What am i?
What am i?
Adam Smith
t. never read any of Adam Smith
What am I?
Rand Paul
A person i wouldn't hate.
OP. Hence, you are a faggot.
pls no bully :(
A colossal faggot.
just like me... a right-wing fascist who loves the free market
The fuck happened Sup Forums
I thought you guys were cool
If you aren't promoting free market, you are for slow technological progression which is a degenerate stand to take.
Master race
>A FUCKING LEAF making coherent posts
Amen brother.
Mein negro
Reasonable but not hard against degenerates.
probably the first realistic compass meme I've ever seen
Degeneracy can't be stopped by government intervention, as much as we'd all like.
The government are arguably already, the most degenerate of us all.
Blind leading the lost
Please help me. I used to be purple, but I guess that's changed since I want the government to stay out of our shit, schools to teach kids how to get jobs, and kids to stay in school.
True, but creating a social structure where it is discouraged is possible.
a-am I red pilled, Sup Forums?
Lolbertarians OUT
> Managed to narrowly miss being an edgy faggot
After all the time I've spent on this site, it feels pretty fucking good.
Either a classcuck or very rich
>tfw I'm on the line of fucking commie, fucking nazi, and not a fucking moron
>this shit thread again
Too frei
Mein neger
This! Though I would take off the blue, red an green part.
>all these cucks
>Edgy faggot
I mean, I won't deny it
I couldn't get that score if I tried.
I'm not communist but fuck. I think I should be more to the right.
This test is designed to pull you more to the left.
Communists are in the bottom left, not top left. Read more Marx m8.
I'm an anarchist wtf
Na, you're a classical liberal/"right libertarian".
What the hell am I then?
I meant that I identify as anarchist, but this test pulled me up
I'm okay with this.
its a good start
/poll/ help me become my true nazi self again.
come at me bros
Is this respectable?
A true American
My other shitty test thingy
Ron Paul fanboy, I think
>anything other than nationalist authoritarian
You are commie swine who probably hates America.
I love America, that's why I believe in the ideals that my nation was founded on.
What am I?
master race
Not an argument, is what you are
Probably Adam Smith or Thomas Jefferson
Thank you Turk.
Literally me
You should've statyed swine
Reminder that purple and green are the only tenable positons
Go back to Nuit Debout with the bobo faggot.
Social democrat or left wing nationalist (like Mugabe) I'd guess. I've seen some traditional Catholics in that area too, they tend to lean left economically but right wing socially.
I see.
Now where did I leave my chopper. . .
where my illuminati bros at