What in God's name did I do Sup Forums?

>Be me, 32 male red pilled department head of Electrical Engineering.
>After a recent staff meeting, I discuss the EU referendum which had been on the many TV's we have mounted around the building(s).
>I and 3 other friendly workers say that Britain should leave the EU to increase its power throughout the world amongst other valid, feasible reasons.
>some plucked up junior staff member liberal in his 20s starts violently shouting at me mid-sentence exclaiming "You are a racist, you support Farage, I bet you voted for UKIP!"
>I see that he is obviously disturbed so us workers just tell him to calm down.
>He then enters some kind of panicked state and starts calmly stating "This is the most important vote ever to face the EU and you racist bigots are going to ruin it for all of us, you hate mongering trash!"
>I, a department head of our industry had never been spoken to so abruptly in my 12 years working there.
>I report him for offensive speech of a superior, he has only been here for around 8 months so he was acted up very harshly, he is given a written notice and is warned that if he does it again he will be terminated immediately without possible benefits.
>I went about my business and he did his, we worked as normal for the rest of the day
>It was around 3pm today that by the printers I encountered this animal again.
>He gave me scorned eyes, "Look I'm sorry I just feel passionate about liberal anarchist politics".

>I, in the middle of entering important data into the printer state...
"The only liberal aspect of UK politics is that degenerate subhuman punks like you get have a say even though you disregard every opinion which does not have a set place in your deluded mind."
>I turn to face him, he is welling up with sadness, he looks like he is about cry, bear in mind he is early 20s at most.
>The 4 other work members all looked at me with content, he storms out and says he quits, I rush to the boss senior manager to explain the situation.
>The senior manager says he was an apprentice so it was not a huge problem that he left.
>About an hour at 4pm a security staff member tells me to follow him to the security building, I oblige after finding out that the liberal having been escorted off the premises has taken a large metal pipe to my work car, an Audi A6 Sedan.
>He has been reported to the police but is waiting in the security office, I have to talk to him about his actions as the security team say I caused it due to my differing opinions, apparently, someone I did not know overheard my remark regarding his political stance.
>I basically got reported for hate speech, I walk to this young liberal worker, his name is Richard, anyway after around 10 minutes of arguing with him to pay my repair bill, he says he cannot pay as he has no job and not enough money in the first place.
>I get infuriated, my new Audi has had the windscreen smashed and bonnet pretty much dented in half leaving thousands of pounds of damage, I get seriously hot with anger and Richard looks pretty anxious now.
>I say in a fit of calm rage "You know what the problem is with you god damn liberals, you can never admit responsibility for your own actions, here is some fucking Anarchism for you"

I don't think you did anything wrong. The little shit had it coming.

I refuse to believe that this happened

Liberals don't speak out in solitude, they roam in packs

Liberal Anarchist Politics

Man, oh man

Thanks for the chuckle OP

>I proceed to hit him on the side of the face with my right fist, shortly after he bursts into a large screech, I get taken into custody by the arriving police and he gets acquitted of all criminal damage until further investigation.
>I relish in his screams even though I am supposed to be a mature worker.
I explain to the police what he did and they charge him and give him an official fine he has to pay, my senior manager lets me have the day off, the security staff agree with me as they know me personally as a friendly worker.
>I got home about an hour ago, here I am browsing Sup Forums.

Did I do good.

P.S the police did give me a verbal warning about attacking someone but as it was ruled as justified due to the severe damages to my property, they let me off due to the absence of a criminal record.


You should have told him to kill himself.

Good lad. You did what their absent fathers should have done at that age.

you fucked up by hitting him. I think the law would've made him have to pay for the damage anyways, even if it meant working at McD's for 50 cents per hour, no reason to get heated.
violence is not the answer. never.

The account by me OP

Also sorry guys for the formatting errors, I typed the account quickly and had to put it in multiple posts.

I never ever hit anyone, I have never gotten into fights anywhere.

He had just ruined the front of my vehicle and interrupted my important workday.

>a verbal warning about attacking someone but as it was ruled as justified due to the severe damages to my property, they let me off due to the absence of a criminal record.
police are trained to know better than this, I'm not sure your story adds up

I have never had a criminal record, and the "attack" which consisted of one right light punch was applified by his screeching. The manchester police were very friendly due to the normal amount of friday evening violence in the city center.

Legally you fucked up by hitting him, but to be honest in that situation I would have likely done the same thing to teach that faggot a lesson. Good work.

I feel you. Cars are sacred. My dad has an Audi A6 Avant, you get sympathy points.
Just refrain from using violence next time, never sink to the monkeys' level. Well, unless they bring the fight to you; in that case, no mercy.

Good work

Today OP was a pretty cool guy.

i hope that is a successful and it works out for you bitches

>fuck you redcoats
>all of this is your jews fault and you live right >there by it

we will still help in the next crusade

>goddamn you faggots you better rise up when >the communists try and steal the vote

What is the meaning of this image, I have seen it multiple times and cannot see the meaning of it.


Pretty based tbqh

Sounds like you did the right thing all around. Good luck with your referendum.

I saw something like this too once.

>at pub getting my drink on with m8s
>feeling a bit buzzed but nothing that bad at the moment
>sitting around the bar watching the afternoon news, something about gun control shows up
>everyone sits and just watches except this one kinda lanky dude in the corner, a bit hipster-ish dress but nothing abnormal
>he starts going on about how guns are evil, we should ban them, they have no genuine use
>bartender says that they have real uses, that he used to ride around his farm with a shotgun to deal with pests
>one of my buddies agrees, says that there's no genuine reason to ban them
>i pipe in with "yeah, and we're banning a tool over the actions of a deluded psychopath."
>he gets kinda agitated, i dunno, starts arguing with my buddy
>there's shit about how he's "educated on this stuff" because he went to a university, says that we should stop oppressing people and all of that shit
>i don't really care, just sitting and watching this guy argue
>buddy is still calm, makes a retort or two about the other guy's dress and mannerisms, he gets clearly agitated
>tells him he's clearly "uneducated swine" who should "be discarded" since he's "on the wrong side of history"
>buddy laughs, i'm kinda hiding my smirk
>hipster goes on more, etc etc
>eventually he says "did you get abused as a child or something you prick?"
>everyone goes silent, buddy stares
>hipster clearly decides he needs to go further and starts raising his voice about gun control
(keep in mind at this point my buddy hasn't been aggressive or raised his voice once)
>buddy puts glass down and says "i'd seriously recommend you reconsider your choice of words"
>hipster retorts with "you should be the one doing that you bourgeois fuck"
>buddy stares and goes "last warning, reconsider what you're doing"
>bartender gets a bit restless and starts fiddling with a phone, everyone else at the table is waiting for something to happen


>not waiting until late at night then running him over with your already dented car
>he still has to pay for it to be repaired

you dun goofed m8

In Britain it's safe to assume everyone is a liberal until they prove themselves otherwise, he probably assumed he was among fellow cucks.

I'm pretty sure it's suppose to be one of those things that kids do when they're 12 in school and have to figure out what they're going to be doing later in life.

why are you up so early?

I wanna hear more about this

>>I proceed to hit him on the side of the face with my right fist, shortly after he bursts into a large screech, I get taken into custody by the arriving police and he gets acquitted of all criminal damage until further investigation.


you have even less self-control then that degenerate

Farage would be proud. This is yet another reason added to the ever growing pile of why I'm voting leave.

>I proceed to hit him on the side of the face with my right fist, shortly after he bursts into a large screech, I get taken into custody by the arriving police and he gets acquitted of all criminal damage until further investigation.
>I relish in his screams even though I am supposed to be a mature worker.

You fucked up here and at the fax machine by escalating the situation. Unprofessional. Also, he sounded ripe for a redpilling. He's young and impressionable. If he was some forty year old burn out, bring on the pain.

In terms of fucking up a liberal's shit, good job, but in the long run it didn't really help things to handle the situation like that, especially when such passions are involved.

>violence is not the answer. never.


violence is the gold standard in the natural world.

but under the rule of law we must know how to use the law like violence.

>I just feel passionate about liberal anarchist politics".

I've found that leftists are about 5x - 10x more likely to voice their retarded opinions about things in inappropriate environments , not just about politics.

They're just immature with an inflated sense of self-importance - the combination of those two things is stupidity.

Sort of like with that tranny with the pink hat who sat next to Nigel the other day on that show. He worked talking about himself into almost everything he said. He's like a little retarded kid - and a good example of those on the left.

>red pilled department head of Electrical Engineering
Holy shit, I went to the wrong uni.

more more more

>hipster tells him they can "settle this outside"
>i'm spinning the fuck out, why the hell is this rat starting an argument over nothing?
>buddy goes "fine with me", gets up
>walks over towards hipster, hipster stands up
>i start asking them both to calm down, hipster tells me to fuck off so i just get up and stay behind them in case something happens (my buddy is 6'2, i'm not going to get in between him and someone he dislikes)
>hipster is blabbing his mouth at this point, buddy is death glaring him
>buddy comes in closer, says "shut the fuck up or i'll mop the floor with you"
>this is the first time i've actually seen him get angry to the point of threatening something
>hipster flares chest forward and says "come at me"
>bartender leaves to call the cops or something
>hipster starts throwing punches (quite weak actually), one connects and the others fly, he's just waving his arms about
>buddy just grabs the bottom of his spine, other hand goes on his neck,
>and slams his head into the fucking bar hard enough to crack the wood of it
>hipster makes a weird yelping sound, i consider coming to stop this but i'm a mix of curious and concerned
>hipster gets thrown to the floor, a bar stool gets thrown at him hard enough to make it fucking bounce a few feet
>some guy who was over watching the races comes over and tries to put his hands around buddy, he gets pushed back a few feet and lands on his ass (with one hand i might add, it was quite impressive)
>buddy puts his foot firmly on the hipster's head, stands over him, screams "FUCK WITH ME AGAIN AND I WILL FIND YOU"
>storms out
>hipster is either unconscious or so stunned he's not moving
>bartender is on the phone with 000, moves over to have a look at the bloke
>i leave

never seen him do it before, never seen him do it since.

i was hungry and i'm an early bird.

Learn to properly format a greentext post, you fresh-off-the-boat Reddit faggot. Didn't read.

Continue. I haven't read good green texts in a while because Sup Forums is now exclusively for porn

Lefties are all political infants

I'm shocked they let you slide so easy, especially in Britain, but then again, I'd be inclined to think that the police have had about enough of "liberal anarchist politics," themselves. You were much kinder than I was in my last confrontation at work, but still yet, good job. Sorry about the Audi.

Shouldn't you be sinking into oblivion or something

You deserved it for bringing up politics to your coworkers, you stupid twat. I bet you bring up the size of your pay packet and how often every fucks their wives, you clueless idiot. This isn't amerilard-land, there's no excuse for this kind of autistic faux-pas. Keep to the weather next time.


Love it haha especially the bar stool lmao


Why did you have to use that image I snorted som badly i almost got snot into my drink.

Fucking hell.

t. Liberal wanker

based as fuck ally

Oy you cheeky wanker bin that knife.
And go prep for mohammed.

exposing urself hard here.

>"anarchist politics"
>wants to remain in a continent-wide statist cartel


A common question people are asked in a job interview.
I mean, come on guys.

Is Sup Forums so autistic they can't resolve arguments without resorting to physical violence?

So your mate was buggered as a kid, no?

>shaggin dat boycunt


lemme guess, first decent car you bought in your whole life since you "made it?"

>Projecting: The Post

I wouldn't count your chickens yet OP, if he wants to press charges for assault then he can. Police are gonna heavily suggest he doesn't and you'll probably get away with it in court, but I would say your career prospects have suffered there. I'd start planning a move in the next 12 months if I were you.

I never asked him about it, but he's generally reserved and extremely independent (he's told actual 10/10 blonde haired blue eyed women to fuck off because they gave lip before). I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was. If not sexually abused, I'd say neglected.

shit that never happened

no one calls lefties 'liberals' in the UK, that's an american thing which adds to my suspicions you made it up

>the police did give me a verbal warning about attacking someone but as it was ruled as justified due to the severe damages to my property

Wow that's uncucked

And I thought they were exaggerating when someone on Sup Forums said Britain was already in 1984-mode. Jesus Christ calm the fuck down

>feels strongly about liberal anarchist politics
>wants britain to be part of EU, a giant statist beaurocratic mess that takes away the common man's ability to deal with the politics of his own nation/people



>>eventually he says "did you get abused as a child or something you prick?"

Learn to read, cunt.

Well, healthy way to deal with it i guess.

>no one calls lefties 'liberals' in the UK

Wrong faggot.

The fuck is up with those rare flags today


excellent contribution, dingleberry

>Supports EU

>I just feel passionate about liberal anarchist politics".
Tell him the EU is not exactly anarchist.

Goddamn time you anglos do something right.
(besides Brexit)

Because you're driving an Audi that pretty much confirms you are a cunt. With that in mind, you should never fuck with another man's shit. Little faggot had it coming.

Oh my God...

You people live in a literal dystopia. Hate speech? It's your fault that he damaged your car? Private police back rooms where you get interjected for no apparent reason?

I mean what the hell bongistanis. Your existence is a nightmare.


These liberal cunts need to learnt hat actions have fucking consequences.


We call them saloons.

I have a huge amount of doubt for your story but if that actually happened then kudos.

OP Here

Thanks for the replies

I just recieved a phone call from the Manchester Police.

The liberal "Richard Mason" has pay me £4500 in compensation, if he cannot pay...

the bayliffs will have a field day at his 3 bedroom house in Manchester.

>tfw you're an American on vacation in the UK and you can shitpost amongst the Britbongs without them being any the wiser

Oh sorry, didn't realise you'd made another post.

Yeah this is all completely b/s.

I want to believe.

Anarchists man, not even once

>anarchist politics
>wants to stay in the EU

The Brexit campaign is officially spearheaded by our right wing, many of whom are extreme conservatives who want to privatise healthcare, fuck over the environment and are in bed with the bankers. Unofficially it's been the rallying cry of our extreme right wing for a long time. BNP, EDL etc. Our media has made the months leading up to this debate all about the immigration issue and flooding the UK public with bullshit economics.

This vote, no matter what the politicians say, is about if Britain is racist and if it's conservative. The answer to both I fear, is yes.

In ten years time crusades will happen and the picture says the man will be a crusading knight fighting mudslime shits

Leftists only know how to destroy and they must be contained for the good of society.

Found the mudslime.

Yeah the police here tend to have more individual power (in giving verbal, warnings not doing anything, etc.) here than in the US, meaning that they can better follow the spirt of law rather than the letter of the law. Although if you get a cucked PC you are pretty fucked.

Is that enough to cover the damage?

From driving through Northern Ireland....they seem to be really in favor of leaving


Literally not how any of this works.

Very well done.

Nah it's an American lying.

I went into the garage and they quoted a £2000 odd job on repairing the bonnet and replacing the windscreen, all my work colleagues have been reallying behind me.


Tax the bastards bastards shoes off his feet if you have to and deport him to the ocean after brexit.

I hate these grown manchildren in the workplace

fucking kek

should have beat his ass even more

fuck the police

fuck him up

If it wasn't work and some liberal queer damaged my personal property on my land, I'd leave a hole in his head.

Why are Brits so terrible at making up stories? Just not believable whatsoever.[spoiler]the more detailed, the more likely they're lying[/spoiler]

>reddit tier blog
>"be me"
>"and everyone clapped"
Post your fanfiction somewhere else you massive faggot

>here is some fucking Anarchism for you

I can see this happening. Did the cuck have a nasaly voice?

Id like to think his whiny libtard is furiously typing out his account if events on Reddit. Someone find him

I know the DUP is on the leave side anyway.