>In order to more fully evaluate our position if Bill Murray again declines to engage on “Ghostbusters”, AG requested that we identify “aggressive” litigation counsel with whom we can consult to evaluate our alternatives and strategize.
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Have a bump while I read
>From: Steinberg, David
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these.
Sup Forums was right again
>From: Steinberg, David
Well, I'm back.
Lots of (((names))) of certain (((backgrounds)))
>Steinberg, David
Leave Bill the fuck alone you fucking kike
What could they possibly sue him over?
>Personally, while I’m fine with aggressive, I think we are in much worse shape if this goes public so seems to me we should look for someone who isn’t seeking the spotlight.
Well now it is public
>Steinberg, David
after installing coincidence detector, i have no idea which echos people add or the script does.
they are everywhere on the net now
They'll get rid of them eventually
In the end, you'll still have the add on
Tfw jewish and Sup Forums made question everything.
>jews don't conspire to do evil things behind closed doors
People who say this need to off themselves
When is Sup Forums ever wrong?
i just cant believe how many their are
>Steinberg, David
Nothing to see here.
Look at him. He doesn't want to fucking be there.
That's what I was thinking. But fuck, a team of kikes will find always find a way to sue/undermine/fuck over anyone who doesn't do what they want.
do u guys think judd apatow and paul feig and et al will tweet about dis?????
Unless they plan on branding themselves permanently, you have nothing to worry about
The goys that are doing it will 100% remove them eventually though, so you can assume the kikes will too
This is old news
Whatever you question, don't question the God breathed book.
Jesus fuck that was a painfully unfunny scene. This is literally the scene picked for being the most memorable and catching """""comedy""""" of the film...
Poor guy
Don't be like the rest of your filthy kind then... just like when I talk to a 'redpilled' black man that hates niggers. I commend them for seeing the light and doing what's right to not be a kike/nigger/spic/white trash etc
i just cant believe how many jews there are
I didn't get anything like that out of those emails. It definitely sounds shady, but I didn't read anything that implied "Bill Murray will go to jail if he doesn't promote this movie".
>In order to more fully evaluate our position if Bill Murray again declines to engage on “Ghostbusters”, AG requested that we identify “aggressive” litigation counsel with whom we can consult to evaluate our alternatives and strategize.
Litigation against whom? For what? And litigation doesn't carry criminal penalties AFAIK, it's just a lawsuit. That means the intended to sue him or an entity related to him. Maybe he had a contract of some kind and didn't fulfill it.
Apparently he signed a contract many years ago to be in a third movie if it was ever happening. Bill Murray doesn't really read shit before he signs it (source: the Garfield movie)
Poor Bill
Why couldn't they just let him rest in piece?
Some one save Bill pls
I still love you, medpack.
Based CommunismKills, would fug
>you will never fuck a chubby-breasted Ashkenazi while listening to Skrewdriver
Kimochi warui.
Guys, this is not about promoting the movie, this is about him being in the movie at all.
Hence the reasons why the emails were from 2013
I'm trying to see how "Jew lawyer" isn't actually an incredibly mainstream meme. What is to be right about, this isn't exactly a redpill at this point.
whoever saw this sjw shit coming
(((((Steinberg, David)))))
>it was only cuz I knew these girls were funny
Zero conviction behind that statement. He clearly identifies them as talentless "female comedians" that are queefing all over part of his legacy.
The Kikes are the most tribal group on the planet, it shouldn't really be a surprise
It's why there are so many in such high positions in society
If they have a choice between helping a goy and helping another Jew, they WILL pick the jew every time.
Given enough time, they've been able to piggyback off each other into every high position in business, media, and government.
Anyone wanna give the Cliff Notes? I don't go on that shit because it probably puts you on a Black List.
Have you seen him promote the movie though? Poor guy has the please god kill me now and end my suffering look on his face in every interview.
coincidence detector isn't even needed.
once you become a 33rd level Sup Forumsster you will recognize Jewish last names(and first names like Benjamin and Joshua) instinctively, if you have any doubts just google it and you're most likely gonna find a Jew
>In order to more fully evaluate our position if Bill Murray again declines to engage on “Ghostbusters”, AG requested that we identify “aggressive” litigation counsel with whom we can consult to evaluate our alternatives and strategize. [Harkening back to his prior employer, of course, raised the name of DAVID BOIES.]
>David Boies
>created his own firm, now known as Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
This is a heavy hitting law firm.
>post on pol
>think you arent already on a list
Shady kikes doing their usual kikery
You don't have to be one of the bad ones.
>From: Steinberg, David
you are already on several m8
>not knowing that everyone is on a list
How did you do on your finals? Man, it's hot out! Are you ready for college Timmy?
>From: Steinberg, David
er.. sauce?
Yea, you could be one of the good ones
Do you use a proxy? Do you think it will affect employment prospects?
>David Steinberg, the Sony studio's chief legal eagle, emailed Leah Weil, its general counsel, in October 2013 in order to identify an "aggressive litigation counsel" to use legal means again Murray, The Daily Beast reported.
Do as we say or we'll sue you
oh shit! Sup Forums
>Copyright: Our attorneys have litigated some of the most important and high profile copyright cases since the Supreme Court's 1984 decision in Sony Corp. v. Universal Studios, Inc. For example, we represented the file sharing service Napster in its landmark lawsuit with various record companies.
Where does it say anything about a prison sentence?
I wish Sup Forums would stop making shit up. It deligitimizes the entire argument.
>someone hand me a fucking gun
that entire video was JUST
this is like a bizarro planet
this is just so stupid and weird, the whole world has gone crazy
I just don't know wtf is happening in this world, i start to think the mandela-conspiracy people have a point
>to have the funds to do this
>Jews rub their hands while scheming to fuck over the white man behind closed doors
The usual
haha the new X-men is a good example. had to walk out on that shit. Jewneto and his clan of millennials, and bull shit about no more world powers and other globalist bullshit. It was actually horrifying and the theatre was packed with people that totally were enjoying it.
Fucking kek. What's the context in this pic?
There aren't. There are probably 10 to 11 cities that have a larger population than the total kike population.
Why is this new ghoastbusters movie being shilled on all fronts? I was watching the NBA game last night and there was a commercial with Kobe promoting this movie. Why is this single movie getting all kinds of attention? What's so special about this film? We need to break it down and find out what the fuss is about.
Fuck off. Only edgy faggots actually think all Jews are bad or think that the holocaust was the persecution of all Jews. Thousands of Jews and people with Jewish ancestry served in the Wehrmacht and even some in the SS. The Jews who did get sent off to camps were usually those associated with communist partisans or the small number of German Jews who were also communists. Jews and people of Jewish descent who proved their loyalty to the Reich were not persecuted
You didn't know Jews controlled Hollywood? This isn't just some Sup Forums tier conspiracy crap, it's a known fact.
its typical white male replacement bullshit
replace white males with some ugly dikes and a nigger. its suppose to be a microcosm of western society today
and clearly they are dead or in hiding. The good jews that is. That means the good jews are gone, motherfucker.
no clue
Dude, this shit is six months old. Move out of the sticks, will ya?
It was pretty clearly a joke you thin skinned nigger, calm down
>Born the son of Yasha, a strict, Romanian-born rabbi, and Ruth Steinberg in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, David initially studied theology in Israel.[1][2] Later, while studying English Literature at the University of Chicago, he decided to become a comedian after seeing Lenny Bruce perform.
Is this what people mean when they say
>Sup Forums is satire
Because either this is stupid satire your you're just stupid.
>posting on Sup Forums without a proxy
Wtf are you doing?
I don't know what was more painful to watch, the movie clip or the interview.
The Firm also actively participates and supports numerous minority organizations and forums, including:
American Bar Association's National Conference for the Minority Attorney
Asian-American Bar Association of New York
Black Law Student Association (BLSA) at Stanford University
Capital District Black and Hispanic Bar Association
Cuban American Bar Association
DuPont Minority Corporate Counsel Conference
Hispanic National Bar Association
Minority Corporate Counsel Association
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association
National Bar Association
National Women's Law Center
New York City Bar Association's Annual Diversity Conference
New York Women's Bar Association
Pace Women's Justice Center
Westchester County Women's Bar Association
He's clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation, and apparently it isn't even because of the cast.
Damn Bill, you don't deserve this.
Yeah, so funny those women are. So very funny.
Dumpster diving I guess?
This story isn't important goyi... I mean guys! It's old and irrelevant
t. kike shill
No shit its a joke, it's a stupid one though that does more to discredit the National Socialists than anything else. It's just like when the media perpetuates the Neo-Nazi image, or Jewish Oligarchs in the Ukraine fund and arm Neo-Nazi fighters. In this case it's just something which is ingrained in people so that you can't have a decent conversation about National Socialism, Jews, or the holocaust.
>litigation = prison
Law in the hands of stupid people.
For breach of contract he might be liable for returning some small amount of monetary compensation and potential loss of rights, but that's about it.
>studio heads of the past had the good sense to showcase handsome and athletic aryans in their product
Searching a hospital dumpster for foreskins
Thank you Mr shekelstein
>caring about image and being discredited on fucking Sup Forums
You're retarded
Good to know