Slow it to x0,25 and look at the upper left (pic related) at around 0:44-0-47. You see him trip and instantly get piled on.
Slow it to x0,25 and look at the upper left (pic related) at around 0:44-0-47. You see him trip and instantly get piled on.
Other urls found in this thread:
Look you can see the railing and the tent. And later in the video you see a man kneeling down next to him and waving for help.
Another angle.
Where is this?
What's this? A riot? A protest? Who was the guy? Was he White? Was he a Christian?
Multiple sources claimed he has died yet you have linked one of them?
kill yourself
what nationality is the dead guy?
what nationality is the guy who killed him?
Start fucking beating up muzzies to before more whites get killed you goddamn pussies
Bong, Ivan or frog?
yeh theres 2 in critical condition, none saying anyone died
I was gonna go there last week for a random trip. is it always a shithole? or just with the football on?
there both brits...
Its a football game.
He deserved it.
Imagine you're human and were one of the shitheads responsible for his death.
Fuck you.
Fuckin hell.
Come on English lads destroy both vodka and kebab.
friendly fire
kek'd, American """"fotball"""" a shit
>Imagine you're human
Fuck off,Pajeet.
Yet to hear any brits call for a ban on football as a result. Soon tho. soon.
no russians got to them
No. 5+ Russians beat the 50-51year old English man to death.
Man, why are brits such cucks....they even get killed by drunken ruskies when watching soccer
Europe is literally retarded, may God uncuck ur souls
those fucking cunts
i demand vodka blood
>Don't make this rape a murder
What the fuck is going on there, why are they acting like that? It's just fucking football
> muh german fat kid meme
> bohoo I`m triggered
> bohoo krauts
Delete this. This makes me livid as fuck. I would torch that muslim kid if I ever saw him.
shit like this makes me a little less racist
white people aren't that great either
The guy was probably gonna vote leave
False flag by commie Russia?
Our local media is blaming Russians on all the violence, so deciphering that in reality it most likely was some local muslims that got butthurt about the brits drinking during ramadan and their anti-isis chants or something like that
>anglo blood was spilled
nothing of value was lost
wheres the proof hes dead? gutted if he is thats someones dad or grandad
Damn Muslims.
Oh sorry wrong thread.
>Beating up a 50-51 year old man
Sad. But then again, you join in the fights then you should expect to get killed or bloodied.
It is a shithole. Don't go there. If you absolutely want to go to south of France, Nice is way better.
wtf, isn't that from Quake?
it is a football game, Eng-Rus just played
Why do whites always chimp out at sport events?
>5+ Russians
Brexit inevitable.
Yes, it's always a shithole. Full of shitskins, might even be worse than Paris in that way.
However, yes, with the football games it's even worse. There's the niggers of Europe (Russians) running amok and all that.
Our media is blaming the English for all the violence
I suspect its a jewish plot to make us look bad
Why would we kill a dude, cmon, we arent like that
Maybe it's in both. It's also in LoL. Anyway, Dota 2 is fitting since it's a russian dominated game :^)
The fire rise.
Chechen here. You are exactly like that.
>Inb4 Chechens are worse.
when i was at school i beat up that kind of weak faggy germans too...they always start crying, can`t defend themselves and act like uber-autists when confronted...they tend to say things like "i like communism" and there is nothing more hilarious that beating the crap out of that kind of weak faggot being in the chess club or visiting the "neglish drama club"
They reminded me always of english children and often had names like patrick or dennis...good thing the kebabs fuck up those weak subhumans...
Marseille is cool man. Avoid some northern neigbourhoods. The center is usually really nice. Also go enjoy the Calanques. It's not the whitest place I admit, but it's generally ok.
It was likely a setup.
To -revent you from teming up with english fans in order to kill negroes and sandniggers.
They need you fighting each other.
And the only thing that will stop you from teming up is someone dying, an "innocent fan" would be the best. Especially if he has cute kids that will cry on camera.
So are russians going into the oven with everyone else or are we going to pretend like they aren't niggers too?
Eyewitnesses described how the man showed signs of life after officers carried out CPR for about two minutes. “He got knocked to the ground and kicked in the head for nothing.
He was not doing anything when some lads attacked him - French, Russian - I don’t know who they were,” claimed one English fan. In other clashes, an unidentified assailant smashed a chair over the head of a man on crutches.
Television footage showed the man collapsing and falling down stone steps near the city centre. French authorities said a Russian supporter had suffered a cardiac arrest during the fighting and had also been rushed to hospital where he too was fighting for his life.
I was thinking similarly that they are trying to make England look bad so the papers can skew the referendum vote.
Fucking chimps
I'm sorry OP, but as soon I saw your thread, I thought "Oh it's not happening in USA, next thread."
that was a pretty sick move
Chechens are worse.
“It was the Russians that sparked it all off,” an England supporter insisted, “A whole gang of the [Russians] came right into the middle of everything and started throwing punches.”
Another said: “There’s this group of Russians who are proper mental. They threw everything at us - chairs, bottles - and they slashed us with knives. The French are also having a go.”
A third travelling fan said: “There’s literally an army of Russian fans marching over the hill towards the English supporters. It’s absolutely crazy.” Photographs seemed to back up at least some of those claims.
Euros can't love their countries so they dump all that passion into football? Riot over something meaningful for once
You need to work on your English a bit more Ahmed.
>trying to exterminate Ruskies
good luck.
I don't know, I was thinking you guys wanted blood and you kill for fun.
If you aren't then, we've got to team up and beat up some sandies, cucks and kikes. As well as getting drunk, together.
Top kek, BEADY btfo. Based Russkies.
>the biggest threat to Euro 2016 wasn't muslim terrorists
>it was English hooligans
Such as?
Fucking kek
Don't get me wrong. There are some nice Russians, but they are always on the edge of chimping out. Can't talk normally to many of them because it's like tip toeing around a minefield of emotions.
It's a deadly mix of low self esteem, compensation, low intelligence, and alcoholism.
you guys sure do take soccer seriously.
Alright mate.
In fact that video is bullshit..but every sane person laughs at this...
denying the fact you are as cucked as the germans and spamming some irrelevant videos will not make it better for you
Go back to leaf planet.
Whats with these old men fighting
Youre old stop fighting.
>not white
pick one
Then you promptly posted in said thread, adding nothing to the discussion.
I'm Polish kek
It's from Unreal Tournament u twats...
Chester fan Craig Jones, 43 said: "We like a beer and a sing-song but the Russian fans here are sober drinking water and organised.
"They are picking us off, they know the police will fire tear gas and get us all separated and that's when they really do the damage.
"For some reason the police are just letting it happen.
"They have lost control in their own city."
However, a Russian fan who called himself Yuri said: "It's not fair to blame the Russians. The English are drunk and the police are just aggressive thugs."
Our local media is blaming Russians on all the violence
Bullshit, where do you get this?
if only there was this much outrage against the Muslim invaders
What are you doing in a godless europe?
Come home my fellow russian compatriot, the motherland is longing
We know the difference between football and hand-egg, Pavel.
It's white. If you go to bad neigbourhood's you're suddenly in algeria but that's in some parts only.
>that thread last night about how the usa is chaotic and nigger infested
>this happens the next day
Russian here, desu I cant disagree.
Both parts of the US and parts of the rest are chaotic and nigger infested, happy?
Bongs cannot be considered white anymore. Having a jihadist for mayor has devolved them.
rip in peace sweet prince
He is not falling for that again my Spetnaz friend
When in doubt question the kike.