Sup Forums Approved games

Sup Forums Approved games

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Also, who's going to get the Vietnam one when it comes out?

Of coursh. I can't wait to kill gooks.

Insurgency and CSS


>Using the power of religion and folklore to turn back the tide against scientists who thought themselves as Gods.
>All while promoting good social cohesion within your racially homogeneous community.

No one can deny that MGS is the most redpilled game ever.

Mount and Blade Warband and Rainbow Six Siege


>never names the jews
>goes retarded because Kojima is a meme and cant plan a good story so he just makes shit up

Cool cinematic shit though.
Glad they replaced Hayter for the last one.


>They will make America GREAT AGAIN


I'm actually a big fan of Vietnam vidya so I'll check it out



I think this game is pretty fun.
It's not red or blue pilled.




The ultimate in blue pillary

>never mentions jews
you can't be this retarded can you?

>TF clone
just kill yourself.

>"muh diversity": the game
>made by jews
>Sup Forums approved
nice try

No that's blue pill

Find one nignog.

>tfw i have a non-modular psu like this
>i have to cram all the cords in just to close the fucking case
>50c idle because lmaoairflow

This desu desu. Im a Halofag but this game is seriously good.

best game ever, but


There's only 1 black and one Mexican
3 gooks
The rest are white

>Glad they replaced Hayter for the last one.

Spotted the guy who started playing the game 10 years after release.

the ultimate red pilled game, prove me wrong

It's better than TF faggot, have you even played it?

>game features a nigger on roller skates with a literal beatbox gun

Ever since MGS2 the nigga has sounded horrible

sounds like you just have a shit case, hide the cables behind the motherboard.

>Halo fan
>Shit taste

Well, big surprise there.





Lower skill ceiling than fucking TF2 Huntsman sniper

Most of these niggers haven't even played it I wager

it's the epitome of tumblr style diversity

it's women and minorities: the game

He's fun as fuck to play with, he's a Hue too.




The majority of the cast is made of white men you stupid fuck
l m a o


Surprisingly it makes little to no difference.

Longish video but they shove all kinds of shit in there and it doesn't impact it all too much

>muh skill ceiling
Fuck off back to CS you nigger

Shitty and repetative combat, story is rehashed Sapkowski saga (find Ciri, another war with Nilgaard, Lodge etc), previous decisions didn't matter in the 3rd game. Only good things about this game were it's characters, world and music. Yeah, music saved this game for me at least, although, i hope they won't make another Witcher game.

>Muh easymode babby game

Maybe you should try Hello Kitty's Island adventure


>Salamander-niggers and Spacewolfs-furries exist in the empire of """man"""
>xenos like Orcs are supposed to be the bad guys

New Vegas.

who the fuck cares if he's fun to play?

it's a nigger with a beat box gun

you are fucking retarded and lying

you can enjoy the game if you want, but don't try to say it isn't the epitome of tumblr diversity

>"games csnt be fun if they're not difficult"
Kill yourself

Explain to me how it is you retard.
Oh wait, you actually cant.

>liking the xenos
opinion discarded

kinda autistic, but aren't all 'redpilled' games

>Finding babby games fun

what is wrong with you?

Don't tell me, you only play 4X games


name white male characters who you say are "the majority"

I can only think of two, one of which looks dirty and homeless. The other is intentionally made to be the most boring and generic character in the game.

Reaper may also be white and he happens to be a literal school shooter meme character.
I'm not telling you not to enjoy the game. Just fucking realize it is heavy on the tumblr narrative.

