When are white's going to stop murdering people?

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That's it I'm voting for #BunkerHillShill

>Saint Petersburg
>white shooter in a majority white city in a majority white country

When are niggers going to stop murdering people?

Seems to me the more important fact is that he was clearly a balding, sexually-frustrated beta male who shot a hot female star he was tired of jerking off to.

Yet another Elliot. The beta uprising seems to be a one-at-a-time thing. Ban assault betas.

>pathetic facial hair

all he's missing is the glasses

>Saint Petersburg

Fucking russians.


his country records search doesn't work


Reddit user spotted, the letter icon at the top is from the Reddit app.

Florida. Fucking Indonesia.

I guess I'm a #GaryBadger now

Not THAT St. Petersburg

Is this some kind of big news? If so, why?

Nothing to see move along

If Virginia Tech happened this year, would libs defend Cho?

There is literally nothing wrong with anything she says.

You must be a reddit user to know that

OK, then why don't we ever hear about shootings in majority black cities and neighborhoods then?
Sup Forums BTFO!




reddit expert spotted


The fucks a Reddit anyway?

It's harsh, but it isn't mocking. She, as a 12/10, can be as picky as she wants.

Florida Man strikes again

It's a gay porn site

We get reports on the sun rising every morning, we get those reports because the sun rising is actually less reliable than black on black crime, which we don't need reports for

I find it kind of amazing he was able to off himself while in a struggle with the brother


What an ugly fucking bastard. This whole honestly made me feel sad. Just a qt trying to sing, and some balding sack of shit killed her.
Is he related to this guy?

Nope, just gay.

The only way to stop this madness is to get a waifu in every bed!

What leftist don't understand is that he is not pure European. You can see it in his eyes, he great grandparents fucked a nigger and his genes are completly polluted

If there aren't pictures of him online dressed up like a tranny faggot the media are going to have a field day with this moron.

why would a guy thats over 6 feet want to date a midget?

Don't lump the Dorner in with those criminals.

When we have some fucking common sense gun control. I'm sick of all these God damn unnecessary murders

Oh please..........

What are Chicago and Detroit's murder numbers this week, fool?

>a black just killed another black as I was typing this

>When are white's going to stop murdering people?
When there are none left.

I use sunrise time reports to know how long I can take pictures of galaxies and shit. Maybe if there was a use to knowing when nogs are killing each other

Based white man killing off nucuck liberals.

One less meximuslim sympathizer.


It's yet another example how the jews are winning


>Be over 6'
>Wanting to breed with a midget producing midget offspring
Why are women retarded?

non-whites are too genetically stupid to achieve a first-world civilised developed society with a 'high quality of life' for themselves, which is why they all want to live in our white countries

When there are no more fucking ugly people, he couldn't get any.

I got a surplus and I'm happy as fuck.

Exactly, everyone should be required to go through concealed carry training and carry a pistol to prevent attacks like this

> 4" 11

What a fucking dwarf lmao. I'd ask her if she could tell me the nearest road to Ironforge is.

Dorner is white though

Christopher "Can't Corner" Dorner is a hero.

She's a fucking midget, of course he would want a tall guy

She would**

Polish educations

>suspect who shot

wow nice, glad they stopped pretending that you're innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers

>so desperate to find counter-examples that some of the pictures are in black and white

Don't troible the loibl

Literally one is in black and white, and the dude is insanely chinky, named gang lu even

Fuck i love short chicks and i fit most of that criteria, except... the height

>tfw 5'10 manlet

He shot her in front of a bunch of people and then shot himself. It was pretty obvious that he did it

Blacks killing each other in droves, nobody bats an eye. One white guy kills someone and everyone loses their minds!

Never, its why we're dominant.

Found the virgin loser.

>St Petersburg

fucking russians

Jesus fuck thats even manlet status for a girl

skisłem xd

I know it was a white male because bafter the newsguy on the radio said it was a white male, he went to a police spokesman who confirmed it was a white male.

They didn't say black male. They didnt say Hispanic male. They didn't say 'male of middle eastern descent'.

They just went ahead and threw that race qualifier there unbidden this early in the investigation. There's no fucking way they would have came out and said "A black male shot the karaoke champion, now here's the cops...""...well, apparantly a black male shot the karaoke chick, more updates to come".

Shit makes me angry and sick. Where do you get money ro write about these obvious injustices? So tired of preaching to the choir, and I honestly believe normal people couldn't help but be affected when confronted with obvious truth.

If you read the name, and proceed to keep reading, you should kys.

>inb4 found the manlet
I'm 6'1
>inb4 6'1 is the new manlet
Piss off

i smell beta uprising

Yeah but if we did the same thing with white shooters it wouldn't even fit in a .jpeg

That's the difference cuckwad

>20 years old
>All those creases already in her face and under her eyes

She's cute, but not a fucking 12/10. Damn man, get out more

He has no social media presence either. All very strange.

What makes that guy ugly? I can tell he's ugly, but j can't place exactly why.

Triggered, manlets?


Beady eyes

Shit facial hair

It's funny that the deciding factors can usually be changed so easily. Facial structure isn't even that important

the black men were scapegoated, there has never been a recorded incident of a black person committing murder, or any violent crime for that matter, black people are filled will peace and love for fellow man.


Doner is a hero

ever hear of holograms you massive faggot?

You realise nigger commit half the gun murders in the united states

Also we need to ban the fucking leafs

I know man. And idk.

What can you do...Vote Trump start the deportations or we need a mass migration out of this shithole country


I look forward to this day.

"Even with the multiple conversations and ambient noise I heard Officer Magana call an indivdual a nigger again. Now that I had confirmed it, I told Magana not to use that word again. I explained that it was a well known offensive word that should not be used by anyone. He replied, “I’ll say it when I want”. Officer Burdios, a friend of his, also stated that he would say nigger when he wanted.

>At that point I jumped over my front passenger seat and two other officers where I placed my hands around Burdios’ neck and squeezed. I stated to Burdios, “Don’t fucking say that”. At that point there was pushing and shoving and we were separated by several other officers.

>What I should have done, was put a Winchester Ranger SXT 9mm 147 grain bullet in his skull and Officer Magana’s skull."

During the BOR, the department attempted to label me unsuccessfully as a bully. They stated that I had bullied a recruit, Abraham Schefres, in the academy when in reality and unfounded disposition from the official 1.28 formal complaint investigation found that >I was the one who stood up for Abraham Schefres when other recruits sang nazi hitler youth songs about burning Jewish ghettos in WWII Germany where his father was a survivor of a concentration camp.

>How fucking dare you attempt to label me with such a nasty vile word."

6'4" master race here. I wouldn't touch this 4'11" twatlet.

>some tall sad virgin spent time on making this profile just so he can humiliate manlets

if trip$ it was a set up to end concealed carry.

Cool story

It's in Dorner's manifesto

Remember that time when active shooter - murder suicide happened at ucla, three victims. Saw famous celebrities comment on it, people all over america were losing their shit over it, trending in twitter with more than one million tweets, FBI at the place, news sites all over the world reporting on it. Then it was found out a muslim did it. And then nobody heard from it ever again.

7'6" master race here. Anything below 7'5" is manlet tier and you should probably kill yourself.

gingers are even less human than niggers

LOL, is this what a 27 year old Floridan looks like?

He was an operator

so what does she have to do with anything?

jesus christ, topkek

>"w-where's the road nearest to ironforge haha"
>"n-nevermind haha"