
>loves guns
>hates liberal females

And this, my racially deluded pals, is your average Trump supporter

Other urls found in this thread:


Does he like fags and trannys too?

except she wasnt liberal

Looks like a "JUST" version of Breivik. Tbh senpai

He was a registered democrat, just like James Holmes, Jared Loughner, Adam Lanza, yes... even Dylan Roof!

he looks like a fucking shooter

and people here think blacks are savages. balding white dudes are savage [spoiler]and retarded[/spoiler] AF

has she ever stated her political stances at all?

She wasn't a liberal. She was the definition of normal girl next door who struggles to achieve her dreams.


WUT?? Im latino and I support Trump

How does this guy have no social media presence AT ALL? Doesn't anyone else find that a little strange?

Blacks killing each other in droves, nobody has an eye. One white guy kills someone and everyone loses their minds!

You get on the news for being black and killing people. Black shooters don't get reported until 10+ dead.

Except that "one white guy" kills people everyday because he's a fucking weirdo

I am all of those things but I don't look a bit like that faggot.

all musicians/artists are liberals.


that was sarcasm right?

mk ultra false flag

>full head of hair; shitty haircut cuz I don't care
>never even held a gun
>love all attractive females

And this, my fellow pollacks, is me; I voted for Trump in California

No. Niggers commit murder at 7x the rate of whites. If recognizing reality makes you a stormfag then sign me up because I won't deny reality so you can protect the feelings of your pet niggers.

Must have been a Sup Forums shitposter.

But she's a Christian

And the nigger kills someone for a good reason? Like sneakers?


Haha german jew here.
Nope still have all my hair.
>loves guns
Only a faggot like you hates guns.
>hates liberal females
Implying. I love all women. If you weren't a beta cuck then maybe you could get laid also.

>never even held a gun
>calicucks call themselves american

>and people here think blacks are savages. balding white dudes are savage [spoiler]and retarded[/spoiler] AF

At least his excuse is mental illness

>Man who sued over police shooting denied bail in murder charge

>A fatal shooting that 25-year-old Dominiq Greer is accused of began after a quarrel over $5, Cook County prosecutors said in court Saturday.

Killed someone over $5

>2 dead, 17 wounded in Chicago shootings

>Two men were killed and at least 17 other people were wounded in city shootings over a 17-hour span beginning Friday morning, the equivalent of someone shot every 53 minutes on the hottest day so far this year.

I'd be willing to bet I've got more funs than you


This is a Hillary anti-gun operation!

Do not believe the lies!

This guy was setup. Over the next weeks and months we will hopefully get some leaked info. Clinton's agents set him up. They arranged messages to be sent from her to him. He had "videosex" with "her" (body double).

A bit ago they dumped him. Told him she met better guys after concerts. His closest friend is a Clinton stooge that encouraged him to "teach that slut a lesson".

>don't believe the lies
don't believe the lies
>don't believe the lies
don't believe the lies

>people on Sup Forums are surprised when people don't have social media

What Jewish trick is this?

Who is this Sup Forums?

I'm willing to bet you don't...

Unless your collection is approaching triple digits, then maybe.

I know many people that don't really use social media very actively but not that don't have it at all.

Literally no one gives a shit about Mexico's opinion.

>normal girl next

THIS WAS PART OF IT. Her character that the shooter got to know was of a nice girl. Slowly she changed. A while ago she told him flat-out that the whole Christian girl thing was an act to get more publicity. Then she dumped him.

When I say she I mean the operation Clinton arranged. It's not like a guy like this could verify her real identity.

His """best""" friend was a setup. Encouraged him to do something. Don't let them persuade everyone this was a natural occurrence. It was staged.

>Hates Christians
>Trump supporter

One of these doesn't go together

Post pics of you near 100 strong fun collection then. If you had 50 of them, averaging $300 (unless you only buy hi points it'll be higher) your collection would be verging on $15,000. You expect me to believe that a neet on Sup Forums has that much to spend?

He had social media, they took it down before releasing the name.

If only there was a way to get a cache of the sites before takedown.

Her body isn't even cold yet and you are using a woman's death for political advantage? That's a new low, even for (((you))). For shame, reddit, for shame.

this is schizo behavior. fixate on one person and do something terrible to them.

>a lot
Get a job you fucking NEET

>Post pics of you near 100 strong fun collection then
No thank you mr.ATF
Post pics of yours first.

>projecting this hard
>not posting pics
I'm not the one who claimed to have a 100 strong collection you fucking autist


I have fb and a twitter. Can't remember the last time I used them. When I do get on fb its for a few of the yard sale groups I'm in or the group things that go bang.

Mexicos flag uses vertical stripes also dumb ass

Are you kidding? The Trump Fringe of the Republican party are the degenerate filth. Look at how they attacked Cruz for his Christian Values.

I will never post picture of my collection on the Internet. Take my word or don't, I don't care.

Fine, get a higher paying job, and the money and guns will come.

>I'm not the one who claimed to have a 100 strong collection you fucking autist
But you did claim you had more guns than me calicuck. Are you so surprised that other (real) Americans spend money on a hobby they love?

Also it's not 100 strong, it's only *near* 100 strong, at 87

>White cis-male, archenemy of all liberals, kills an empowered womyn that literally no one knows outside of her own clique
>"Huh, how can I make this politically relevant?"
>Slap a Make America Great Again^tm hat on him
>"There we go! See goyim, voting for Trump is bad because bad people support him!"

That's disgusting

I'm really getting sick of guns. they all should be banned, except certain hunting rifles. I don't care what gun nuts say.

Modern guns trigger my dislike of modern design, everything is tacticool black or cheap looking.

thank you. Le ''self defense'' is a meme

No it's not

Holy kek it sure is summer

>I have 87 guns I swear
>n-no I won't post a picture, I don't care that it's done hundreds of times a day on /k/

You realize that if your firearms averaged $400, which if you had 87 they would because no one buys fucking 87 mosins, that would be $34,000. No one on Sup Forums has $34,000 in disposable income because there are only a handful of us older than our mid 20's. You're full of shit and that's fine, but don't act like it's actually hard to get guns in California. You can get them easily, it's just more expensive

Trump does it when a Muslim does something bad

To be fair when a Muslim does something bad usually 80 people at a concert in France die, rather than just the chick putting on the concert

You have to go back, Goldberg.

Although wait: stay where you are!

A gun is a gun is a gun

Either ban them all or don't

sounds like a great guy for real

I've been on /k/ since 2009.

>if I'm too poor to buy that many than so are you
Oilfield work pays well m8.

You really think I believe you can't buy guns in California? It's just banter m8. Your letting your butthurt show

I didn't purchase every firearm in my collection either, I inherited 46 of them from my dead grandpa.

>loves guns
How to spot the Liberal: flexing your second amendment rights gets you labeled as a Trump supporter/racist.

>inherited 46 from dead grandpa
There we go. Now I'll call it feasible.

And no, it's not a not having money thing. If I wanted to buy 41 funs, I could. Not all at once mind you, but I could get a good chunk out of the way immediately. I just don't see why I would when I have everything I want that's legal. Don't get me wrong, if it becomes legal for me to get an ak12, I would, but unless something suddenly becomes legal that wasn't then I'm going to stick to my collection of 18

It's a fair point.

It is kinda of bitch having so many actually. Moving into my new house was a tremendous pain in the ass with 4 safes full of funs. You can only shoot one at a time, so I do own a few safe queens that don't get shot very often.

w-white master r-race

but still, Trump > Hillary

>all musicians/artists are liberals.

Sure thing.


Is that Milo?

Under rated