax I find Ep VII horrible.