When were you realize that Islam is not violent religion, But christianity is?
>Who caused the World War 1? Not muslims (millions died)
>Who caused the World War 2? Not muslims (millions died)
>Who dropped Atomic bomb on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Not muslims
>Who massacred Aboriginal people as a result of European colonisation in Australia? Not muslims
>Who massacred the redskins in America? Not muslims
>Who enslaved and killed millions of Africans? Not muslims
>Who killed millions of Vietnamese people? Not muslims
>Who killed millions of Algerians? Not muslims
>Who killed thousands of Afghan civilians? Not muslims
>Who killed half a million Iraqis as a result of US invasion? Not muslims
>Who killed nearly 100,000 Bosnians during the Bosnian War? Not muslims
>Who killed and still kills thousands and thousands of kids and babies in Palestine? Not muslims
But somehow muslims are violent terrorist??
When were you realize that Islam is not violent religion, But christianity is?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, many thousands of Muslims are still violent terrorists.
Descriptions describe. Commandants command commands
Really makes you think.
*Commandments. Shit I'm drunk. There, alcohol. Fuck you muslims, I love alcohol. And bacon, obviously.
Nice lit circle book rating
Who have killed the most Muslims?
According to the FBI
110k deaths world wide from islamic terrorism SINCE the murder of 9/11
>Who enslaved and killed millions of Africans? Not muslims
ah yes very impressive
Muhammad was a murderer, now he Burns in hell. Islam took all it's practises from moon god called Allah. Islam is empty inside, there is no God there
You can fuck little children
>bible 0
>Sandnigger brainwashing book over9000
>finding English words in the Koraayan
Nice try Achmed
>Who invaded the entirety of southern Europe, the Mediterranean sea, and the Christian Holy Land, burned down libraries, temples, and innocent civilians, and killed and raped hundreds of thousands of women and children, while taking men into slavery?
>Who started the african slave trade?
When will this meme of "analyzing" "hard" words end? There is no shittier argument than ignoring arguments and only focusing on how you said something rather than what you said.
Read the goddamn passages and understand how xenophobic and full of hatred the Koran gets when you put it in chronological order, whereas the bible does the opposite.
Get fucked. Christianity adjusted to the times, Islam is regressive.
I wish in the future American and Russian armies would meet at Constantinople after destroying your turkshit nation
When I saw this chart. Get fucked by a pig, faggot
>Who invaded America, destroyed temples, murdered thousands of innocent civilians, and killed and raped hundreds of thousands of women and children, while practically enslaving entire nations?
>Islam is not violent religion
Look Muhammad the difference is that Christianity evolve, islam don't.
Can't blame you, you are barely humans.
How are these in any way connected. Secular is anything none-religious so yes includes both Political and Anarchist but lumping those together is ridiculous for example it includes both the IRA / ETA as well as your typical anarchist/antifascist
Here you go, faggot muslim. By the way, muhammed was a homosexual and pedophile.
List of Islamic Terror:
Last 30 Days
This is part of the list of Islamic terror attacks maintained by TheReligionofPeace.com.
During this time period, there were 217 Islamic attacks in 31 countries, in which 2192 people were killed and 2087 injured.
>Christianity evolve, islam durr
First there is not one Christianity and one Islam.
if you're talking about Catholicism, it didn't evolve but was taken over by Freemasonry and the "enlightenment" school of thought, in the Second Vatican Council. It was just one brutal change that a lot of authentic authentic catholics don't agree with. The current pope is representative of this ''evolution'', he is all about ''humanism'', gay rights, globalism, refugees, and Disney values, when he is supposed to be the bearer of the message of Christ.
Nowadays, only the Orthodox church is close to preserving the original message and values of Christianity.
As for Islam, you are probably refering to Wahhabi islam when you talk shit about it, and the reason it's the only islam you know is that you have been sucking Saudi Arabia and Qatar's ball since oil has been discovered in these countries. Joke's on you Pedro.
>counting words
>not context
So the Bible condemns bad things way more than your book is what I'm seeing.
Calm down Muhamed soon Merkel will open the borders again and you can go to Germany to rap..Work and live the EuroDream
Your forefathers did it.