>Girls at a German school had to practice with colored baby simulators. Apparently the future is predetermined.
>Girls at a German school had to practice with colored baby simulators. Apparently the future is predetermined.
Are you even allowed to make a tweet without adding that gay laughing crying emoji? Is it a new form of English punctuation?
I blame Japs for emojis.
Coming from the 62% white Country that fetishizes niggers on all fronts 24/7, elected a nigger president and even spends one month every year worshipping them
What are you gonna do when Germany becomes less White than the US?
American niggers are kept in check through the justice system, class system and the police. The German government literally enforced state multiculturalism/ racial equity
Before that happens we will get a Civil War in Europe. What will you do?
President Trump will fix this. Who will fix your mess? You retards are genociding your whole nation. In 50 years, there won't be any white Germans left.
>American niggers are kept in check through the justice system, class system and the police
Ben Garrison's latest says it all.
>President Trump will fix this.
You mean President Hillary who will be your globalist shill and open the floodgates even more
>In 50 years, there won't be any white Germans left.
Seeing how brainwashed and debt ridden your white youth is its more likely that white america will be gone before that
>the mountains are switzerland
>Caring when nogs demonstrate their barbarism to the world by destroying their own community
you guys were lucky for never falling for the EU meme.
any zyklon-ben versions out yet?
>Civil War in Europe
You cucks already think of Europe as one country
But in all seriousness the US will arm both sides, making a fortune, then mop up the mess you cucks make. Then we will build even more military bases all over your continent and continue to be the most powerful country on Earth despite our ridiculously large nigger and spic populations
Your time is over you are just too stupid to realize it yet and pride yourself on your former glory.
Your time is over you are just too stupid to realize it yet and pride yourself on your former glory.
Shut the fuck up and take this reddit tier bullshit somewhere else you faggot
Europeans not taking pride in their culture is why they are in decline you simply live in the past and havent realized the reality of things
Very nice 10/10
what is this "Onlinemagazin"
They look a bit old to be playing with dollys.
thanks for the divide and conquer, Hans
i learned from the best
>Europeans not taking pride in their culture is the problem
>you, however, are a backwards-looking fool for taking pride in your culture
Consumerism isnt a culture. Dont pretend that your Country is still upholding its customs like it did 50 years ago
this actually makes a lot of sense as most muslim males start practicing on colored babies as well.
That town, not city, was 100% nigger. They kept themselves in check by destroying their own town, something even the police wouldnt do.
>Apparently the future is predetermined
What did they mean by this?
all germans I met were huge cucks
>b-but nationalism is bad
>21st century
>g-gay rights
it was shocking that even if I visited conservative parts of germany for ex. münchen, there were so many openly gay people, trans, disgusting
Usa will be 100% nigger 2030
and your country is a shithole overrun with gypsies everyone until last year was trying to flee
Fake black babies... that's almost like reality in the US.
stop insulting others and start fixing your own country,cuck. britfags will be laughing till the sunset at a germanistancucks,for we know that brexit heralds the ultimate death and destruction of the .E.U.
yeah, my country is poorfag corrupt shithole, you're right. Living in capital is comfy tho and I like that people are conservatives here.
I wouldn't like to live in society where it's completely normal when two men are kissing or a street or a man wears woman clothes
>all these salty germans
Funnily enough, the red states that disliked trump were mostly German, apparently cuckoldery is genetic
German girls are so ugly imao
>britfags will be laughing till the sunset at a germanistancucks,for we know that brexit heralds the ultimate death and destruction of the .E.U.
yeah you gonna leave the EU like you fixed your decade long paki rape gangs
you faggots got bigger white guilt than germans after 70+ years of anti nazi propaganda
>I wouldn't like to live in society where it's completely normal when two men are kissing or a street or a man wears woman clothes
i never see that around here though. i bet there are some cities/places i dont know about but faggots are the least of germanys problem right now
In my high school child development class, I had to take care of a black baby. The school couldn't afford many babies, and I think maybe the black ones cost less.
you have a child's understanding of the United States
>Consumerism isnt a culture.
Maybe for you it's not
Oh my...a pic full of German 10/10s.
No wonder their men have shunned them. Welp, you reap what you sow.
A lot of german shows for children have black hosts. I dunno the actual number but it sure isn't proportional to the black population in general.
Indoctrination is most successful when it starts at a young age.
>w-we w-will just do this and that
>meantime doing nothing against his own niggers
>going downhill in the meantime
our problem arent even niggers, theyre white with a tan or east europeans, rapefugees arent even a sizable minority and a meme.
you however, you fucked up. Youd wish for kebabs instead of niggers and beaners
>you have a child's understanding of the United States
Translation: I have no comeback
shills are in full force with d and c Sup Forums bullshit.
Sup Forums is fucking shit recently
>spends one month every year worshipping them
What? 95% of the country doesn't even give a shit about Black History Month.
America has the largest population of whites out of the white countries of the world.
78% of all statistics are made up on the spot though
Also why are you making excuses? Just admit that black history month is fucking stupid and dont give me the people dont care excuse. You still let them push white guilt one month every year on your young
The same in Poland... You see a lot of niggers on TV while there isn't any in the street.
Who dont breed like the rest of whites, have undergone marxist brainwashing and are on average debt ridden for life
Thats coming from the americans. Alot of euro tv stations have been bought by american media groups and they are pushing their filth on us.
That is true of every western nation you butthurt kraut.
Were all in this sinking ship together.
Look at all that pure aryan™ beauty. Truly the master of all races.
I think he meant 'Jews'
>Were all in this sinking ship together.
Yet your fellow Countrymen are the most in denial about it
Obviously the kikes i know but you still let them run your media/banks/education
>a handful of posters on Sup Forums represent America
Also give them a break, they sit eat Doritos and watch da football game while drinking mountain dew and Budweiser.
They don't understand how bad things are, not yet.
Really makes ya think, huh?
I love how everyone is betting it all on Trump when they should be shocked how no party has shown any sign of wanting to keep white america afloat
I bet you if Trump gets killed it will be celebrated by media and applauded by your own people
You first senpai
They might as well get used to it. Do you think white girls are going to go for you little faggots? Well maybe when they need a beta provider.
>They don't understand how bad things are, not yet.
The sad thing is that the amount of red pills is limited. Blue ones exist in vast quantities.
>Too rough
Why are we like this?
I've always been a gentle romance guy but every girlfriend I've ever had has wanted like super rough, thrown around, smacking type stuff.
And when I talk to my buddies it's often the same on their ends from what the females want.
What about our culture makes for rough sex as such a standardized thing?
Sounds like you're TRIPping....he....he he.
Back right a cute
Why are you so mad? Did you get cucked by an American or something?
The only thing that should shock anyone about this is that it still shocks anyone. Stop fucking being provoked, you're past that, stop sitting on Sup Forums and go do something with your life. Improve yourself, stop this shit from becoming a reality. Go step out in the sunlight, you fucking pussy.
- I quietly mutter something like this to myself when people post similar to OP.
Oh shit m8, now that you say it
Our niggers are at least controllable (Democratic Party) and are mostly Christian. You guys have a Muslim horde waiting to decapitate every man, woman, and child that isn't a Muslim once they become a large enough minority in your countries. Europe is fucked even if you manage to stay majority white.
If you actually get upset over this your just a little beta male cuck boy.
Now go out and generate some tax revenue you dumb goy- er I mean fellow anonymous posters.
>The only thing that should shock anyone about this is that it still shocks anyone.
This. It's 2016, and there is nothing wrong with interracial babies.
yeah, because that table definitely means a lot and you should definitely think a lot about it.
why are americans so dumb
There is no hope. Please German bros, tell me it's not this bad.
Are able to say anything without saying DESS after?
This is why we can't have nice things.
>greece not too hairy
>too rough is bad
>too selfish somehow
shit list compiled by 14yr olds with nonfitting stereotypes, just like my pol
Not teaching them to stick out their PAWGs and twerk instead of having tyrone jr.
>wew their population problem is that bad
There are no indications that climate change is real.
>Who dont breed like the rest of whites
We have a very high birth rate relative to other white countries.
Dont lean too far out that window, Hans.
The last few times germans got cocky on pol things only got worse