Hollywood's Collapse

So when is this actually going to happen? Directors have been predicting this for years.



>be a company
>have consumers who desire your product
>don't supply consumers with product
>complain when business is bad

Good, Hollywood is shit right now. The best films last few years are all from independent studios and foreign film industry. Let the Jews burn

It's happening already.
Disney makes all the money and the rest of the studios are accumulating flops.
Most of the industry is destined to disappear.

SJW will destroy Hollywood, 2017 will be the year of the Collpase.

I think it has to happen. Hollywood is too bloated. They are spending too much money on just a few projects. That's why there is no more innovation. No more variety. All you see these days are lifeless big budget movies that follow the same formula. These movies usually go with the trend and don't try anything new. The trend right now is super hero movies. No one in Hollywood is willing to gamble on anything fresh anymore. Hollywood producers are riding on the fact that these movies will make most of their production budget back the first weekend or flop. People are turning to other form of entertainment. Right now Hollywood is a mess.

>be a company
>make a product people like
>realize you can make more money if you can sell shit
>try to swap product people like with shit
>get upset when people notice
>claim industry is dying because people don't trust you to not shit on them.

>film industry
you mean hollywood

> Directors responsible for turning cinema into trash now foresee the results of their actions

just kill them now

Why doesn't Hollywood just take a look at all the good scripts they have been sent and make 50 good movies for the price of 2-10 million dollars each

You can talk all you want about these flops but the raw numbers don't lie. Every single studio this year - except Paramount - has made a good amount of profit, and even Paramount's loss is really small.

>Spielberg predicts it
>his last film bombs hard

heh, talk about karma

Hey, get your hands off my business model

This is all due to you cheapskates stealing films online, you have cost Hollywood trillions of dollars. I hope you're happy.

A few smaller companies are doing this and it's working well for them. Most fail to make any money, with some never getting released, but all it takes is that 1 in 10 to hit it big to make money.

>tfw the future is looking bright

Even Sony?

I pay for tv through Netflix. I pay for anime through Crunchyroll. Get a good online system for movies and I will gladly pay for it, but until then I'm pirating.

Believe it or not, yes. Angry Birds made huge money, enough to cover for multiple flops. Let alone their other successes.

What's gonna happen after this implosion? Will we see a new movement or business model?

Just look at Sony's model and how far they've been falling lately. It's not that they're the only ones, they're just incompetent enough for it to shine through the most.
Much of the awful flicks they've been making for the past decade or so are nothing but product placements strung together by weak narratives they honestly expect you to go pay to see.
It's the model that has ruined Sandler movies, it was always a part of his stuff but it has taken center stage as paid vacations for him and his buddies, spilling over to other projects that has all but tanked their movie division. Producer vanity on top of that certainly did not help turds like the new Ghostbusters.

Premium TV and Netflix are making all of the interesting content these days.

There's no reason to go to a theatre anymore unless you're still 11-15 and wanna see big things go boom.

Yea or they could not pay actors millions of dollars for 3 months of work

>gets "less than" sign wrong


Spielberg and Coppola have together predicted an age whereby the burst of cheap cameras and technology will bring a huge tide of low budget good independent films but this hasn't come to fruition.

Came for this.

It has, the problem is that no one is watching them.

We won't see new movies coming out for a decade while they regroup themselves. Then when it comes back it'll be the 19070's film world again.

So we're the future? It's up to us to save film?

Watched that, it was actually not bad desu but they mean less of a gimmick sold on the fact it was made on a phone but widespread

Just look at the movies being released next year. No seriously, pull a list and it will fucking blow your mind. The industry won't make it to 2018

But will it really die when people in Asia are keeping them afloat?

As easy as it might be to blame Lucas and Spielberg for inspiring the crap we now see, they're not the reason why American blockbusters are utterly devoid of cinematic style.

The blame rests on the studios, who fight tooth and nail to make sure their tentpoles are as bland in the US as they are in China and other territories. And half of that, of course, is because they *need* to pump out these big, shitty tentpoles on a fucking schedule because they've told their investors, "Yes, we'll have a nice amount of income from Avengers 24 in the Summer quarter of 2020, just you wait."

And honestly, I don't think it's fixed by going small. Historically, the most "zeitgeist-y" movies -- the ones that had the biggest effect on immediate and future culture -- had moderately large budgets and made killings in the box office. If you looked at the yearly box office before, say, 1978, the top movies were usually the best and had the strongest effect.

If they want to fix these things, they need to 1) bring in the crazy and talented auteurs and 2) allow these big films to have long pre-release times (pre-production, production, post-production).

Even though James Cameron might be off his rocker at this point, he's the ONLY director who's been allowed to go slowly yet at exactly the rate he needed. Titanic and Avatar (and, hell, his movies before that) show that it *works*. If you put care into your movie, people will care!

I looked. Most movies don't make a profit, this has always been the case, it's the ones that do making so goddamn much that it can account for all the failures and then some.

>If you looked at the yearly box office before, say, 1978, the top movies were usually the best and had the strongest effect

You can say this about movies well into the 80s, and even 90s. They might not be the best, but they're certainly impressive films.

>video game crash is coming
>europe's crash is coming
>economic crash is coming
What's going on in the world?

The World is getting ready for The End.

Problem is, the medium to big budget movie is all but dead and will remain dead until they stop gambling their all on 100+ million capeshit and genre fiction adaptions.
Those beloved high concept movies of the 80s that were written for the screen and directed by enthusiastic auteurs that were doing them for the entertainment as much as the art barely went over a 10-80 milion production budget in today's money. Hell, it was unprecedented when Terminator 2 got a cool 175 mil in today's money to play with in the early 90s, and you could do a movie at that caliber for much cheaper today.

I don't understand what this whole crash shit means?

Do they believe some competitor will exist? Will china start making english films casting white people?

We're all going to have to learn Mandarin and watch interactive Chinese movies on our Oculus Rift headsets.

And then the few of you who actually produce offspring that produce offspring can tell your grandchildren how much better movies were in your day.

"When I was your age we used to go to a big room with a HUUUGEEEE SCREEN, and you couldn't choose your own ending to the film"

"You mean you used to sit with other people? And you didn't have to wear VR goggles? Hahaha how fucking strange grandpapa".

Serious question, why don't these big studios simply buy/found a cable network and put their films there? Money is not an issue, obv.

>tfw no silver daddy bf with millions

>Will china start making english films casting white people?


Hollywood is the film industry. Distribution starts there.

It only needs one crafty western movie studio to move its entire production to China and caters entirely to chicks to massacre Hollywood's livelihood.

Hollywood gets worse and worse very year, name one good big budget film this year. All the good movies are foreign

>Will china start making english films casting white people?
Yes, yes they will.

>capeshit cgi cookie cutter movies
>female remakes
>minority pandering flicks
It's happening right now. This is 99% of the shit that Hollywood pumps out

>name one good big budget film this year
Arrival. 50 million is pretty gosh darn big.

My two cents is that this is the beginning. Look at how the amount of adaptations of old film and unoriginal scripts has multiplied in only 3 years. I feel like ever since Twilight series the film industry is just out to make a quick buck and don't actually care about the consumer.

The sad thing about this is that there are so many writers and directors who have potential still and the internet just shoves them into the same category as the hacks. I for one am tired of going to movies meant for "family" to get entertainment. The last movie I saw and enjoyed was a family movie, since then I haven't bothered going to the theater.

Good to see Captain Autism and The Jew still think they're relevant
Who even asked them

I used to have faith that it would happen before I turn 30, but now I'm seeing China and other foreign nations take our place as Hollywood's chief consumer.

Its big studios soaking everything up with big releases
People only go to one or two movies a year and pick brands they already know and trust to deliver on a least a basic fun movie outing experience
But when those few tentpole releases are just toy commercials major audiences drop out and it becomes a thing to take your kid to

Deadpool worked because it wasn't calibrated to be a safe family experience with five years of toys shirts games cartoons ready to keep the brand popular until the next movie comes out
It was already a familiar concept but hadn't been fatigued by a decade of media coverage

Can't meme your way to success here, buddy. WE won't do shit.

thats what happens when you're old and senile. You say stupid shit like this.

These two old JEWS are irrelevant and THEY are part of the reason why Hollywood spends insane money on wannabe blockbusters that are strangling cinema.

You sure as fuck never saw either of these two kikes using their BILLIONS to finance low budget films by up-and-coming Directors. Lucas is a fraud who only ever cared about the money and that fuck Spielberg whines that people wont give him cash to make movies when he could self-finance anything he wanted.

They're two rat fucks who could have spurred a Miramax style indie industry but instead pocketed every last penny and have contributed fuck all apart from popcorn flicks.

Fuck them both and I can't wait until they finally die!

Get em satre

Netflix is the perfect model. Digital tech has levelled the playing field where you can make really good looking stuff on a low budget. You don't have to spend insane cash and don't have greedy meatpuppets asking for tens of millions to walk around and say shit that other (underpaid) people write while a small army works to make you look good.

Seriously, if I was a billionaire I'd be making stuff only for Netlix/Bluray.

Honestly, I don't think they're off the mark. Why the fuck should I and other consumers pay money for piss-poor films in crowded theaters when there's Netflix? I had more fun marathoning Stranger Things and Daredevil than going to the movies. TV is the superior medium for watching because there's more time to flesh-out a character and progress a story.

Exactly and you can do large scale stuff as Game of Thrones proves. Netflix is the best of both worlds.

the problem with netflix is it makes formulaic SJW stuff because it's what their analysis tells them

I hope you're not serious. But just in case your dumbass is
>lucas isn't a jew
>lucas is not a part of hollywood, hollwood wanted to be like lucasfilm so badly that they smear campaigned him with the prequels so that the most valuable film property on earth would land in the hands of actual jews
>lucas, along with coppolla, are basically the most renowned independent filmmakers ever, and they would often fund smaller projects, like, shit, idk, kurosawa's later works
fuck off faggot

Actually, I think people are going to be invested more into shows on premium channels like HBO and Showtime. There's going to be more people invested in shows like Game of Thrones and Westworld than the superhero genre and one-off generic dramas and action movies.

no faggot, you just prefer to sit on your tv at home and watch a dragged out series for dozens of hours instead of immersing yourself with a film in a cinema the way it was meant to be experienced

>I pay for anime
This must be bait. No person could be this stupid.

Yeah, but there's still plenty of room for expression and experimentation. We don't have that leeway anymore in cinema.


I'm already getting tired of superhero movies, but I fucking loved the Supergirl/Arrow/Flash/Legends crossover this week on CW. TV writing and effects have gotten to the point where it's edging out on movie. Especially as inflation and economic buying power is started to be limited nowadays.

Yes, but I think user was referring to the format.
For various reasons, tv shows aren't two order of magnitude below movies in terms of production value anymore. They are also easier to market and can sometimes be dragged for years before becoming boring.

Yep and you can format it any way you like. A one off TV movie; mini-series; multiple episode series. Also, virtually ZERO censorship. There are limitless possibilities while TV doesn't have the stigma is use to since it's blowing away movies these days.

The only reason Hollywood existed is because back then, only they had the money and the technology to make a simple as h*ck film, and now all of it is available on any phone or computer. All Hollywood has going for it are big-budget flicks, which people are basically desensitized by all the spectacle to care.

It was a good run. Time for shitty inferior mediums like TV to take over while Netflix originals sit in the corner.

>people are basically desensitized by all the spectacle
Based Cameron will bring it back with Avatar 2

No one liked Avatar

Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

Lucas and Coppola are frauds. Both lament that their greatest works (American Graffiti/Star Wars - Godfather 1&2) were failures because they compromised when those are the movies they'll be remembered for.

Lucas is a pretentious poser who wanted to make experimental art-house garbage like THX 1138. When that failed he made Graffiti and SW, made billions and never made a single other worthwhile thing as a Director while his success proved that he was a fraud who never had anything to say in the first place? Where's all of those art movies he's been whining about making and how Star Wars prevented him from doing so despite having virtually limitless funds and resources? And what has he done since Crystal Skull?

Same thing with Coppola who's another bloviating sack of shit. On From the Heart is the type of trash that fucking morons wanted to make which is why it bankrupted his rotund ass.

Kurosawa's Ran came out in 85 you retard.

Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

>Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot
Please don't tell people you actually think this.

Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

Lucas only supported Kurosawa because Star Wars ripped off The Hidden Fortress.

>tfw Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out faggot

I guess Akira Kurosawa's ghost made Dreams (1990) because the real Akira Kurosawa died before Star Wars came out.

I wanna fuck Rarity dead

The fuck do I care.

Kurosawa was George's phantom menace

Time screen for movies was replaced by videogames. And time screen for videogames is getting replaced by social medias. Shit happens.

It's a lot like how Donald Trump could never become president.

> Film INDUSTRY implosion
Good? Yes, please? Sooner, rather than later?

Avatar gave us 3D fad, what will Avatar 2 bring?

Smell-o-vision, feet movies will be the next fad.

>good profit
>have only done so because studios use insurance tricks to hedge against their own flops

Righto fucko

>after writer's guild strike and due to nepotism and producer fucklery films drastically degrade in quality
>studios decide to go safe route instead of trying to use quality scripts
>safe route results in bland CGI cashgrab explosionfests
>still expect people to pay 14$ a ticket for this shit in the digital era
>people start pirating
>somehow this is our fault



>minorities and women get roles
yes, the end of an industry

>pander publically, socially and through casting to minority segments of the population that spend the least money on your industry while pushing that you need less of the segment that spends the most (white males)
>surprised your industry is tanking


Gerj Luke is

These coots are right. Name ONE good major film from the past 5 year. There are none!

b-b-ut muh Revenant

there were alot.